
Ten revenge movies that fight violence with violence and retaliate with tit-for-tat, which makes people feel extremely cool

author:Young beep

1. Sin City

is an action film based on Frank Miller's comic of the same name, directed by Robert Rodriguez, Frank Miller and Quentin Tarantino, released in the United States on April 1, 2005.

The film tells three stories: Sin City, The Big Fat Kill and That Yellow Bastard. All three stories take place in a fictional city, Sin City, where the bishop, senators, and policemen are the root of the crime, and he has a one-night stand with the beautiful woman Goddy, whose beauty and tenderness make him feel redeemed and make him feel the "love" from women for the first time. But when MARV woke up in the middle of the night, he found that Goddy, who was sleeping next to him, had been killed. But he became the subject of police pursuit. Mary embarks on a journey of revenge in order to catch the real culprit who killed Goddy.

Vertically falling raindrops and rapidly rising virtual shots turn the entire dark city into a few blood-red letters of "Sin City". Lonely, lost, the capital of love and primal desire, it tells us in a violent cinematic language and a unique way of imagery that this is a near-perfect film between cult and enterprise in 2005.

Ten revenge movies that fight violence with violence and retaliate with tit-for-tat, which makes people feel extremely cool

Sin City

2. Gladiator

It is an action film produced by DreamWorks, directed by Ridley Scott and starring Russell Crowe, Jacqueline Phoenix, Connie Nelson, etc., and released in the United States on May 1, 2000.

The film tells the story of Commodius who ordered the murder of Maximus' wife and children after usurping the throne, after which Maximus was trained as a gladiator and successfully took revenge.

It's an epic movie of grandeur. It recreates the glory of the Roman Empire and the tall image of Roman heroes through sophisticated production, and compared with other epic films, the film does not dwell too much on historical details and religious topics, but conveys the theme of peace through Maximus's tragic story. Ridley Scott uses his deep directing skills to create such a tragic story full of tension; the majestic arena, the magnificent war, the brave heroes show a different charm and heavy texture under ridley Scott's lens.

Ten revenge movies that fight violence with violence and retaliate with tit-for-tat, which makes people feel extremely cool


3. The Revenant

Based on the novel by Michael Penker, it is a drama film directed by Alessandro Gonzalez Iñárritu, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hardy, Will Poulter, Domnar Gleason, Paul Anderson, etc., released in the United States in 2015, for which Leonardo DiCaprio won the 88th Academy Award for Best Actor.

The story tells the story of a fur hunter in the 19th century who is injured by a bear and snatched away by other hunters and abandoned in the wilderness, and the hunter begins to take revenge after surviving a painful miracle.

The "sense of barbarism" made by this film is admirable, the film is too cruel, the language of the very beautiful lens, it is an incredible movie, and every actor in the film performs very well!

Ten revenge movies that fight violence with violence and retaliate with tit-for-tat, which makes people feel extremely cool

Wilderness Hunter

4. "Blue Ruins"

The thriller film, written and directed by Jeremy Solnier and starring Macon Blair, Amy Hargreaves, Devin Ratray, was released in the United States on April 25, 2014.

The film tells the story of Dwight (McCann Blair), a homeless man whose parents were killed years ago by a man named Wade Krieland (Kevin Kolack). When Dwight learns of Wade's release from prison, his revenge begins. However, things didn't go as smoothly as planned, and he had to think about how to protect his sister from Wade.

The film integrates punk and rock elements into the framework of genre films, and the plot is clever. This dirty and funny little-budget film brings a whole new perspective to the revenge genre. The heavy black fate shook the heart.

Ten revenge movies that fight violence with violence and retaliate with tit-for-tat, which makes people feel extremely cool

Blue ruins

5. "Life and Death Sniper"

is an action, espionage film by Paramount Pictures, directed by Anthony Fuquia, starring Mark Wahlberg, Kate Mara, Michael Pena, and Danny Glover, released in China on May 11, 2007.

The film tells the story of Bob acting as a stealth sniper to protect the president in a street speech, and on the day of the speech, the venue is suddenly attacked by gunmen and the bishop of Ethiopia next to the president is killed. Bob is hunted down by the police as an assassin, and the only way out is to find the real culprit behind the scenes and clear his name.

In the same type of film, it should be said that it is outstanding, and the visual shots and scenes of the film are in place, reflecting the cruelty of flesh and blood in the war, which is worth watching.

Ten revenge movies that fight violence with violence and retaliate with tit-for-tat, which makes people feel extremely cool

Life and death sniper

6. "Four Brothers"

It is an action film directed by John Singerton and starring Mark Wahlberg, Teres Gibson, Andre Benjamin, garnett Hedland, and released in the United States on August 12, 2005.

The film tells the story of four unrelated brothers who return to the underworld to avenge their mother after their adoptive mother was killed, and the four brothers unite as one, although they also return to the cost of blood, and finally uncover the secret behind the murder and punish the murderer of their mother.

The film is rated R-rated by a combination of violent scenes and restrictive language, and is generally viewed by young men between the ages of 18 and 25, but the film was supported by more than half of the female audience after its release.

Ten revenge movies that fight violence with violence and retaliate with tit-for-tat, which makes people feel extremely cool

Four brothers

7. Law-abiding Citizen

A crime film directed by F. Gary Gray, starring Jamie Fox and Gerald Butler, it was re-released in the United States in 2009.

The film tells the story of Clyde Sheldon's wife and lovely daughter, who are hacked and maimed by two mob break-ins, but due to the pedantic judicial process and the fall of Assistant Executive Nick Reese, the first offender, Clarence Dobby, is only sentenced to 10 years in prison due to insufficient evidence, and 10 years later, with great hatred, Clyde begins to plan revenge.

This film is the latest work directed by F. Gary Gray, the director of Ace vs. Ace, and it also adopts the mode of confrontation between the two males, and much of the tension in the film comes from the tense contest between the two protagonists. When Gerald Butler and Jamie Fox confront each other in prison, although there are no exciting action scenes, the film reaches its climax at this point. This is the unique feature of "Law-abiding Citizen" and the test for the two main actors.

Ten revenge movies that fight violence with violence and retaliate with tit-for-tat, which makes people feel extremely cool

Law-abiding citizens

8. Revenge of the Fast

is an action film released by CBS and starring Dawn Johnson, Billy Bob Thornton, Oliver Jason-Cohen, and Carla Guccino, directed by George Tillman Jr., and released in the United States on November 24, 2010.

It tells the story of Drayvo's revenge on his brother's killer after 10 years in prison.

As a small-cost investment film, the director used a simple script to tell a complex story about the changes in human nature. From the beginning to the end, the lines do not have a single nonsense, that is, revenge, but unexpectedly produced a rather pure film masterpiece.

Ten revenge movies that fight violence with violence and retaliate with tit-for-tat, which makes people feel extremely cool

Swift revenge

9. "Kill Bill"

Directed by Quentin Tarantino and starring Uma Thurman, Liu Yuling, Shinichi Chiba and others, the film was released in North America in 2003.

It tells the story of a bride who was assassinated at her own wedding, and the wedding instantly turned a mess of red. Fortunately, the bride did not disappear, but woke up four years later, received intense training in various martial arts, and began to embark on her own path of revenge.

Under the control of the director, although the film is full of flesh and blood, it is because of the director's unapologetic attitude towards violence and the near-perfect refinement of the camera language that dissolves the nightmarish violent display, while the director's persistent time structure and the narrative appeal of the fragment puzzle make it unforgettable.

Ten revenge movies that fight violence with violence and retaliate with tit-for-tat, which makes people feel extremely cool

Kill Bill

10. "Fast Pursuit"

it is an action thriller co-directed by David Rydge and Chad Starrsky, starring Keanu Reeves, William Dafoe and Michael Enqvist, and released in the United States on October 24, 2014.

It is about a retired killer whose wife has died of cancer and left the dog he and his wife left behind. Just as Wick is just beginning to adjust to life, a group of gangsters led by Tel Sove (Alfie Allen) break into his home, steal a Ford classic car, and kill the dog left for him by his deceased wife. This made Wick unbearable, and he went all the way to New York to seek revenge on the gang.

The film is a well-defined, crisp and crisp genre film, a bright spot in the action movie world that is now dominated by overly complex films, allowing you to enjoy the kind of decisive, crisp and extremely violent fun.

Ten revenge movies that fight violence with violence and retaliate with tit-for-tat, which makes people feel extremely cool

Chase and kill

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