
The father complained that his daughter had usurped his salary card, and the son-in-law: After the mother-in-law died, the father-in-law changed more than a dozen nannies

author:Lu Mengmeng's emotions

Knowing that the mediation team was coming, Lao Zhang, the help-seeker, was waiting at the entrance of the village early.

Lao Zhang told the mediator that he was 88 years old this year.

In this life, he only has two children, his daughter married in the next village, and his son went to Urumqi to settle down.

And his wife died more than 20 years ago.

He has always loved freedom, and he doesn't want to be constrained by anyone or anything, so he chooses to live alone.

Both his daughter and son called him to live with him, but he refused.

While talking to the mediator, I have come to the place where Lao Zhang lives.

At this glance, the mediator was a little surprised, it is rare to see such a house with a sense of age.

Lao Zhang said that the house is indeed dilapidated, but it can still be lived, he doesn't care whether the house is new or not, as long as he is comfortable.

This house was built in 1977 as a tiled house, and other people's houses were torn down and rebuilt with new houses, but their family has always been kept.

The mediator asked him, what is the purpose of asking for help?

The father complained that his daughter had usurped his salary card, and the son-in-law: After the mother-in-law died, the father-in-law changed more than a dozen nannies

Lao Zhang sighed, and when he said it, it made people helpless and angry.

Originally, he lived a good life alone, with free time and free salary cards.

However, in recent months, he has not been able to make his salary card free.

At this time, Lao Zhang suddenly complained that his daughter had usurped his salary card.

The mediator asked again, why did his daughter suddenly take away his salary card?

Lao Zhang replied that a few months ago, he accidentally knocked his leg, and his daughter was not at ease, so he took him to live at his daughter's house for a few months.

He has a pension every month, and he doesn't want to burden his daughter, so he temporarily hands over his salary card and ID card for his daughter to keep safe.

He has a pension of 4,200 yuan a month, and his daughter receives as much as he spends at his daughter's house.

After his leg was healed, he didn't want to continue to stay at his daughter's house, bothering his daughter, he was not used to living alone, and he still lived comfortably in the family's nest.

After a few months away, he was homesick.

He packed his things and asked his daughter to take him home.

But he didn't want to, when he asked for the salary card back, his daughter didn't give it.

He felt that his daughter was disrespecting his father by doing this, it was his money, not his daughter's money, and his daughter should not take his card.

How much money he has and how he spends it is at his disposal, and no one else has the right to dictate, including his daughter and son.

Going against the wishes of the old man, making the old man unhappy, thinking about the salary card all day long and not getting it, the daughter is not filial.

The father complained that his daughter had usurped his salary card, and the son-in-law: After the mother-in-law died, the father-in-law changed more than a dozen nannies

Although his daughter didn't let him go hungry and gave him 800 yuan a month as pocket money, he still felt that he was the most practical to get a card.

Sometimes, he even wants to pick up the rags and earn money again.

When he was young, he was a coal miner, working hard and at high risk, and his life was lost.

Having a good pension is something he has worked hard for, and when he is old, he should enjoy his old age and spend the money in his salary card freely.

The daughter didn't return it, obviously eyeing his money and wanting to swallow it.

The mediator felt that he could not listen to one side of the story, so he had to meet Lao Zhang's daughter and listen to what her daughter said.

So, Lao Zhang took people to the place where his daughter worked.

Who knows, when Lao Zhang found his daughter with the mediator, the daughter left in disguise and rode in a hurry without saying a word.

This scene, the mediator looked stupid, she had never encountered this situation, she didn't have time to ask!

Seeing his daughter Daqing running away, Lao Zhang's hands trembled angrily, gritted his teeth and said, this unfilial rebel girl, he turned around and went to his daughter to make trouble.

The mediator hurriedly reassured the old man, don't get excited, this time he came to help him solve the problem, there must be another way.

There's no need to mess with your daughter, you have to make trouble, and both father and daughter have become enemies.

Daughter Daqing's colleague said that she also knew something about Daqing's family, and Daqing did not want to take the old man's money.

It's just that Daqing is afraid to face Lao Zhang at the moment, so he left in a hurry.

Just when the mediator was confused, Daqing's husband Xiao Yong, the old man's son-in-law, came to the scene.

Son-in-law Xiao Yong explained that with his wife's current physical condition, she did not dare to see her father-in-law.

She has a thyroid tumor and doesn't want her father-in-law to worry, so his wife keeps it a secret.

In fact, the wife was too worried, and the father-in-law didn't care about his wife's condition at all, and he didn't even ask.

The father-in-law forced his wife to hand over her salary card many times, and the wife was really anxious, which was a shock to the wife.

The father complained that his daughter had usurped his salary card, and the son-in-law: After the mother-in-law died, the father-in-law changed more than a dozen nannies

Even if his wife wanted to come, he wouldn't let her come.

He is responsible for everything.

If there is anything going on, if there is a problem, if he knows, he will tell it all.

Or, it is okay to contact your wife by phone, as long as you don't meet in person.

The mediator felt strange, the old man just wanted to get his salary card back, why did he frighten his daughter Daqing?

In order to have a good chat, they returned to the old house where Lao Zhang lived.

At this time, the son-in-law Xiaoyong opened his mouth to explain that his wife was accepting the old man's card for the good of the old man.

The old man's money, they won't spend a penny.

Their family is not short of this money, their daughter is angry, and her monthly salary is 60,000 yuan, if there is any difficulty, her daughter will help them, and she doesn't need to use her father-in-law's money at all.

The wife gave her father-in-law 800 yuan every month, and the 800 yuan was just the old man's pocket money, and other things in the old man's house, and the wife bought them for the old man out of her own pocket.

From time to time, he would come over to deliver food to his father-in-law.

The father complained that his daughter had usurped his salary card, and the son-in-law: After the mother-in-law died, the father-in-law changed more than a dozen nannies

My father-in-law doesn't lack anything, so he doesn't need to worry about money.

A few days ago, in order to force his wife to hand over her salary card, the father-in-law lost his mind and strangled his wife's neck, which was terrible.

This incident really scared my wife.

The mediator contacted Daqing by phone, and Daqing said that her father not only choked her neck, but also put a lot of cruel words.

The father told his old friend that if he saw her daughter, he would have to break her leg.

However, as a daughter, she can't deal with an eighty-eight-year-old father, so she can only choose to avoid it for the time being.

If he hadn't been her father, she wouldn't have gotten any more.

Lao Zhang didn't admit it, he didn't pinch his daughter's neck, it was his daughter, how could he hurt her.

Who saw it, and who has the evidence?

This is just a lie made up by the daughter and son-in-law who do not want to return the salary card.

Xiao Yong shook his head, not wanting to argue with his father-in-law, but just called relatives and friends.

The father complained that his daughter had usurped his salary card, and the son-in-law: After the mother-in-law died, the father-in-law changed more than a dozen nannies

Soon, a group of people came to the scene.

Lao Zhang's niece and daughter-in-law said, there is indeed such a thing, that day Sister Daqing came to deliver food to the old man.

Brother-in-law Xiao Yong called his sister several times, but no one answered the phone, he immediately felt that something was wrong and rushed over by bicycle.

She saw her brother-in-law's panicked expression, and she also followed over to take a look, this look scared her, Sister Daqing was choked by the old man's neck.

After Sister Daqing was saved, there were still some black and blue marks on her neck.

If the brother-in-law comes late, the consequences are unimaginable.

However, the old man must have done such a thing impulsively.

Xiao Yong said that his father-in-law was indeed impulsive, and after he broke his father-in-law's hand, the old man gradually regained his senses, and when he saw that his wife's situation was wrong, his father-in-law also shouted to save people, save people.

The wife now has a big shadow in her heart, and she doesn't dare to enter the door of her father-in-law's house.

Lao Zhang's little nephew also said that the old man has a strange personality and will not admit that he has done something wrong.

When I asked afterwards, the old man said that he didn't know, he didn't remember, which made people speechless.

For the sake of the old man's old age, their juniors don't care about him, but the old man is really pitiful and hateful.

Seeing that the juniors said this, Lao Zhang didn't speak anymore.

Daqing said on the phone again that his father sometimes really gives people a headache, and a while ago, he kept asking her to buy him an electric car, or the kind of young man, saying that it is fast.

For the safety of the elderly, of course she would not buy this kind of electric car, so she bought an electric car that was safer and slower for the elderly to use.

However, my father was not satisfied and clamored for a change.

The father complained that his daughter had usurped his salary card, and the son-in-law: After the mother-in-law died, the father-in-law changed more than a dozen nannies

Lao Zhang said that his legs and feet are not very good, and if he goes to a farther place, he will definitely ride an electric car.

Originally, he had a fast electric car, which was very convenient for travel, but his daughter quietly sold it while he was not paying attention.

Of course he was very angry, he took the salary card and forgot it, and sold his electric car, if he didn't buy a new one for him, he would make trouble.

Then, his daughter casually bought a very slow old electric car to perfunctory him.

The elderly electric car is really too slow, it is inconvenient to travel, and his daughter even cares about this little thing, and he feels that he has no freedom.

Daqing said on the phone that she sold her father's previous electric car for the sake of her father's safety, and her father was eighty-eight years old.

The mediator believes that it is really unsafe for the elderly to ride that kind of fast electric car.

He is an old man at home, he doesn't need to go out every day, and there are not many places to use electric cars.

Even if you occasionally go to a farther place, it doesn't matter if you ride a slower bike, safety first.

Lao Zhang talked about other things again, but his daughter just didn't want to follow his wishes.

His previous nanny took care of him for six years, and he gave the nanny a salary of 1,300 yuan a month.

The daughter couldn't get used to this nanny, so she let the family go.

He is used to the care of this nanny and wants to get the nanny back as soon as possible, lest people find a job.

He guessed that his daughter withheld his salary card in order to prevent him from getting back to the nanny.

The father complained that his daughter had usurped his salary card, and the son-in-law: After the mother-in-law died, the father-in-law changed more than a dozen nannies

As a result, he has no money to hire a babysitter.

In the past few months, he has been protesting with his daughter while going out to find a nanny, and electric cars are too important for him.

Daqing explained that her father asked for a nanny, but she had no opinion, and the key was to find a nanny from a formal channel.

She didn't let her father's former nanny come back, for fear that her old father would be deceived, and this nanny's character was a bit problematic.

Before, she had no way to stop it, she could only turn a blind eye, but then her father's leg was knocked off, and she happened to have a chance to deal with this matter.

The nanny was old, her hands and feet were not clean, and she didn't know how much money she had stolen from her father.

Her father didn't dare to tell her, so he only complained to others, and others turned around and told her.

My father is getting older, and his brain is sometimes very confused, and he has a hundred dollars on him, and he doesn't know why he can't see it.

The father asked the nanny, who either kept silent or said that she had picked it up in the toilet.

also said that since she picked it up, the two of them scored half a score, which is enough to show that the nanny has a problem with her character.

Lao Zhang said that when people said that, it was just a joke, and they didn't really take away his money.

He has been a nanny here for six years, and he has no big loss, so how can he say that others are liars?

has a bad character and loves to steal money, but her daughter is guessing wildly, and there is not enough evidence.

Daqing continued on the phone that she also heard others relay her father's complaints.

Since her father was also suspicious of her, of course, it was safest not to use this nanny.

What's more, the nanny is old, not a few years younger than her father, she is an old man who needs to be taken care of, and she is still her father's nanny, which is really unreassuring.

If something happens to her at her father's house, they are still responsible.

The father complained that his daughter had usurped his salary card, and the son-in-law: After the mother-in-law died, the father-in-law changed more than a dozen nannies

After some twists and turns, the mediator found a nanny, who also looked to be an elderly person.

The old lady said that Lao Zhang is very good, and it is easier to do things in his house.

However, she didn't steal Lao Zhang's money, nor did she steal anything.

As for whether she will return to Lao Zhang's family as a nanny, it depends on what the people of Lao Zhang's family say, let it be, she doesn't force it.

Her children respect her choice and will not interfere with her freedom.

A relative of Lao Zhang said that Daqing has concerns, the nanny and the old lady are also old, and there is really a problem, and the old lady's family will make trouble, but it will not end well!

Lao Zhang's niece and daughter-in-law said that this is really a big problem, if the old lady accidentally falls, she will be paralyzed and sent to the hospital.

To put it more seriously, if you are admitted to the intensive care unit and spend tens of thousands of dollars a day, you are afraid to think about it.

My sister was right not to let the old lady come over.

Even if people say that they won't cheat money, or that they don't have to be responsible, they can't say accurately, they can't be easily trusted, and they can't take this risk.

Once, she also saw the old man taking care of the old lady, cooking and washing the dishes by himself.

Lao Zhang explained that the situation was special, the nanny had just been discharged from the hospital and was not feeling well, so he helped cook a few meals and brush the dishes and chopsticks a few times.

At the moment, the nanny is in good health and has no problem coming back to be a nanny.

Xiao Yong, as well as all the relatives and friends present, did not agree with Lao Zhang's statement.

Xiao Yong said, the old lady is still a little shaky when she walks, where can she be a nanny, and her body is not as tough as her father-in-law!

The father complained that his daughter had usurped his salary card, and the son-in-law: After the mother-in-law died, the father-in-law changed more than a dozen nannies

Everyone objected, and Lao Zhang no longer insisted, saying that he would not let the former nanny come.

It's just that his daughter still has to pay back his salary card.

Xiao Yong refused, did not give, as much pocket money as he wanted, they would give.

Since the death of his mother-in-law, his father-in-law has changed more than a dozen female nannies, and they are really not at ease in this situation.

I'm afraid that my father-in-law has been cheated of money, and it's not appropriate to find so many nannies, and I don't know if my father-in-law wants to find a nanny, or something else?

They proposed to find a male nanny for their father-in-law through formal channels, but the father-in-law disagreed.

I couldn't get the card, and I cried angrily.

In the end, under the coordination of the mediation team, Lao Zhang gave up the idea of getting his salary card back.

The daughter promised to find him another suitable day-shift nanny to cook for her father.

The father complained that his daughter had usurped his salary card, and the son-in-law: After the mother-in-law died, the father-in-law changed more than a dozen nannies

In the evenings, the husband and his maiden cousins would take turns to stay at the father's house and accompany the old father.

As for the money from the salary card, she can report to her father at any time.

Everyone said they had no opinion, and the matter was settled.

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