
A burnt sales exceeded 100 million yuan, and the new domestic products founded for 1 year were first battle double 11 How to play?

author:Southern Metropolis Daily
A burnt sales exceeded 100 million yuan, and the new domestic products founded for 1 year were first battle double 11 How to play?

Ever eaten "a dog" for sale? A taste of the breakfast restaurant when I was a kid... This is from the "planting grass" post on social media, and it is interesting that in addition to taste, more users have become interested in buying because of the name of their own traffic.

"In fact, this name also has a story, mainly because we were doing e-commerce every day to laugh at ourselves as 'busy as a dog'." Then someone said, then make a brand called 'a dog', which category will be said later. Xiaomu shared with the Nandu reporter. Founded at the end of 2020, the burning brand "One Dog Dog Dog", the main business is new Chinese-style quick-frozen snacks, and the first month of sales of the Tmall flagship store reached 100,000 yuan, and it took less than a year to achieve single product sales of more than 100 million yuan.

The first battle of double 11, "brand awareness is more important"

How will this new domestic brand, which has been established for less than a year, participate in the double 11? In the view of Xiaomu, founder of the "One Dog Dog" brand, the first battle of Tmall Double 11, brand awareness and honing internal skills are the primary tasks.

"This year's turnover during the Double 11 period can reach 10 million to 15 million, and we are satisfied." Brand awareness is more important than sales targets. Xiao Mu, founder of a dog handmade burn brand, said that this year's double 11 pays more attention to letting old members, pulling new members, new product testing and brand exposure.

A burnt sales exceeded 100 million yuan, and the new domestic products founded for 1 year were first battle double 11 How to play?

A dog burns for sale

"Precipitating public domain traffic as a brand member is a more important goal than sales during our double 11 period this year, followed by new tests and large-scale production capacity tests on new products, after all, this year is the first double 11 promotion of our brand, we need to participate in order to do a review, and then plan what improvements need to be done next year," Xiaomu said.

Coincidentally, the expectations of COME4ARTS, another cutting-edge brand that stands out on the tide play track, are also focused on the elevation of the brand's comprehensive strength. "Tmall Double 11 for COME4ARTS is not about sprint sales, but about the evaluation of the comprehensive strength of our brand, from which we hope to find out which links have problems, and then make corresponding optimization adjustments." Chen Guoping, co-founder of COME4ARTS, said that improving the repurchase rate and precipitating members are the two major expectations of COME4ARTS for this year's Tmall Double 11, "The double 11 cycle is relatively long, and the price will be relatively low." For COME4ARTS, the repurchase rate is the first, at present, our 90-day repurchase rate is about 25%-30%, hoping to push new products through double 11, let everyone try more, and then precipitate as members. ”

How to choose a platform for new brands?

As the mobile Internet enters the stock era, the acquisition and conversion of traffic has become the focus of brand competition, how can new brands choose the operating position?

"For a brand, if it is the top 1 of the subdivision category on the Tmall channel, it is a matter of course to open other channels." Including Xiaohongshu, Douyin, and Kuaishou KOLs will take the initiative to find us. Xiaomu said that at present, it chooses Tmall as the main position for traffic acquisition and conversion.

COME4ARTS also said that while taking Tmall as the main position, it will be targeted according to the attributes of platforms such as Xiaohongshu and WeChat. "Tmall is our main position, mainly through the model of store groups to operate. The Little Red Book is more inclined to share and spread, so our layout on the Little Red Book is more about planting grass and new products 'water storage'. The final sale was deposited on Tmall. Chen Guoping said.

A burnt sales exceeded 100 million yuan, and the new domestic products founded for 1 year were first battle double 11 How to play?

COME4ARTS is a hot pet hospital.

In addition, the new brand also attaches great importance to the platform's ability to open up new tracks.

In September this year, Tmall announced that it would split four categories, such as tide play and pets, from the big FMCG industry to operate independently and become a first-class industry. The strategic position of the category has risen, behind which these four categories have grown rapidly in the Chinese market. Ai Media Consulting's market analysis report in the first quarter of 2021 shows that the market size of China's tide play economy will rise to 38.43 billion yuan at a growth rate of 30% in 2021, and it is expected to reach 60 billion yuan in 2023.

"Tmall's help to the brand we have a deep understanding, tide play is a brand new track, platforms and enterprises are groping in the process, I hope that through Tmall's mature system, merchants can get more professional advice, how to expand this track to a larger scale." Chen Guoping said.

Written by: Nandu reporter Ma Ningning Intern Chen Wenyue Li Shanshan