
Drying my fat-reducing breakfast chicken ravioli, delicious, low-fat low-calorie, colleagues want to eat it

author:Look for Mimi's foraging room

The weather is getting hotter and hotter, fat loss and weight loss are on the agenda, just waiting for the summer to wear a beautiful little skirt. Because chicken breast is rich in protein and low in fat, it has always been the preferred ingredient for slimming friends. So I also made some chicken ravioli that can be assured during the fat loss period for breakfast, low fat and low calorie, delicious and delicious. Make a portion can eat 3 meals, a full bowl of only 394 kcal, eat too much, do not have to worry about fat.

Drying my fat-reducing breakfast chicken ravioli, delicious, low-fat low-calorie, colleagues want to eat it

This morning I cooked chicken ravioli for breakfast, and my colleague sniffed it and said that he wanted to eat it. Let's share how to make chicken ravioli.

Drying my fat-reducing breakfast chicken ravioli, delicious, low-fat low-calorie, colleagues want to eat it

【Required Materials】

Wonton skin: 250 grams of medium gluten flour, 100 grams of water, 1.5 grams of salt, a little alkali, wheat starch to taste

Chicken filling: 250 grams of chicken breast, 50 grams of carrots, 1 shiitake mushroom, 1 spoon of cooking wine, 1 spoon of soy sauce, 1 spoon of pepper, 1 spoon of starch, a pinch of salt

【Operation steps】

1 Put the flour, salt and alkali into a large bowl, pour in water in parts and stir into a flocculent shape.

Drying my fat-reducing breakfast chicken ravioli, delicious, low-fat low-calorie, colleagues want to eat it

2 Press firmly into a ball, cover with plastic wrap and let stand for 30 minutes.

Drying my fat-reducing breakfast chicken ravioli, delicious, low-fat low-calorie, colleagues want to eat it

3 The dough is relatively hard, roughly kneaded evenly, and the surface is smooth. Flatten the dough and sprinkle with wheat starch.

Drying my fat-reducing breakfast chicken ravioli, delicious, low-fat low-calorie, colleagues want to eat it

4 Install the pressed surface fittings and adjust to the thickest gear. The dough is repeatedly placed in the dough press, and the pressure dough stall is gradually adjusted from the thickest to the thinnest, and each gear is pressed at least 2 times.

Drying my fat-reducing breakfast chicken ravioli, delicious, low-fat low-calorie, colleagues want to eat it

5 Sprinkle the pressed dough with wheat starch and cut into 7cm*7cm square slices.

Drying my fat-reducing breakfast chicken ravioli, delicious, low-fat low-calorie, colleagues want to eat it

6 Stack the dough sheets and place them in a bag to prevent air drying.

Drying my fat-reducing breakfast chicken ravioli, delicious, low-fat low-calorie, colleagues want to eat it

7 Crush the chicken breast, carrots and shiitake mushrooms in a blender, add cooking wine, soy sauce, starch, pepper and salt, mix well and marinate for a while.

Drying my fat-reducing breakfast chicken ravioli, delicious, low-fat low-calorie, colleagues want to eat it

8 Fill in the middle of the dough.

Drying my fat-reducing breakfast chicken ravioli, delicious, low-fat low-calorie, colleagues want to eat it

9 Wrap into a treasure shape, chicken ravioli is ready.

Drying my fat-reducing breakfast chicken ravioli, delicious, low-fat low-calorie, colleagues want to eat it

Calculate the calories, 866 kcal of medium gluten flour, 195 kcal of chicken breast, 16 kcal of carrots, 3 kcal of shiitake mushrooms, 1 kcal of cooking wine, 1 kcal of soy sauce, a total of 1184 kcal. This portion can make about 60 ravioli and can be eaten for about 3 meals. The average meal is only 395 kcal. Low-fat low-calorie, delicious and delicious, really delicious and not afraid of fat, fat loss period can also be assured to eat, highly recommended to slimming small partners. That's it for today's sharing, and I hope you'll enjoy it.

Drying my fat-reducing breakfast chicken ravioli, delicious, low-fat low-calorie, colleagues want to eat it

I am Looking for Mimi, a food blogger who loves to eat and play, if you like my food works, welcome to pay attention to "Looking for Mimi's Foraging Room", please like, comment, collect and forward, I will regularly share a variety of delicious and fun food, welcome to communicate. This illustration is originally made in the foraging room for mimi, and unauthorized theft and portability are prohibited.

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