
Lin Lan: Creating with health and passion is the greatest happiness

author:New Express
Lin Lan: Creating with health and passion is the greatest happiness
Lin Lan: Creating with health and passion is the greatest happiness

■ In the past year, Lin Lan summed up with the word "encouragement"; Looking forward to the New Year, Lin Lan spurred herself on with the word "line".

Culture everyone celebrates the New Year

Lin Lan

Born in 1971, a native of Chaozhou, Guangdong Province. He is currently the president of Guangdong Academy of Painting, the vice chairman of Guangdong Artists Association, and the vice president of Guangdong Chinese Painting Society. He has won the "Excellent Teacher of Southern Guangdong" in Guangdong Province, the Guangdong May Fourth Youth Medal, and the "Excellent Talent in the New Century" Award of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. Representative works include "Tsinghua", "Poetry Classic- Long Song Oratorio", "Long Flow", "Heaven and Earth", "Lingnan Style" and so on.

At the foot of Baiyun Mountain, a building rich in strong Lingnan cultural characteristics and simple and bright modern style has risen from the ground, which is the new site of the Guangdong Academy of Painting, which was opened at the end of last year. The exterior design, inner courtyard and lighting are integrated into the Lingnan elements of "Qingquan Stone Upstream", which is one of the major features of this painting academy. On the eve of the Spring Festival, the New Express reporter and Lin Lan, president of the Guangdong Academy of Painting, chose to visit this place.

Lin Lan has been transferred from the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts to the Guangdong Academy of Painting for more than two years, and has been the "head" of the academy for more than a year since the end of 2019.

Looking back on the past year, Lin Lan summed up with the word "encouragement", "The older generation of artists have passed on the torch from generation to generation, drawing the 60-year splendid long scroll of the painting academy, which is both encouragement and encouragement." Looking forward to the New Year, Lin Lan chose to spur herself on with the word "line", "In the new year, we must shoulder our responsibilities and continue to move forward on the road." ”

Keywords for 2020

The new site of the art institute was completed

In 1959, the predecessor of the Guangdong Academy of Painting, the Guangzhou Academy of Chinese Painting, was established; In 1979, the Guangdong Academy of Painting building settled on the shore of Liuhua Lake; In 2020, the new site of Guangdong Academy of Painting was officially opened. Over the past 60 years, the Guangdong Academy of Painting has become an important benchmark in the Guangdong art circle, and a large number of celebrities who enjoy a high reputation in the country, such as Huang Xinbo, Guan Shanyue, Wang Yujue, Fang Rending, Yu Ben, Xu Qinsong, etc., have created a large number of influential works.

"In 2020, my work is mainly invested in the construction of the building (the new site of the art institute)." Lin Lan said that from the idea of Building a New Site proposed by President Wang Yujue, to the establishment of the project by President Liu Sifen and the foundation laying of the foundation by President Xu Qinsong, to the restoration of President Li Jinkun, and finally to the completion of the new site at the end of last year, the efforts of several generations of deans and generations of painting institutes were condensed, "and I really walked less than a kilometer, only the last few meters."

In Lin Lan's view, the completion of the new site of the academy in 2020 is the result of the unswerving efforts of generations of painting institutes to climb Mount Everest, and is a new starting point for the development of Guangdong Painting Academy. "The key to 2020 is 'encouragement', and the older generation of artists have passed on the torch from generation to generation, drawing a 60-year splendid scroll, which is both encouragement and encouragement." If the 60th anniversary of the academy in 2019 is a comma, I hope that the next 60 years will become an exclamation point. Lin Lan said.

Collective creation of "The Wind of the Southern Kingdom"

The art academy system originated in the Southern Song Dynasty, and almost all the famous paintings in the Song Dynasty were written by the artists of the academy. The main responsibility of the painter in the academy is to create, and the purpose of the academy is to produce fine works, produce great artists, and gather academic forces, which reflects the country's emphasis and persistence on culture and art. After the completion of the new site of the Guangdong Academy of Painting, how to give full play to the advantages of the collective creation of the Academy, and then produce a masterpiece to reproduce everyone, Lin Lan deeply feels a heavy responsibility.

"Art can't solve our problem of eating, wearing, living and walking, but it must be able to speak out in the deepest part of the soul and show our cultural self-confidence." Lin Lan said that the art institute should have influence, the building is the hardware foundation, the big painting is the foundation of the art academy, and only by creating a considerable number of superior works can we pile up a weight for everyone. Therefore, the art academy should focus its energy on the creation of the work.

"When I created my work, I seemed to see the wind and clouds in the SAR, feel the breeze blowing from the coast, and dream that I was still a teenager." Standing in front of the long volume of "The Wind of the Southern Country - Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Shantou and Xiamen Special Economic Zones" on the first floor of the exhibition hall of the new site of the art academy, Lin Lan introduced the creation process of the painting to the New Express reporter. Last year, the Guangdong Academy of Painting took the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Special Economic Zone as the starting point for its creation, and specially invited the famous Chinese painters of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, The Shenzhen-Shantou Zhuxia and all the Chinese painters of the Guangdong Academy of Painting to jointly create the Chinese painting "The Wind of the Southern Country" for 118 days.

The painting is 16 meters long and 3 meters wide, with the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge as the "line" running through the whole width, and the map of the four special economic zones as the element of horizontal extension as the "surface", showing the achievements of the special economic zone in the past 40 years with a unique artistic style. Lin Lan revealed that "The Wind of the Southern Kingdom" was selected for the 100-episode special program "Party History in Art Classics" launched by CCTV.

"Collective creation is a glorious tradition of the academy." Lin Lan said that "The Wind of the Southern Country" is a work that continues the collective creative tradition of the art academy and pays tribute to Mr. Lao. Now, what the academy has to do is to continue the tradition, "to do a good job in creation, to be worthy of this building, there will be a continuous appearance of masterpieces, resulting in a new era of everyone." ”

● New Year Outlook

Use collective creation to unite everyone's creative ability

"Guangdong Academy of Fine Arts 60th Anniversary Excellent Works Exhibition", "Beautiful Life - Guangdong Fine Arts Exhibition", "Guangdong Academy of Fine Arts New Site Opening and Excellent Works Exhibition"...... Over the past year, the Guangdong Academy of Painting has launched or participated in a number of exhibitions, attracting people's attention. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and in the new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way, as the "head" of the academy, what are Lin Lan's expectations and plans for paying attention to the theme of the times and prospering Lingnan art?

Lin Lan revealed that this year's work mainly focuses on the re-optimization of the building and the re-creation of masterpieces. "People mountain flowers and birds, last year the academy has done the creation of landscape painting, this year we may focus on the creation of figure paintings and the creation of flowers and birds. At the same time, closely follow the theme of the times, for example, focusing on the centenary of the founding of the party at the national level, paying attention to the construction of the Greater Bay Area at the provincial level, and realizing the new vitality of the old city in Guangzhou, etc., using collective creation to unite everyone's creative ability and enhance everyone's creative state. ”

Talking about collective creation, Lin Lan added, "Everyone comes to the academy, they all have the original intention, have ideals, are willing to constantly put the small self into the big self, and it is happy to be a person with ideals." ”

●Personal wishes

It is hoped that there will be new expansions in the form of painting subject matter

"A successful artist must have four conditions: genius, diligence, cultivation, and longevity." When asked about personal expectations for the New Year, Lin Lan mentioned this famous quote from the famous painter Mr. Li Keyan, who laughed and said, "We are technical, and health is very important." Chinese painting is an ancient industry, you have to spend a long time or even a lifetime to learn, but also to maintain a lot of energy into the creation, so longevity is very important. ”

"In any case, as Mr. Li Keyan said, we must live a long life and be diligent. It is already a very happy thing to be able to work in a career that you like for the rest of your life. If you can devote yourself to creation and life with great health and passion for the rest of your life, I think this is the greatest happiness. ”

From the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts to the Academy of Painting, the transformation of identity brought Lin Lan more thinking. "If it is said that teaching in the Academy of Fine Arts was the main responsibility and creation was a matter of the self, then after coming to the Academy, creation became the main responsibility, and how to create better works is the only thing to do at present." Lin Lan looked forward to coming to such a dedicated unit as the Academy of Painting, hoping to have some new expansion in the subject matter and form of painting.

"Figure painting is closest to real life, and flower and bird painting is relatively alienated from life." In the past few years, Lin Lan has tried to create more flower and bird paintings to reflect reality with allegorical feelings. For example, in 2019, Lin Lan's work "Dream, Macau, 1999" symbolizes the beautiful and fresh dreams of Macao after the return of Macao with white lotus flowers in Macao; The 2020 anti-epidemic work "Mei Jian As Iron" symbolizes the courage and perseverance of the frontline medical staff in the fight against the epidemic with plum blossoms, and the tenacity and perseverance of wuhan city.

"I myself like "Tiangong Kaiwu", my generation will continue to draw nutrition from excellent traditional culture, while maintaining curiosity and enthusiasm for new technologies and new things, which is also our attitude towards life." In the new year, I want to continue to paint flowers and birds, using flowers and birds to present different cities and reflect major events in an allegorical way. Lin Lan said.

■ Coordinator: Hong Bo Li Shiyun ■ Writer: New Express reporter Huang Wenyu ■ Photo: New Express reporter Sun Yi Intern Guo Sijie

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