
What does Jia Rui and Wang Xifeng mean? Who is the skeleton behind the mirror? What is the truth of the Dream of the Red Chamber

author:Jiang Zi said ancient books
What does Jia Rui and Wang Xifeng mean? Who is the skeleton behind the mirror? What is the truth of the Dream of the Red Chamber

  Question: What do Jia Rui and Wang Xifeng Yunyu mean? Who is the skeleton behind the mirror? What is the truth of the Dream of the Red Chamber?

  Text/Jiang Zi shushu

  The next stone under the Qinggan Peak, once recorded the illusion and seal text, the moon will stone see "Stone Record"!

  Rong is Hua Xihua is Rong, the former Lord of the Mengxi Hall of Mushi, rouge dyes "Dream of the Red Chamber"!

  Sound energy two singers two mu, two jian wind and moon two flowers! With poetry passing on the history of stone ink, who knows the thrush zhao wind and current?

  The daughter who is not married will not be surrendered, and the last days will be loyal and righteous! At the time of the first time, the name was Tong Lingyu, and the surname was originally Qin.

  The source is Eryu playing Erbao, generous and elegant as a concubine, Rong Yuanning playing Yin Zhen, "胠箧", "Nanhua" continued "Zhuangzi"!

  - Preface to The Book of Stones

What does Jia Rui and Wang Xifeng mean? Who is the skeleton behind the mirror? What is the truth of the Dream of the Red Chamber

  In the story of "Dream of the Red Chamber", the author mentions vanilla and beauty many times, and then uses the heroine Lin Daiyu as the fairy concubine transformed by Daizhu Grass, what is the reason for this? Originally, the Chinese poet Zu Qu Yuan created a precedent for using vanilla beauty as a metaphor for the Ming Dynasty, and the author of "Dream of the Red Chamber" used this meaning to write "loyal and righteous people" with "daughter of the merry style". The daughter's death is an allusion to the author's tomb of Zhongyi, which must be known.

  When it comes to the characters in the book, Jia Zheng and Jia Baoyu are both naïve and messy people, and the three views of father and son are the same, and there is no barrier. If it is said that the elder politician is useless and does not ask about family affairs, why did the author write the Yuan Chun concubine on the day of Jia Zheng's birthday and open the prelude to the Grand View Garden? Politicians, the government of the country! The word Cun Zhou is a tribute to the sages!

  Jia Zheng led everyone to tour the Grand View Garden, asked questions everywhere, learned from the strengths of the people, and commented on the hidden characters in the courtyard, and even quietly used Baoyu as the protagonist of the singing stage to write the first spring of The Last Era of Zhu Ming.

  Jia Baoyuqiren, Lin Daiyu with the "silver pewter gun head" ironic metaphor, general tin lead alloy, weldable metal, can also make utensils, is the useless use of Zhuangzi, is not the tip of the gun coated with "wax" of the "silver wax gun tip", after all, Yuan Chun does not allow "green wax" to dye jade brothers, the author's wish.

  Dai Yu ju Xiao Xiang Hall, like a noble prince's study. The museum is a school, with poetry as history, and the study as the imperial city of Tianzi. The name of XiaoxiangGuan, Xu is derived from the Tang poetry "ZhuliGuan", which is actually "Zhu Lou". If we talk about the words of "Zhou Li" and "Zuo Chuan", I think it is like a guest residence in life, just like Dai Yu is in Jia Province.

What does Jia Rui and Wang Xifeng mean? Who is the skeleton behind the mirror? What is the truth of the Dream of the Red Chamber

  In the Thirty-first Year of zuo chuan xianggong, it is recorded that "it is to order the officials to complete the guest house." The Zhou Li records that "fifty miles are cities, and the city has pavilions... waiting for a guest of the Court".

  Yi Hongyuan has countless beards, red jade is always an outlier, but it is necessary to do more things for Yun'er to speak, to plant pine cypress in the Grand View Garden, who knows that the fire and wolf smoke respond, it is precisely the spiritual treasure jade lost in the north, just the so-called opening chapter: "The earth sinks to the southeast (the hidden thing, the heavens fall to the northwest also)!" The second master under the corridor is Xiao Hong, Zhu Ming's little one, Nan Ming also! How can a fool compare himself to a pine cedar, a sage, a "loyal man"? The sigh of baoyu, the world knows?

  (XiaoHong) just has a sentence back to the second master: Yesterday there was a Yun'er who came to find the second master. I thought that the second master could not be empty, so I called Ming Yan back to him, and told him to get up early this morning, not wanting the second master to go to the North Mansion again.

  What is the metaphor of eating venison and eating crab? Venison, one is the deer of the Central Plains, and the other is the meat of the beard! The crab bearer, the one who messes with the longitude and latitude, is the one who stirs up trouble, the one who eats the king and the grandson, the one who runs rampant, the one who troubles the family, and the one who makes wedding clothes for others!

  Why doesn't Lin Daiyu have a mouth blessing? Crabs are rampant, "yellow turbans" and "red eyebrows" are in charge, and the widows and changing clothes are exactly the scenes where King Heng died in battle and Dai Yu hanged himself.

  The real thing is hidden, the false language exists, and how to distinguish the true from the false? The author set up a side of the "Treasure Book of the Wind and Moon", and let Wang Xifeng wave at Jia Rui in the mirror, is it to warn the flesh and blood young man to study well, do not move this crooked thought?

What does Jia Rui and Wang Xifeng mean? Who is the skeleton behind the mirror? What is the truth of the Dream of the Red Chamber

  The lame Daoist: "This thing comes from the Ethereal Spirit Hall of the Illusory Realm, made by the Illusory Immortals, specializing in the treatment of the disease of evil thoughts and delusions, and has the ability to save the life of the world." So take him to the world, and take care of him alone with those smart and handsome masters, elegant kings and grandsons. Don't look at the front, only the back of him, it matters, it matters! After three days I will collect it, and the tube will call you well. ”

  The so-called police illusion system, saying that this book is originally an empty illusion, echoing the "Dream of the Red Chamber", is the words "Zhen Shiyin Dream Psychic", originally a dream that the author personally experienced, but it is true and true, the so-called "things are real".

  If you are clutching sorrow and joy, rising and falling, you will trace the traces, and dare not wear a little chisel, but in vain for the sake of the eyes of others and lose their true transmission.

  The so-called "do not look at the front", the viewer remembers, do not look at the front of this book, the party will look. So, what is the positive illusion? What is the opposite truth?

What does Jia Rui and Wang Xifeng mean? Who is the skeleton behind the mirror? What is the truth of the Dream of the Red Chamber

  Jia Rui closed the mirror and thought, "This Daoist priest has some meaning, why don't I try to take a picture." After thinking about it, he picked up the Wind Moon Jian and took a picture of the reverse, only to see a skeleton standing inside, scaring Jia Rui into covering up and scolding: Taoist, how to scare me! I'll take another look at what the front is. Thinking about it, he took another picture of the front, only to see Sister Feng standing inside waving at him. Jia Rui was overjoyed in his heart, and he felt that he had entered the mirror and had a look with Feng Jie Yunyu.

  Yunlong is writing about regime change. Why? The so-called dragon, the one who walks in the clouds as the rain, the one who turns his hand over the cloud and the hand that covers the hand as the rain, the emperor also! Cover the mirror, the truth is turned over, true and false is also turned over. What is the truth? The old monk of Zhitong Temple knew. What can the viewer see? Good to go! That's good! The establishment of this "Treasure Book of the Wind and Moon", with Jia Rui and Wang Xifengyun as the introduction, is just to lead the world to see the annotation of "Good Song" written by Zhen Shiyin, and the author is so hard thinking!

  Rongfu, Chongzhen the last days also! Before Ning and Rong had it, when the wat was full of beds, it was written about the Han Zhu family! It was once a song and dance venue, and it is a set of aftersounds of "Lamenting Jiangnan". Yesterday, the loess longtou sent white bones, white bones like mountains, is mourning jade, but also mourning Ming; Tonight the red light tent under the bottom of the Mandarin duck, welcome to the new to send death, the prince red makeup forgot the surname, is to write the public opinion map to change the manuscript.

What does Jia Rui and Wang Xifeng mean? Who is the skeleton behind the mirror? What is the truth of the Dream of the Red Chamber

  The land of broken hair, the country of flying heads, a "word of concubines", who knows that the anointing sorghum is flowing in the fireworks alley, and the civilian and military generals are all hanging their heads. Mess baking you party singing I debuted, is the chaotic world also! I think that my hometown is my hometown, my family is broken, and my country is changing!

  If you don't know why Jia Rui and Wang Xifeng have yunyu, when you see Jia Baoyu and Qin Keqing performing the ritual of Zhou Gong in their dreams. The former ended with Jarry's death, and the latter ended with Baoyu dragging the Night Fork Sea Ghost into the mystery, why not?

  Police Illusion Fairy Girl: "Then my sister, the one who has a milk name and a beautiful character, xu is matched with Ru." When the night is good, you can get married. "The treasure jade was in a trance, and according to the words of the police illusion, it was difficult to describe the matter of children. By the next day, he was tender and tender, and his soft words were warm, and he was inseparable from Ke Qing.

  Frontal beckoner, Wang Xifeng also, the smile of the newcomer; The skeleton on the back, Qin Keqing, the old man has passed away. The laughter of everyone from Xue Baochao to Wang Xifeng was for Huaijin, and the tears of everyone from Lin Daiyu to Qin Keqing were for mourning jade.

  The information in this article is mainly quoted from: "Dream of the Red Chamber" Cheng Gaoben, "Fat Yan Zhai Full Commentary stone record", "Zhou Li", "Zuo Zhuan"

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