
Lin Lan: Art, always on the road, at this moment and then set off

author:Liping Collection
Lin Lan: Art, always on the road, at this moment and then set off

Lin Lan's work "Mei Jian Is Like Iron. Wuhan.2020》

Lin Lan: Art, always on the road, at this moment and then set off

Lin Lan's work "Chimelong"

Painter Lin Lan has been transferred from the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts to the Guangdong Academy of Fine Arts for nearly two years, and Lin Lan, who originally thought that he had more time to paint at the Academy, found that the Academy was also full of affairs, especially in the past two years, the Guangdong Academy of Painting has encountered a series of special years. First, the Guangdong Academy of Painting was established in 1959, last year was the 60th anniversary of the celebration, the same year was the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China; this year's sudden arrival of the new crown epidemic, as well as the completion of the new site of the Guangdong Academy of Painting this year, and this year is also the year of the country's comprehensive construction of a well-off society, the year of the fight against the epidemic, the year of the alternation of the old and new sites, various theme creations and academy celebration exhibitions, new courtyard exhibitions and so on.

Lin Lan: Art, always on the road, at this moment and then set off

Lin Lan's work "White Peony"

Lin Lan: Art, always on the road, at this moment and then set off

Lin Lan's work "Durian Red"

Lin Lan: Art, always on the road, at this moment and then set off

Lin Lan's work "Tsinghua"

However, the academy also has its own unique significance, is unique to China, as an ancient civilization country, from the Southern Song Dynasty is the institution set up by the state, is the country's emphasis on culture and art, is a creative research institution; the main responsibility of the academy is to create, 24 hours a day to think of one thing, that is, how to paint a good painting, in a pure state of creation, the purpose of the academy is to contribute, out of the big artists, the state's attention and persistence to the academy, the bones are the emphasis on culture, is the basis of cultural self-confidence; in addition to good works, In addition to good artists, there is also the power of collective scholarship, so Lin Lan came to the Guangdong Academy of Painting, in addition to his own creation, he was faced with how to restart the collective creation while shaping the atmosphere of individual creation, and how to reflect the characteristics of the academy; it can be said that the celebration year of the Guangdong Academy of Painting is both a new starting point and a re-departure for the future.

Lin Lan: Art, always on the road, at this moment and then set off

Lin Lan's work "Zi Shi"

In addition to busy work, Lin Lan is more thinking and thinking deeply. She believes that the most important thing in art is to go into her deepest depths and present her most unique artistic outlook and artistic value. In the past two years, she has realized that she needs to stand at a higher level to understand the overall pattern and individual positioning of art, and should consider it as a whole from the perspective of the times and history, otherwise it will be impossible to see the connotation and meaning of her own depths, but on the more important side, only by truly going into her own deepest depths, presenting her own, individual, and ultimate connotations, and making it associated with the whole, it is possible to make this part have a greater meaning and contribution to the common category. The academy provides the possibility for this, from history to time and space, the present is the best era, and it is unimaginable that literary artists have such a high status in the past. At that time, Premier Zhou used the form of a painting academy to gather the famous Chinese painters scattered among the people, which achieved the glory of today's traditional art, and the Guangdong Painting Academy was one of the first four major painting academies in the country, and it was also the first comprehensive painting academy.

Lin Lan: Art, always on the road, at this moment and then set off

Lin Lan's work "Breathe"

Based on in-depth thinking, Lin Lan also has new requirements for herself, she actively understands art information, including contemporary, historical and world; she attaches more importance to the ontological language of art, including traditional calligraphy and meilan zhuju tutoring, which seems to be useless, but it is very necessary. She believes that works of art are overflowing with cultural and artistic nutrition to a certain extent, and only when they overflow do they show new changes. When she teaches students in the Academy of Fine Arts, she needs to rationally sort out and then teach the perceptuality, she came to the academy to create more attempts, can let the sensibility flow naturally, can be filled with the accumulation of learning, so she herself also needs to supplement and start again, which is also a new starting point.

Lin Lan: Art, always on the road, at this moment and then set off

Lin Lan line drawing work "Sleep"

Lin Lan: Art, always on the road, at this moment and then set off

Lin Lan line drawing work "Tahiti Forever"

Looking back on her own artistic growth, Lin Lan, who was born in the class, also honestly listened to the teacher's teachings and started from the normative foundation; but when she caught up with an era of agitation of thought, when she was fourteen or fifteen years old, when she was studying at the Affiliated High School of the Academy of Fine Arts, it was just the "85 thoughts" period of the art world, the university's ideological trend was the most active, every night there would be brothers and sisters to organize dances and talk about art, the influence of the university atmosphere, so that Lin Lan was very interested in new ideas and new ideas, and also formed the initiative of her independent thinking; she saw a lot of world famous works and famous paintings, Including art, literature, but also have their own opinions, for a period of time also wrote painting theory, take notes, see, interest, think of all written down, and many fantastic ideas into line drawings, hooked very girly, very curious, published a volume of line drawings. Later, she entered the Department of Chinese Painting, in the study of traditional painting and traditional theory, she came into contact with Song painting, triggered a strong interest, resonated with many traditional schemas, and painted a batch of Chinese painting line drawings in the familiar reading and collision, and the works gradually tended to be traditional and orthodox, these are the records of the state in the learning and absorption, perhaps unformed, but very sincere.

Lin Lan: Art, always on the road, at this moment and then set off

Lin Lan's work "Joy"

Lin Lan: Art, always on the road, at this moment and then set off

Lin Lan's work "Self"

Lin Lan grew up in an artistic family, the family atmosphere is very democratic, the art information around is very rich, contact with many new things, read books and albums, contact with famous artists to contact art activities, including different paintings and different genres. At that time, the artists who had a greater influence on her in art were Pan Tianshou and Wang Zhaomin, and we can vaguely see the shadow of Pan Tianshou's works and the quiet and beautiful temperament of Wang Zhaomin's works in Lin Lan's works. Later, when she was in graduate school, she was influenced by her mentor Yuan Yunfu to carefully study the murals and was very interested in materials; at that time, she took advantage of her youth, went everywhere to observe, came into contact with a lot of materials, and had a keen sense of materials; so later when she inadvertently came into contact with gold leaf paper, others were not used to it, but she actively tried it, and finally achieved her new world in the unique art carrier of gold paper.

Lin Lan: Art, always on the road, at this moment and then set off

Lin Lan's work "Daylight"

Lin Lan: Art, always on the road, at this moment and then set off

Lin Lan's "Midnight"

Interest in gold paper, love for Song painting, when his dormitory wall was fixed with a Southern Song Dynasty painter Li Song's "orchid map", yellowed paper and gold paper seem to have a fit, but also in line with its own aesthetics, so Lin Lan's first creation on gold paper originated from the study of Li Song. Learning during this period is very important, in Beijing with many high-level teachers and friends, they are good at expressing and willing to share, Lin Lan constantly absorbs and compares, while learning while changing, graduation creation is a basket of big flowers and a lotus on two pieces of gold paper. Since 1995, she has continued to draw gold paper, and later returned to the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts as a teacher, still constantly groping and deepening, this form that has both traditional spirit and unique texture of the schema, counting white and black, concise and meaningful, with current emotions, with a state of sensibility, the creation can be done to the extreme, can be sincerely revealed, so as to impress themselves, but also to impress others.

Lin Lan: Art, always on the road, at this moment and then set off

Lin Lan's work "Poetry Classic- Long Song Oratorio"

Lin Lan: Art, always on the road, at this moment and then set off

Lin Lan's work "Poetry Classic- Long Song Oratorio" Part of "Emperor Hua"

Lin Lan: Art, always on the road, at this moment and then set off

Lin Lan's work "Poetry Classic- Long Song Oratorio" Part "July"

The unique feeling of gold leaf paper and the foundation of the creation of murals, Lin Lan, who has studied public space art, tried to use this texture and the form of comprehensive murals to integrate the customs of Lingnan, the elements of Lingnan, the intangible cultural heritage of Lingnan, etc., into the hometown and customs, and created a large-scale installation engineering art, showing the magnificent and wonderful Lingnan style, these masterpieces are displayed in Guangzhou White Swan Hotel and Xiangjiang Chimelong Hotel. The attempts of these large-scale art projects have further influenced the creation of Lin Lan's huge historical paintings on the theme, and she has absorbed nutrition and imagery in the "Book of Poetry" and created a giant painting of "historical and cultural themes" with the scene of the Book of Poetry as the content, which is collected and exhibited by the National Museum. Lin Lan, who dares to make breakthroughs and is willing to innovate, said that this kind of attempt to create from small to large is also an artistic re-departure.

Lin Lan: Art, always on the road, at this moment and then set off

Part of Lin Lan's work "The Book of Poetry - Long Song Oratorio". "July"

Lin Lan: Art, always on the road, at this moment and then set off
Lin Lan: Art, always on the road, at this moment and then set off

The change of the environment and the pursuit of the heart have made Lin Lan constantly polish in the kung fu outside the painting and the kung fu inside the painting, the daily lesson of calligraphy, the creation of traditional rice paper, the copying of famous works... She said that there were calligraphers in their 50s who had held copying exhibitions, and it was estimated that they could do it, and she believed that the current copying quality was different from that of young copying, and it was possible to see different effects. In addition, she has not let go of poetry, calligraphy, painting, theoretical study, and even study and sketching, etc. In the curiosity and new stimulation points, she hopes to find different performances in different states and different mentalities. Painting is the true expression of the heart, new accumulation, new departure, indeed her works are also changing, inadvertently, we can see that the color of her works is decreasing, ink rhyme, water stains, gold and silver white and other elements are more, plain and noble look and feel spontaneously.

Lin Lan: Art, always on the road, at this moment and then set off

Lin Lan's "Dream of Macau"

Lin Lan: Art, always on the road, at this moment and then set off

Lin Lan's work "Love"

In fact, the transfer to the Guangdong Academy of Painting is also a new trigger for Lin Lan's art, where all the things to be done are around painting, constantly discussing and commenting on the works with art colleagues, which is a beneficial promotion for its art, the ideas are polished in the collision, and the pen is also transforming; even if she is running for the construction of the new painting academy, working for the progress plan, she feels as if she is painting, because it is also to create an environment and a beauty. Changing the new environment, she began to comb her own habits, she said that combing the past is also a process of thinking, this process is also a process of improvement, is the process of alternating sensibility and rationality, is a new style in her own experience; the dedication to art, the love of painting, Lin Lan has been on the road, and then set off at this moment.

Lin Lan

Lin Lan: Art, always on the road, at this moment and then set off

Lin Lan, graduated from the Department of Chinese Painting of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in 1993, graduated from the Central Academy of Arts and Crafts with a master's degree in 1996, graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University in 2004 with a doctorate degree in fine arts, and is now the vice chairman of the Guangdong Provincial Artists Association, the vice president of the Guangdong Chinese Painting Society, the member of the Comprehensive Material Painting and Fine Art Preservation and Restoration Committee of the China Artists Association, the director of the China Artists Association, and the researcher of the National Academy of Painting of China. He is a member of the Steering Committee of the Teaching Steering Committee of the Design Major of The Ministry of Education, a member of the Sub-Committee of the National Steering Committee for the Teaching of Postgraduate Degrees in The Art Major, a professor and master tutor of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, an outstanding teacher in Nanyue Province of Guangdong Province, the May Fourth Medal of Guangdong Youth, a leading talent in propaganda ideology and culture of the "Guangdong Special Branch Plan", and an "Excellent Talent in the New Century" of the Ministry of Education of China. In May 2016, he was appointed vice president of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, and in December 2019, he was appointed as the president of the Guangdong Academy of Painting.

His works have won a number of national and provincial gold, silver and bronze awards, and his Chinese painting "Poetry Classic - Long Song Oratorio" was selected as the "Chinese Civilization Historical Theme Art Creation Project" sponsored by the Chinese Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Culture, and the China Artists Association, and the Chinese painting work "Long Flow - Protecting Cultural Heritage and Inheriting the National Context" was selected as the "National Thematic Art Creation Project" sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China. Public art works "Guangzhou Chimelong Hotel" (cooperation), "The 10th National Fine Arts Exhibition" Silver Award, "Design for China - The First National Environmental Art design exhibition 2004" Gold Award, etc.

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