
Chairman Yuan Weimin is 82 years old, vice chairman Zhang Ran is 91 years old, and the Chinese Volleyball Association relies on the old heroes to move forward

author:Clear Spring Stone Upstream 2019

After the Chinese women's volleyball team was out of the Tokyo Olympic Games group, Zhang Ran, a 91-year-old volleyball veteran who was vice chairman of the Chinese Volleyball Association, published an article to analyze in detail the reasons for the failure of the Chinese women's volleyball team. After the article caused controversy in public opinion, the Volleyball Association urgently issued a statement, saying that the article only represented the author's views and did not represent the position of the Volleyball Association. So what is the position of the Volleyball Association? Fans have never seen it yet. In its position to seek its own government, no matter whether Mr. Zhang Ran's analysis is objective and rational, first of all, we should praise Mr. Zhang Lao, hang the title of vice chairman of the Volleyball Association, we should perform the duties of the vice chairman of the Volleyball Association, Mr. Zhang Lao's analysis of the five reasons for the failure of the women's volleyball team is the real performance of Mr. Zhang's painstaking efforts and concern for the Chinese women's volleyball team. If every incumbent volleyball association can put forward their own opinions and suggestions for the development of the Chinese women's volleyball team like Mr. Zhang Lao, instead of corpse vegetarian food, so that the Chinese volleyball association can become a Chinese volleyball player without a position, perhaps there will be no defeat of the Chinese women's volleyball team today.

Chairman Yuan Weimin is 82 years old, vice chairman Zhang Ran is 91 years old, and the Chinese Volleyball Association relies on the old heroes to move forward

Looking at the work responsibilities of the Chinese Volleyball Association, each of them is related to the development of China's volleyball cause, such as formulating development policies and guidelines, guiding club construction and talent training, organizing and implementing national competitions, responsible for the training and management of athletes, carrying out scientific and technological research, strengthening project publicity and market operation, etc. No matter which responsibility, it is extremely important in the process of volleyball development. As an outsider, we do not know what the Chinese Volleyball Association has done, because the updated content of the volleyball association website stays on the 2019 Chinese Women's Volleyball World Cup. However, the results of the efforts of the Volleyball Association are clear to us, let us sort out the volleyball results during the Tokyo Olympics: the Chinese men's volleyball Olympic Qualification Tournament did not qualify; the Chinese women's volleyball Olympic Group Stage did not qualify; the Chinese men's beach volleyball Olympic Qualification Tournament did not qualify; the Chinese women's sand volleyball Olympic Games did not enter the quarterfinals. Is this achievement consistent with the "women's volleyball spirit" that has risen to the level of national spiritual guidance? I believe that the majority of netizens know it well, and I believe that the Chinese Volleyball Association knows it all.

Chairman Yuan Weimin is 82 years old, vice chairman Zhang Ran is 91 years old, and the Chinese Volleyball Association relies on the old heroes to move forward

Mr. Yuan Weimin, the 82-year-old chairman of the Chinese Volleyball Association, is a hero in the development of Chinese volleyball, and mr. Zhang Ranlao, 91, still writes a book to make suggestions for the development of the Chinese women's volleyball team, and we praise their dedication and dedication. However, can the old people who should be nurturing their lives really be able to drive the banner of Chinese volleyball, which holds the high hopes of the masses? Are ideas and ideas in line with the increasingly open international trend? Perhaps, the Chinese Volleyball Association should really open its eyes and step out of the comfort zone to see the development of the surrounding fraternal associations. Liu Guoliang, chairman of the Chinese Table Tennis Association, a grand slam winner in the table tennis project, has cultivated countless table tennis world champions, making the "national ball" worthy of its name; Zhou Jihong, chairman of the Chinese Diving Association, has a strong personality and outstanding ability, and selects talents in an eclectic manner, so that the young general Quan Hongchan jumps into fame; Zhang Jun, chairman of the Chinese Badminton Association, makes the Chinese badminton team that is not optimistic about it achieve very satisfactory results. They are all professional leaders, each one is dedicated to the cause, and each one is rich and powerful, so that the leader of such an association can really lead the healthy and orderly development of each project and stand in an invincible position.

Chairman Yuan Weimin is 82 years old, vice chairman Zhang Ran is 91 years old, and the Chinese Volleyball Association relies on the old heroes to move forward

Playing iron also needs to be hard. The reasons for the failure of the Chinese women's volleyball team are manifold, should the Chinese Volleyball Association look inward, examine its shortcomings in construction and development, dare to reform and innovate, and create a good "base camp" for the development of the Chinese women's volleyball team and Chinese volleyball.

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