
"Old And Helpless": The world has its own logic

author:Qian Tong loves life

A film that does not have a very fierce fight scene from beginning to end, but is full of tension.

To be honest, when I first watched it, I actually didn't understand why the title of the film was called Old Nobody?

What exactly is this movie trying to say?

Purely because I think the movie is very good, it is a crime movie with a very calm tone but can catch people's attention.

Later, after a long time, slowly tasted, the director probably wanted to express a kind of randomness of life: the world has its own logic, people always feel that people can win the day, the development of things is often not controlled by people, people often can not fully control their own destiny, many times, we think we understand life, but in fact, we do not understand at all. We explain life with a set of self-righteous logic, but life is often chaotic, random, and illogical. All human logic, all efforts to control life, are all ineffective in the face of this impermanent world.

Why is the title "Old And Nothing to Rely on"?

It is to tell everyone: what is the use of a person who has accumulated a lifetime of experience, and when he is old? You still can't guess the logic of this world. Because it's inherently illogical.

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