
Li Xiangjun: The family road has fallen and been forcibly married, and a woman's happiness must be fought for by herself

author:a man of art
Li Xiangjun: The family road has fallen and been forcibly married, and a woman's happiness must be fought for by herself

Happiness has always been the ultimate destination of love, and everyone's definition of happiness is also different, some feel that happiness must be actively fought for to get; some feel that happiness is like a chance encounter with a pie, too difficult to figure out.

In ancient times thousands of years ago, there was also such a problem, but at that time, the parents occupied the main field, and the mind was not so open.

But there is such a woman, in order to fight for her own happiness, she will not hesitate to resist the power, blood splash peach blossom fan, she is Li Xiangjun.

The misfortunes of her childhood made her understand that in the wandering life, only fate in her own hands can win a piece of the world.

It is said that beauty is a stepping stone, paving a road of ascension, but not all people are suitable for this road, and only by firmly grasping their fate can they take this road safely.

Li Xiangjun: The family road has fallen and been forcibly married, and a woman's happiness must be fought for by herself

1. The family road fell into the Meixiang Building

Li Xiangjun was born in Suzhou to a family of eunuchs, his father was a military general of the dynasty, because of his good relationship with the prince, the status of the dprk was very high, the family also had two older brothers, and the family lived a stable and happy life.

No matter how big or small the official rank is, Li Xiangjun's father is no exception, in a confrontation between the court, he was grabbed by the hostile forces and beaten into the cell.

His father's encounter caused the originally happy family to usher in a senseless disaster, and the young Li Xiangjun was also expelled from the capital and wandered around.

Fortunately, she was seen by Li Zhenli, who was once famous as Qin Huai, and out of pity, she was taken in meixianglou as her daughter.

Although Li Xiangjun was young but clever, he began to contact piano, chess, calligraphy and painting since the age of 14, and had been in contact with poetry and songs for a long time.

She is particularly good at playing and singing "Pipa", and the melodious music is very good, and is deeply loved by literati and inkers.

At this time, Li Xiangjun had long since gotten rid of the childish appearance of his childhood, and his body grew taller and taller like a willow, not only with a slender figure and slender limbs, but also very good-looking.

Li Xiangjun was even crowned with the name of "talent and appearance", and as more and more people were looking for her, her fame became higher and higher, and even some people did not hesitate to spend thousands of dollars just to see her.

But Li Xiangjun is not seen by everyone, because of her origin, she always has a rare righteousness on her body, and often sees some people with loyal personalities, which also lays a good foundation for her to find a good relationship.

The wandering and helplessness of her childhood has become the deepest bond in her heart, and she longs to find her own harbor in the vast sea of life, so that her weathered soul can be comforted.

Li Xiangjun: The family road has fallen and been forcibly married, and a woman's happiness must be fought for by herself

2, help each other and finally get happiness

Remembering that there must be an echo, she finally met Hou Fangyu, who was rushing to Beijing to take the exam when she was sixteen years old.

Hou Fangyu was born into a famous family, his family was a loyal minister who was just and upright, coupled with his extraordinary temperament since he was a child, Li Xiangjun had a good feeling for him when he saw him.

If the two people first met out of curiosity, then the subsequent devotion was out of appreciation.

When he first met Li Xiangjun, Hou Fangyu was attracted by her talent, and often went to her to drink tea and chat, talk about poetry and painting, and sing small songs, and the feelings of the two people became stronger and stronger, and after several deep conversations, they both fell in love.

In order to be able to be with his beloved, Hou Fangyu did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to comb Li Xiangjun.

However, with the ability of Hou Fangyu at that time, it was impossible to pay such a huge amount of property, and it was fortunate to have the support of friends to achieve it.

But soon Hou Fangyu found that his friend's character was very poor, and he borrowed money just to use himself, and decided to return the money in order to get out of this predicament.

After Li Xiangjun heard about it, he wanted to help his hard-won sweetheart solve his urgent needs, and took the few valuable items he had left behind to sell them to help him pay back.

Hou Fangyu was very grateful, not only gave Li Xiangjun a fan he carried with him, but also agreed to find her later after becoming famous.

An imminent problem was solved by Li Xiangjun, who grasped happiness with her own hands.

The good life of the two people did not last long, Hou Fangyu offended the powerful people in the DPRK because of his youth and vigor, and he could only go home to hide under all thoughts, and he wanted to take her away with him, but he was so depressed that he did not want her to drift again.

Li Xiangjun endured the pain of parting, and from then on closed the door to thank guests and waited for him to return.

It is said that feelings are a long line, tied to two lovers, and only when both people cherish can they meet in the vast sea of people.

In the era of war, their own safety still needs to be considered again and again, not to mention empty promises, but there are people who are willing to use their lives to fulfill their promises.

Li Xiangjun: The family road has fallen and been forcibly married, and a woman's happiness must be fought for by herself

3. Do not fear the power to change your life against the sky

In Li Xiangjun's heart, he made a promise, that is, he set a lifetime, and from then on, he lived a lifetime and a couple, waiting for the return of his sweetheart wholeheartedly.

Although the two could not meet each other for thousands of miles, they had always maintained a correspondence exchange, and the words and sentences were full of lovesickness, and the distance did not keep the hearts of the two people away, but tied tightly together.

During the closed door, there are still many people who come from thousands of miles to meet, but most of them will not bother after she refuses, except for Tian Yang.

Tian Yang was a red man on the side of the emperor, and when passing through Qin Huai, he heard that Li Xiangjun's beautiful name had been coveting her for a long time and wanted to marry her, but she refused.

Li Xiangjun's refusal did not dispel Tian Yang's thoughts, and after several unsuccessful attempts, he gave birth to the idea of forcibly marrying.

On a mediocre morning, Meixiang downstairs was very lively, and Tian Yang took a bunch of people around the flower palanquin to forcibly marry Li Xiangjun.

Li Xiangjun, who was sitting in front of the dresser and facing Fan Silang, could only pretend to agree to this family affair in order not to affect the people around her, but she did not want to put her fate into the hands of others.

In order to give herself a glimmer of life, she pretended to use the wedding dress to take away the people around her, but jumped out of the window while everyone was waiting for the bride.

The guests present were shocked by the scene in front of them, and the team that came to greet them also slipped away, leaving only Li Zhenli, who was in a hurry, and Li Xiangjun, who was lying on the ground.

Unwilling to be played by others in the applause, you can only grasp the fate in your hands.

A delicate and weak woman, but with a strong courage to fight against fate, in order to get rid of the shackles around her, at the expense of her own life to open the way for herself, it is really amazing.

Li Xiangjun: The family road has fallen and been forcibly married, and a woman's happiness must be fought for by herself

4, the peak circuit turns to willow dark flowers

It is said that hundreds of years of sincere wishes were exchanged for a meeting in this life, and soon after Li Xiangjun was well, the war ahead was blocked, and the people in the city scattered and fled.

Li Xiangjun had nowhere to go, so he could only go to someone he knew first to avoid the wind.

Fortunately, Hou Fangyu came after many inquiries, and all of Li Xiangjun's running and fatigue was swept away at that moment, and the bitterness he had eaten became sweet, and the two of them returned to their hometown hand in hand.

Although Li Xiangjun could only marry into the Hou family as a concubine, her husband's endless love made her feel warm, and even took her to worship the Buddha in person in order to ask for a son.

In the small Hou Mansion, she spent eight years of happy life.

However, all the beauty was broken on the way back when the two people begged for a son, and the father-in-law with a strong temperament wanted to drive Li Xiangjun out after knowing her identity, and Hou Fangyu did everything he could to ask for her to settle down in the remote house.

Li Xiangjun was depressed because of her status discrimination, but at this time she found out that she was pregnant, the child became the pillar of her life, in order to better take care of the child, she hired a servant to take care of herself.

After careful care, Li Xiangjun finally gave birth to a baby boy after being pregnant for ten months, but after experiencing the national breakdown and fleeing, his body has long been overdrawn, and after giving birth to a child, he feels that his health is deteriorating.

Remembering all kinds of things, Li Xiangjun, who was dying, wanted to see her husband before she died, but because of her father-in-law's obstruction, she could only take the fan that her husband sent to him to chat for comfort.

One morning in the summer, Li Xiangjun, who was waiting for hopelessness, finally closed his eyes to look through the autumn water, and a generation of famous prostitutes spent the rest of their lives in a remote village.

There are many kinds of endings for Li Xiangjun, some people say that Li Xiangjun met a master and became a monk under the persuasion of the master, some people say that Li Xiangjun spent the rest of his life with his good sisters, but I choose to believe that she found her own happiness.

Her waiting was duly answered, and her life was fulfilled.

It is often said that fate sometimes has to be had to be there, and fate is always demanding, but happiness is often in their own hands and need to be fought for by themselves.

Without experiencing the cold to the bone, how can you smell the smell, life is so long, go to the place you want to go, love the people you want to love, even if the road is long, the road is far away.

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