
Are you there? Do you know saw rays, manta rays, and rays?

author:Ocean Exploration

After so many issues of push, I believe that young readers have a lot more knowledge of marine animals than the original. However, the animals I want to talk to you about today, such as saw rays, manta rays, and manta rays, you certainly don't know them! Haha, how's it going? Do you only know the word "fish"? Never mind, follow my lead and incorporate this uncommon fish knowledge into your knowledge base.

Sawtooth killer – sawfish

The most prominent feature of the sawfish (jù yáo) is its long, sharp kissing saw. Their kiss saws account for almost 1/3 of their body length, hence the name. The sawfish's kissing saw is not only long, but also has hard serrations at the edges. Even sharks are afraid of sawfish with this deadly weapon.

Are you there? Do you know saw rays, manta rays, and rays?

At first glance, sawfish and sawsharks are very similar in appearance, with a sword-shaped snout in front of both heads and serrated teeth on both sides of the snout. In fact, there is a big difference between the two, the main difference is the location of the gill hole: the gill hole of the saw shark is located on both sides of the body, while the gill hole of the saw ray is located on the ventral surface of the body. In addition, sawfish do not have tentacles like sawsharks on their kissing saws, and their bodies are flatter than those of sawsharks.

Are you there? Do you know saw rays, manta rays, and rays?

Gentle manta ray

Manta rays (fú fèn) are also called "manta rays". When they fan their triangular pectoral fins and swim in the water, they fly like a magic carpet in the water; and because they swim in the sea in a manner similar to that of flying bats, they are named "manta rays".

Are you there? Do you know saw rays, manta rays, and rays?

Although known as "manta rays", manta rays have a gentle temperament and generally do not attack humans. However, manta rays are sometimes very naughty, deliberately tapping the bottom of the boat with their fins, making a "snapping" sound, and sometimes even dragging the boat around in the sea. Although the manta ray has a gentle temperament, it can become very fierce when it comes to anger. If they are really disturbed, they are powerful enough to destroy fishing boats. Therefore, even the fierce sharks do not dare to provoke them easily.

Are you there? Do you know saw rays, manta rays, and rays?

During the breeding season, manta rays sometimes pat the water with their double fins, jump up and do somersaults in the air, and "glide" over the water more than one person high. However, they have little skill when they fall into the water. Because of the bulkiness of the body, and it is flat and falling into the water, the sound of the falling water splashing is very loud, like firing a cannon, often making the nearby fish feel frightened and flee.

Are you there? Do you know saw rays, manta rays, and rays?

Marine lame fish - the torted fish

Bì (bì) fish are very strange in appearance, they have walking "feet", the surface of the body is diverse, and they can change color, like invisible anglers.

Are you there? Do you know saw rays, manta rays, and rays?

The first dorsal fin spines of the dorsal fin are slender and long, and at the tip there is a false bait that resembles seaweed or worms. When a prey is lured over, the toyfish remain silent, just staring at the prey tightly until they swim into the attack range, and then they will lightning-fasten the prey.

Are you there? Do you know saw rays, manta rays, and rays?

Although they live in water, they are very weak in swimming. During exercise, the terrier uses pectoral and ventral fins to walk on the ocean floor. The body color of the snake can change with the change of the environment, and it is an excellent master of marine camouflage. They are often stationary between the reefs and look like rocks.

Are you there? Do you know saw rays, manta rays, and rays?

A sudden END

The content of this issue is excerpted from Qingdao Publishing House "I Love Marine Life".

Are you there? Do you know saw rays, manta rays, and rays?

1. The living habits of marine fish

2. International Day of Navigation| Ride the Wind and Waves Our journey is the sea of stars

3. Those "oddly shaped" sharks

4. The owl of the ice world

5. Glaciers of the Arctic

6. What does the dragon rely on to explore the sea?

Are you there? Do you know saw rays, manta rays, and rays?

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Are you there? Do you know saw rays, manta rays, and rays?