
A remembrance of time

author:Guangdong life jun

Last night I really dreamed of you, you are still so sunny, your smile is still so charming, your hands are still so strong and light, and your voice is so sweet and crisp. When I woke up in my dream, I was excited for a long, long time, and I didn't sleep for the rest of the time. When I got up in the morning, I texted you with the dream, and I didn't expect that you were just such a short, faint "yes", and pressed my joy to the ground.

A remembrance of time

Although I have not seen you for a long time, your shadow still remains in my mind, and I am so excited to show you from the dream last night. But you have lost sight of our good time together. Maybe it is time that divides the joy of you and me when we first climbed the mountain together, the timidity of you when you went down to the river to touch the snail, you tightly tugged on the hem of my clothes, and when you walked together, you held hands and faced the mountain together, and you did not have the joy of sharing dreams with me in the past. Did the years erase the pursuit of your youth and kill your memories of the good times that remained in your heart? You know, I always have in my mind the crisp footsteps you come and go, the crisp laughter when talking to people, the clear eyes of the two worlds and the sweet singing voice that is not willing to be lonely.

A remembrance of time

I, back in reality, realized that dreams are just a psychological phenomenon, just cells that are still active in the brain after people go to sleep, and he ignites the little years in the depths of your memory and reproduces them in the ethereal dreamland. As you and I living in two places, we can only bury the good memories in our hearts, can only be used as a dream to repeat the past years in the brain, and silently and silently wish her all the best...

A remembrance of time

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