
18 years for his girlfriend, 71-year-old man sick but old and helpless, ex-wife: he had betrayed the family 71-year-old man was abandoned in the hospital, but ashamed to call for help from his own son Girlfriend despite 18 years of love and chose to escape, 71-year-old man has nothing to rely on, ex-wife: he once betrayed marriage

author:Seven Paint Funny House

Good love will not only add icing on the cake for you when you are proud, it will also give you charcoal when you are down.

The love between lovers who can only share happiness but cannot share suffering is not precious, it is likely to be a choice made under the balance of advantages and disadvantages. People who truly love you will actively express their concern for you when you encounter adversity, rather than choosing to stay away from you.

Some people do not understand this truth, they do not hesitate to betray their families in pursuit of so-called beautiful love, but they do not know that when they are old and weak and sick, only the original wife and biological children will be willing to accept them unconditionally.

Only those who know how to cherish marriage will have a happy and stable family, and will not end up in the dilemma of being old and helpless in their old age.

18 years for his girlfriend, 71-year-old man sick but old and helpless, ex-wife: he had betrayed the family 71-year-old man was abandoned in the hospital, but ashamed to call for help from his own son Girlfriend despite 18 years of love and chose to escape, 71-year-old man has nothing to rely on, ex-wife: he once betrayed marriage

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > 71-year-old man abandoned in the hospital, but ashamed to call his own son for help</h1>

Guo Qiang (pseudonym), 71, suffered from cerebral infarction and lost his ability to take care of himself, but when he was treated in the hospital, no one was willing to take him out of the hospital.

Guo Qiang tried to call his girlfriend Zhang Lin (pseudonym), but the girlfriend was reluctant to answer his call, which made Guo Qiang feel angry and helpless.

Guo Qiang and Zhang Lin lived together for 18 years, he dedicated his strongest age to his girlfriend's family, he thought that his girlfriend would be grateful to him, after he fell ill will give him considerate care and a decent life, but now he is lying in the hospital with no one to rely on.

Someone saw that Guo Qiang was pitiful, so he asked him, is there any other relatives that can be contacted? Guo Qiang looked ashamed and thought for a long time before he finally said the phone number of his own son Guo Yuan (pseudonym).

It turned out that Guo Qiang lived with his girlfriend Zhang Lin when his son was young, and for many years he put all his energy into his girlfriend's home, in order to avoid suspicion, he even deliberately alienated his own son, and Guo Yuan has not been in contact for many years.

But Guo Qiang was facing the dilemma of no one to pick him up and leave the hospital at this time, and he could only put aside his shame and hold the mentality of trying it out, and call his son Guo Yuan, who was working in Shandong.

18 years for his girlfriend, 71-year-old man sick but old and helpless, ex-wife: he had betrayed the family 71-year-old man was abandoned in the hospital, but ashamed to call for help from his own son Girlfriend despite 18 years of love and chose to escape, 71-year-old man has nothing to rely on, ex-wife: he once betrayed marriage
18 years for his girlfriend, 71-year-old man sick but old and helpless, ex-wife: he had betrayed the family 71-year-old man was abandoned in the hospital, but ashamed to call for help from his own son Girlfriend despite 18 years of love and chose to escape, 71-year-old man has nothing to rely on, ex-wife: he once betrayed marriage

When Guo Yuan received his father's call, he felt very surprised, first, his father had lived with Zhang Lin since 2003, how could Zhang Lin disregard his feelings for 18 years and abandon his father in the hospital; second, his father had rarely contacted himself for many years, even when he got married and had children, his father had never come forward to send blessings, how could he think of calling himself at this time?

Without time to think about it, Guo Yuan immediately took leave and rushed back to Hunan to take his father out of the hospital and take good care of him.

When his father Guo Qiang's condition eased somewhat, Guo Yuanyue wanted to get angrier and angrier, but his father had selflessly paid everything for Zhang Lin's family for many years, how could his father be abandoned by them in his later years?

18 years for his girlfriend, 71-year-old man sick but old and helpless, ex-wife: he had betrayed the family 71-year-old man was abandoned in the hospital, but ashamed to call for help from his own son Girlfriend despite 18 years of love and chose to escape, 71-year-old man has nothing to rely on, ex-wife: he once betrayed marriage

Guo Qiang also did not understand, was his 18 years of sincerity wrongly paid to others? He wanted his once beloved girlfriend, Zhang Lin, to give himself an explanation.

With the dissatisfaction in his heart, and the doubts and pain in his father's heart, Guo Yuan found the house that Zhang Lin rented.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > girlfriend chose to escape despite 18 years of love, 71-year-old man with no one to rely on, ex-wife: he once betrayed his marriage</h1>

Where Zhang Lin now rents, near her grandson's school, the thought of her father has been helping his girlfriend take care of his grandson for many years, but he has never seen his own grandson, Guo Qiang's heart is full of mixed feelings.

After knocking on Zhang Lin's door, There was Zhang Lin's inquiry sound, but when Guo Yuan identified himself and explained his intentions, there was no response in the room, Guo Yuan tried to call Zhang Lin, but as soon as the phone was connected, it was hung up.

18 years for his girlfriend, 71-year-old man sick but old and helpless, ex-wife: he had betrayed the family 71-year-old man was abandoned in the hospital, but ashamed to call for help from his own son Girlfriend despite 18 years of love and chose to escape, 71-year-old man has nothing to rely on, ex-wife: he once betrayed marriage

Guo Yuan asked across the door, 18 years of feelings, how can you bear to abandon people in the hospital? But no matter what he said and how he knocked on the door, there was no response in the room, and in desperation, Guo Yuan could only choose to leave temporarily.

Is Zhang Lin bitter? In order to explore the truth, Guo Yuan came to Zhang Lin's hometown, at this time, Zhang Lin's old house, is facing expropriation, according to neighbors, Zhang Lin's family can get at least 600,000 yuan of expropriation, it is reasonable to say, with Zhang Lin's economic conditions, she has enough ability to take care of Guo Qiang, but why did she choose to escape? Neighbors nearby said they did see Zhang Lin and Guo Qiang living together as husband and wife for many years, and when Guo Qiang was in good health, the two had a good relationship and often went out to buy vegetables together.

As for why Zhang Lin chose to abandon Guo Qiang, neighbors believe that this is because Guo Qiang is ill and has lost the ability to take care of himself, and he and Zhang Lin have not applied for a marriage license and have no legal obligation to take care of each other.

18 years for his girlfriend, 71-year-old man sick but old and helpless, ex-wife: he had betrayed the family 71-year-old man was abandoned in the hospital, but ashamed to call for help from his own son Girlfriend despite 18 years of love and chose to escape, 71-year-old man has nothing to rely on, ex-wife: he once betrayed marriage

After Guo Yuan returned home, Guo Qiang blamed himself and said that I had long proposed to get a marriage license with her (Zhang Lin), he had always refused, I had paid everything for her, taught his grandson to ride a bicycle, and took on most of the housework in the family, I did not expect her to do this to me.

For his father's behavior of alienating himself for many years, Guo Yuan, although uncomfortable, also expressed understanding, he believes that Zhang Lin is afraid that his father will spend money on himself, so he deliberately let his father alienate himself. Guo Yuan works in Shandong, and in order to be able to rely on his father, he can only temporarily ask his mother Liu Fanghua (pseudonym) to take care of his father.

When Guo Yuan was young, Liu Fanghua chose to divorce Guo Qiang because she could not tolerate Guo Qiang's betrayal of the family, and for many years, she did needlework alone to raise her children, at this time, although she still had resentment towards her husband in her heart, she was still willing to provide a place for her ex-husband to eat and sleep in order to help her son reduce the burden. Liu Fanghua cooks various dishes for her ex-husband Guo Qiang every day, spends several hours boiling Chinese medicine for Guo Qiang, and under her careful care, Guo Qiang's health is getting better and better.

Guo Qiang feels guilty about his ex-wife and son, he has a pension of 3550 yuan per month, when he was with Zhang Lin before, he handed over 800 yuan, and the rest was used for Zhang Lin's family expenses, last year, he used the salary card back, accumulated 30,000 yuan, he hopes to use his spare energy to make some compensation for his ex-wife and son.

And Zhang Lin's desperation also deeply stabbed Guo Qiang, he knew that Zhang Lin's family would no longer pay attention to himself, and he hoped to pass the law to get an explanation for himself.

18 years for his girlfriend, 71-year-old man sick but old and helpless, ex-wife: he had betrayed the family 71-year-old man was abandoned in the hospital, but ashamed to call for help from his own son Girlfriend despite 18 years of love and chose to escape, 71-year-old man has nothing to rely on, ex-wife: he once betrayed marriage

But without the protection of the marriage license, his appeal may be difficult to support.

Guo Yuan said that after he went to Shandong to deal with work affairs, he would come back to take care of his father, Guo Yuan was kind, fortunately, with him, Guo Qiang's later life could be relied on.

Presumably, at this time, Guo Qiang must be full of regret for his betrayal of marriage many years ago.

Sentiment Analysis:

Guo Qiang dedicated his best age to his girlfriend Zhang Lin's family, but when he was seriously ill, he was ruthlessly abandoned by his girlfriend, Zhang Lin was cold, but Guo Qiang's mistake was that he should not betray the family and ignore the life of his ex-wife and son for many years.

Guo Qiang mistakenly believes that in order to pursue love, it is worth giving up everything, but he does not understand that for middle-aged people, it is more important than anything to have a happy and stable family.

18 years for his girlfriend, 71-year-old man sick but old and helpless, ex-wife: he had betrayed the family 71-year-old man was abandoned in the hospital, but ashamed to call for help from his own son Girlfriend despite 18 years of love and chose to escape, 71-year-old man has nothing to rely on, ex-wife: he once betrayed marriage

Truly beautiful love is not in the superficial sweetness, but in whether the other party is willing to enter into a marriage relationship with you, even when you are down, he is still willing to leave you. From Guo Qiang's story, we can get at least three enlightenments:

First, betrayal of marriage is a double-edged sword, hurting the family at the same time, but also stabbing oneself.

Many years ago, because Guo Qiang betrayed the marriage, his wife chose to divorce him, and since then, Guo Qiang has focused all his energy on the home of his girlfriend Zhang Lin, deliberately alienating his own son.

It wasn't until Guo Qiang was old and weak and abandoned by Zhang Lin that he thought of his son, who did not know that his betrayal of the family not only hurt his ex-wife and son, but also personally caused his own embarrassment of being old and helpless.

Only those who know how to cherish marriage can get the kindness of their families and harvest a happy life.

18 years for his girlfriend, 71-year-old man sick but old and helpless, ex-wife: he had betrayed the family 71-year-old man was abandoned in the hospital, but ashamed to call for help from his own son Girlfriend despite 18 years of love and chose to escape, 71-year-old man has nothing to rely on, ex-wife: he once betrayed marriage

Second, the person who loves you will be willing to give you a guarantee.

In the love between Guo Qiang and Zhang Lin, the reason why Zhang Lin will abandon Guo Qiang without scruples is because there is no marriage contract between the two, and since there is no constraint on the marriage relationship, Zhang Lin believes that she has no obligation to take care of Guo Qiang in his later years.

Zhang Lin only wants to be together when Guo Qiang is in good health, but she is not willing to take care of Guo Qiang when he is old and sick, which shows that he does not really love Guo Qiang.

People who truly love you will not only be good to you when you are proud, but also willing to give you a guarantee when you are down.

18 years for his girlfriend, 71-year-old man sick but old and helpless, ex-wife: he had betrayed the family 71-year-old man was abandoned in the hospital, but ashamed to call for help from his own son Girlfriend despite 18 years of love and chose to escape, 71-year-old man has nothing to rely on, ex-wife: he once betrayed marriage

Third, when you are down, the person who is willing to accept you is the one who truly loves you.

When Guo Qiang was strong and strong, he selflessly paid for Zhang Lin, and even deliberately alienated his own son for Zhang Lin, and he only hoped to be able to get Zhang Lin's care in his old age.

18 years for his girlfriend, 71-year-old man sick but old and helpless, ex-wife: he had betrayed the family 71-year-old man was abandoned in the hospital, but ashamed to call for help from his own son Girlfriend despite 18 years of love and chose to escape, 71-year-old man has nothing to rely on, ex-wife: he once betrayed marriage

But the wish is beautiful, the reality is cruel, when Guo Qiang is seriously ill and loses the ability to take care of himself, his beloved girlfriend chooses to leave him ruthlessly, only his own son Guo Yuan, chooses to accept him. Guo Qiang's story tells us that the people who please you when you are proud are not really loving you; the people who are willing to accept you when you are down are worth cherishing.

Only by knowing how to cherish marriage can we have a warm and comfortable family.

(Picture from the Internet, invasion and deletion)

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