
Chengdu cuisine: 12 kinds of special and delicious snacks that you must not miss

author:Ming Yu Knowledge Atlas

Chengdu is the charm and weather of the city, you can taste it from its cuisine.

Chengdu cuisine: 12 kinds of special and delicious snacks that you must not miss

1. Impersonation

Chengdu people have a saying: "Fake food is a person's hot pot." There is some truth to this statement.

The dishes are filled with ingredients such as hairy belly, duck intestines, duck blood, beef offal, etc. into the bamboo basket and lifted up and down until the ingredients are "steamed", drizzled with spicy soup, and enjoyed.

Chengdu cuisine: 12 kinds of special and delicious snacks that you must not miss

In the supper business district, casually walk into the street side of the fake vegetable shop, you can often see a few young girls gathered next to a small table of fake vegetable pots, with ice powder, steaming to enjoy, I think, this is actually a cultural scenery of Chengdu.

2. String strings

A variety of skewers are popular hits in Chengdu and even Sichuan cuisine. Its raw ingredients are dazzling - poultry meat, livestock meat, vegetables, animal blood, legumes... It has been the protagonist of the food street for many years.

Chengdu cuisine: 12 kinds of special and delicious snacks that you must not miss

Further down, the skewers can be divided into: skewers of incense, bowls of chicken, cold pot skewers and so on. The brash Sichuanese will even use the weight of bamboo sticks to calculate the account at checkout.

3. Rabbit head

Rabbit head is a very popular snack in Chengdu in the summer, often accompanied by beer. Rabbit head is full of taste, a price of about 8 yuan or 10 yuan, almost everywhere on the roadside can be seen selling rabbit head shops, while nibbling while sucking, very enjoyable.

Chengdu cuisine: 12 kinds of special and delicious snacks that you must not miss

Veteran old Chengdu foodies certainly don't care about the horror of the braised rabbit's head shape

The rabbit head is actually not good-looking, even a little scary, including Ming Yu, some non-Chengdu people see the rabbit head that is almost just a skull, and may find it a little difficult to mouth.

But after bravely trying it for the first time, you may fall in love with this delicious snack with Chengdu flavor.

4. Bean blossoms

Bean blossoms, ice skins, and cold cakes are known as the three dessert snacks, of which bean blossoms are the most popular. Bean blossom belongs to a kind of soy products, is one of the intermediate products of making tofu, smooth taste.

Chengdu cuisine: 12 kinds of special and delicious snacks that you must not miss

Chengdu people's bean blossoms have a variety of flavors. There are ice sweet bean blossoms, spicy bean blossoms, salted bean blossoms, etc., for tourists who have just come to Chengdu, sweet and salty are tastes that can be tried.

In recent years, new bean blossom flavors have begun to appear on the streets of Chengdu, such as yogurt, durian and tiramisu.

5. Ice powder

Ice powder is also one of the protagonists of summer. In Chengdu in the summer, whether boys or girls, you can often see young people eating and walking. Ice powder is easy to make, the color is pleasant, it can be seen everywhere, and the price is cheap.

Chengdu cuisine: 12 kinds of special and delicious snacks that you must not miss

Some spicy hot pot shops, hot pot shops, will also be accompanied by ice powder for diners to eat spicy after neutralization, when you have a stomach spicy Sichuan sesame oil to take a bite, not to mention how comfortable!

6. Pot helmet

Pot helmet, also known as pot quill. There are many kinds, among which the "Juntun Pot Helmet" is the most delicious and the most famous, famous for its Sichuan Shu. The pot helmet is mainly made of soy products puff pastry, wrapped with pork filling, beef filling, bite down, full of delicious.

Chengdu cuisine: 12 kinds of special and delicious snacks that you must not miss

The appearance of the pot helmet is much the same

In addition to the "Juntun Pot Helmet", the White-faced Pot Helmet and the Southern Pot Helmet are also worth a try, but these two pot helmets are a little similar to the meat sandwich steamed buns in Xi'an.

Some flour shops along the road sometimes sell simple versions of pot helmets, so diners who come to eat powder can also taste it.

Chengdu cuisine: 12 kinds of special and delicious snacks that you must not miss

7. Fat intestine powder

One of the "three best bluestone slabs" of Chengdu people includes fat intestine powder. In recent years, fat intestine powder has developed rapidly, and it has the momentum of competing with rabbit heads. It is mainly made from sweet potato flour and is easy for guests to chew.

Chengdu cuisine: 12 kinds of special and delicious snacks that you must not miss

Even ordinary ingredients such as fat sausages can be taken to the feast. It is said that the famous Chinese painter Zhang Daqian's favorite soft fried wrench is one of the famous dishes.

8. Sweet not spicy (Chengdu)

The name Sweet is not spicy is a bit strange, but the initial sweet is not spicy, it is indeed not sweet nor spicy.

Chengdu flavor of the sweet is not spicy and other places of sweet and not spicy there is a significant difference, generally by a pan of oil fried after the production, the fish meat is crushed, made into a variety of paste-like fish meat, fried after fishing, can be enjoyed with chili peppers.

Chengdu cuisine: 12 kinds of special and delicious snacks that you must not miss

Sweet and not spicy with "Chengdu special flavor"

9. Hand-torn roast rabbit

Rabbit head is a favorite food of Chengdu people, and the hand-torn roast rabbit derived from it is naturally quite famous in Chengdu. Roast a whole rabbit, serve with dried chili peppers, white sesame seeds, red oil, tear it up and serve.

Chengdu cuisine: 12 kinds of special and delicious snacks that you must not miss

In addition to the store, you can also wrap tin foil to take away. Some hand-torn roast rabbit shops provide packaging for tourists to take home to their families to enjoy the flavors of Chengdu.

If you have the conditions, you can try to buy and eat as much as possible.

10. Egg baking cake

If you want to find a Kind of Chengdu snack that foreign tourists are more familiar with, then egg baking cake must also be on the list. After all, the author had heard about it a long time ago.

It is made from flour, eggs and baking soda, etc., and has a faint egg flavor.

Chengdu cuisine: 12 kinds of special and delicious snacks that you must not miss

Tourists come to Chengdu, when tasting egg baked cakes, they should also pay attention to see the beef and spicy pig's ear egg baked cakes that are "too strong in Chengdu".

11. Nine foot plate duck

A famous snack from Jiuzhi Town, Pengzhou City, Sichuan Province, is divided into wind-blown duck and brine duck, the former raw food, the latter cooked, which requires special attention to avoid buying the wrong one.

Chengdu cuisine: 12 kinds of special and delicious snacks that you must not miss

The nine-foot plate duck is also sold in The Chengdu Specialty Store, and tourists can buy it and bring it back as a Chengdu flavor.

12. Weiyi soy milk

A spicy artifact for hot pot restaurants and skewer shops. In Chengdu, its popularity is even sometimes even greater than cola, which shows that Chengdu people love it.

Chengdu cuisine: 12 kinds of special and delicious snacks that you must not miss

The real Weiyi soy milk has outer packaging, mass production, in order to avoid advertising suspicions, here with ordinary soy milk pictures instead.

Drinks are known to taste better after being chilled.

The above is the 12 kinds of Chengdu delicacies that Ming Yu introduced to you today, do you have any other delicacies to add? Leave a message in the comment area!