
Make fish fragrant meat shreds, these 2 things can not be less, the meat is smooth and tender into the taste, novices can also successfully do fish shredded meat at one time, these 2 things can not be less, the meat is smooth and tender, and the novice can also succeed at once

author:A fish feast that loves good food

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > to make fish fragrant meat shreds, these 2 things can not be less, the meat is smooth and tender, and novices can also succeed at once</h1>

Speaking of fish and meat shredded this dish, love to eat friends should not be in the minority, sweet and sour, appetizing rice, this dish will do not many people, want to eat when you go to the restaurant to order a plate to relieve hunger, since last year's pork price increase, the price of such a plate is not cheap, every time you eat there is a little heartache unwilling to give it up.

Make fish fragrant meat shreds, these 2 things can not be less, the meat is smooth and tender into the taste, novices can also successfully do fish shredded meat at one time, these 2 things can not be less, the meat is smooth and tender, and the novice can also succeed at once

In fact, the method of shredded fish and meat is not difficult, master the correct small skills and tricks, and you can still make it delicious at home, no worse than in the restaurant.

Make fish fragrant meat shreds, these 2 things can not be less, the meat is smooth and tender into the taste, novices can also successfully do fish shredded meat at one time, these 2 things can not be less, the meat is smooth and tender, and the novice can also succeed at once

Today, I will share the correct and delicious method of fish and meat shreds to everyone, when doing, these 2 things can not be less, the meat is smooth and tender, sweet and sour appetizers, and novices can also succeed once.

To prepare the shredded fish:

Make fish fragrant meat shreds, these 2 things can not be less, the meat is smooth and tender into the taste, novices can also successfully do fish shredded meat at one time, these 2 things can not be less, the meat is smooth and tender, and the novice can also succeed at once

Go to the market and buy a piece of fresh tenderloin, rinse it with water, cut it into shredded meat with moisture control, try to even it out, and put it in a bowl.

Pour in the right amount of cooking oil, chicken essence, salt, and one or two egg whites, stir well and marinate for more than 10 minutes. The 2 things that can not be less are cooking oil and egg whites, which can lock the moisture in the meat and avoid the loss of water, so that no matter how to fry, the meat will be smooth and tender and delicious.

Make fish fragrant meat shreds, these 2 things can not be less, the meat is smooth and tender into the taste, novices can also successfully do fish shredded meat at one time, these 2 things can not be less, the meat is smooth and tender, and the novice can also succeed at once

Bamboo shoots peel off the shell, wash with water to cut the fine wires, carrots washed and cut the fine wires, the fungus foamed in advance, remove the impurities rinsed clean cut the fine wires, and then burned a pot of boiling water, respectively, poured into these 3 kinds of blanched water, after the break can be fished out of the control water for backup.

Prepare a few peppers to wash and cut into fine strips, peel the green onions and wash them into small pieces, peel the ginger and wash and cut into fine strips, peel off the garlic and cut into minced garlic.

Prepare a small bowl, pour in the appropriate amount of soy sauce, soy sauce, vinegar, salt, starch, water, all stir well into a bowl of juice, heat the oil, after the oil is cooked, pour the marinated tenderloin and fry it white, and put it out for later.

Make fish fragrant meat shreds, these 2 things can not be less, the meat is smooth and tender into the taste, novices can also successfully do fish shredded meat at one time, these 2 things can not be less, the meat is smooth and tender, and the novice can also succeed at once

Heat the oil in another pan, add a spoonful of sweet noodle sauce and sauté the aroma until fragrant, stir-fry until the red oil, then add chopped green onion, minced ginger and minced garlic and sauté to create the aroma.

Then pour in the bamboo shoots, carrot shreds, wood ear fungus to fry the aroma, and then pour in the fried meat and stir-fry evenly, continue to pour in the mixed bowl juice, until the soup is boiling, the ingredients are flavored, and finally the juice can be eaten on high heat.

Make fish fragrant meat shreds, these 2 things can not be less, the meat is smooth and tender into the taste, novices can also successfully do fish shredded meat at one time, these 2 things can not be less, the meat is smooth and tender, and the novice can also succeed at once

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