
Summer shaving buns do this, bite a mouthful of fragrant, more enjoyable than eating hamburgers, children love to eat not picky eating [Chinese-style shaving buns]

author:Sheng Jingke

Summer shaving do this, bite a mouthful of fragrant, than eating hamburgers, children love to eat not picky eating! People who know me know that my goose is an airplane controller, and since childhood, he has loved all kinds of airplanes, and he can stare at the airplane videos on the Internet all day without being tired of exaggeration. Just after turning two years old, he had a domestic flight to the United States, and for the first time he realized that he was sitting on a real plane, excitedly all the way all the way to "bandit season!" Bandit season! Bandit season!" shouted the whole road, shouted to the next door old beauty knows the plane's Chinese how to talk, mom feel embarrassed! Until now, when I am almost five years old, I am always drawing airplanes, talking about airplanes, origami airplanes, reading airplane encyclopedias, or holding my beloved Alaska airplane model in my arms to fall asleep!!

Summer shaving buns do this, bite a mouthful of fragrant, more enjoyable than eating hamburgers, children love to eat not picky eating [Chinese-style shaving buns]

The other day he suddenly told me: "Mom, do you know why I like airplanes?" Because the plane will take me to my favorite China, there are a lot of people I like and good friends are there, Aunt Grandpa will take me to a fun place, will buy delicious things and toys for me, and I like OOXX%%... (The following roll call is omitted), I really like to fly back to China!" After listening to the mother numbness I suddenly had a sour nose, child, why don't I? The next day when he said this, my homesick kitchen immediately opened again, and today I came to make this "Chinese hamburger" known as the "Chinese hamburger" (ㄍㄨㄚˋ) bag, also known as the cut bag, tiger bite pig, in China is one of the very classic snacks, often with the four gods soup to eat together, super delicious, come with me to see how to do it!

Summer shaving buns do this, bite a mouthful of fragrant, more enjoyable than eating hamburgers, children love to eat not picky eating [Chinese-style shaving buns]

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > [Chinese shaving package].</h1>

6 ingredients:

I. Shaving dough:

All Prupose Flour – 300g

Sugar Sugar – 30g

盐Salt – 4g

水Water – 180g

Liquid oil Oil – 10g

Instant yeast powder Instant Yeast – 3 g

II. Marinated meat:

Pork belly – 450g

Green Onion – 3 plants

Ginger Ginger – 1 small piece

Garlic Garlic – 5 cloves

Star Anise – 2 pcs

Rock sugar Chystal Sugar – 2 tbsp

Soy sauce Soy Sauce – 5 tbsp

Rice Wine – 3 tbsp

White pepper White Pepper – to taste

III. Ingredients for the shaving:

Peanut flour Peanut Powder – 2 tbsp

Powdered Sugar Powdered Sugar – 1 tbsp

Pickled Mustard Green – to taste

Cilantro – to taste


1. Dough dough: After the dough material is whisked into a ball, let stand for a fermentation (about 50 minutes). Divide the slack dough into six equal parts, press the air out of the dough with the palm of your hand, form a circle and let stand for 10 minutes

Summer shaving buns do this, bite a mouthful of fragrant, more enjoyable than eating hamburgers, children love to eat not picky eating [Chinese-style shaving buns]
Summer shaving buns do this, bite a mouthful of fragrant, more enjoyable than eating hamburgers, children love to eat not picky eating [Chinese-style shaving buns]
Summer shaving buns do this, bite a mouthful of fragrant, more enjoyable than eating hamburgers, children love to eat not picky eating [Chinese-style shaving buns]

2. Gently roll out into oval strips with a rolling stick, roll out as thickly as possible, and apply a layer of liquid oil to fold in half

Summer shaving buns do this, bite a mouthful of fragrant, more enjoyable than eating hamburgers, children love to eat not picky eating [Chinese-style shaving buns]
Summer shaving buns do this, bite a mouthful of fragrant, more enjoyable than eating hamburgers, children love to eat not picky eating [Chinese-style shaving buns]
Summer shaving buns do this, bite a mouthful of fragrant, more enjoyable than eating hamburgers, children love to eat not picky eating [Chinese-style shaving buns]

3. Lay a sheet of steamer paper (or bun paper) under the shaving and cover the lid to ferment for 40 to 50 minutes. Put a cup of water into the outer pot of the electric pot to steam (or steam for 15 minutes on high heat in the steamer), turn off the heat after the time is up, do not rush to open it first, and then open the lid after 5 minutes, take it out and let it cool

Summer shaving buns do this, bite a mouthful of fragrant, more enjoyable than eating hamburgers, children love to eat not picky eating [Chinese-style shaving buns]
Summer shaving buns do this, bite a mouthful of fragrant, more enjoyable than eating hamburgers, children love to eat not picky eating [Chinese-style shaving buns]

4. Marinated meat: Cut the pork belly into 1.5 cm thickness, cut the shallot into sections, flatten the garlic, and cut the ginger into thin slices. After heating the pan, directly remove the pork belly from the pan without putting oil and fry until the pork belly is browned on the outside. The fried meat will be more Q-bomb, and the shape of the marinated pork pieces will be more complete

Summer shaving buns do this, bite a mouthful of fragrant, more enjoyable than eating hamburgers, children love to eat not picky eating [Chinese-style shaving buns]
Summer shaving buns do this, bite a mouthful of fragrant, more enjoyable than eating hamburgers, children love to eat not picky eating [Chinese-style shaving buns]
Summer shaving buns do this, bite a mouthful of fragrant, more enjoyable than eating hamburgers, children love to eat not picky eating [Chinese-style shaving buns]

5. Sauté chives, ginger and garlic in pork belly with pork belly, sauté with rock sugar until melted. Stir-fry the pork into the pot until it turns into pork belly and turns caramel-colored, which is "fried sugar color", and the fried sugar-colored pork will be shiny and shiny! Add soy sauce, rice wine, white pepper, star anise, add water to the flooded pork, roll over high heat and turn to medium-low heat and cover and simmer for 30 to 40 minutes, a pot of fragrant brine is completed

Summer shaving buns do this, bite a mouthful of fragrant, more enjoyable than eating hamburgers, children love to eat not picky eating [Chinese-style shaving buns]
Summer shaving buns do this, bite a mouthful of fragrant, more enjoyable than eating hamburgers, children love to eat not picky eating [Chinese-style shaving buns]
Summer shaving buns do this, bite a mouthful of fragrant, more enjoyable than eating hamburgers, children love to eat not picky eating [Chinese-style shaving buns]
Summer shaving buns do this, bite a mouthful of fragrant, more enjoyable than eating hamburgers, children love to eat not picky eating [Chinese-style shaving buns]

6. The soul of the shaving bag is the peanut sugar powder (excited to pat the table bang) !!! I bought unsalted cooked peanuts from Trader Joe's supermarket, beat them with a conditioner into coarser peanut flour, added a little powdered sugar (about half the peanut flour) and stirred well

Summer shaving buns do this, bite a mouthful of fragrant, more enjoyable than eating hamburgers, children love to eat not picky eating [Chinese-style shaving buns]
Summer shaving buns do this, bite a mouthful of fragrant, more enjoyable than eating hamburgers, children love to eat not picky eating [Chinese-style shaving buns]
Summer shaving buns do this, bite a mouthful of fragrant, more enjoyable than eating hamburgers, children love to eat not picky eating [Chinese-style shaving buns]

7. Assemble the buns: Add brine pork cubes and sauerkraut in the middle of the buns, dig a large spoonful of peanut sugar powder with a tablespoon, and then add a large handful of coriander (if you don't like coriander, please skip this step). The marinated pork has shrunk so I put two pieces, I made it myself to eat a delicious full, next time I want to buy a wider pork belly (notes)

Summer shaving buns do this, bite a mouthful of fragrant, more enjoyable than eating hamburgers, children love to eat not picky eating [Chinese-style shaving buns]
Summer shaving buns do this, bite a mouthful of fragrant, more enjoyable than eating hamburgers, children love to eat not picky eating [Chinese-style shaving buns]
Summer shaving buns do this, bite a mouthful of fragrant, more enjoyable than eating hamburgers, children love to eat not picky eating [Chinese-style shaving buns]
Summer shaving buns do this, bite a mouthful of fragrant, more enjoyable than eating hamburgers, children love to eat not picky eating [Chinese-style shaving buns]

8. Hitch ~ Done!

Summer shaving buns do this, bite a mouthful of fragrant, more enjoyable than eating hamburgers, children love to eat not picky eating [Chinese-style shaving buns]

The handmade foreskin is particularly fragrant and chewy, I like it so much, and it is still as delicious as it is steamed!

Summer shaving buns do this, bite a mouthful of fragrant, more enjoyable than eating hamburgers, children love to eat not picky eating [Chinese-style shaving buns]

The marinated meat sandwiched in the bag is to be a little fatty to be delicious, the fried Chinese sauerkraut is salty enough, and the peanut sugar powder is the finishing touch to the bag, no wonder it is named a Chinese hamburger!

Summer shaving buns do this, bite a mouthful of fragrant, more enjoyable than eating hamburgers, children love to eat not picky eating [Chinese-style shaving buns]

Make this familiar taste by hand, and there is no difference at all from the delicious taste of the LanJia cut bag in the mansion or the Yongxing Street cut bag in Taichung (I am proud)!!

Summer shaving buns do this, bite a mouthful of fragrant, more enjoyable than eating hamburgers, children love to eat not picky eating [Chinese-style shaving buns]