
Are there really fish in the sea that don't swim? Does it count as a tuna?

author:Vegetable leaves

Swimming is the most basic ability of fish, and it is also the ability of all fish, but the family of sturdy fish is one of the very few fish that cannot swim, they live in the rich tropical seas, do not need to swim around like other fish, just wait for the rabbit.

Are there really fish in the sea that don't swim? Does it count as a tuna?

I have seen relevant information on the vegetable leaf network before, and the waterfish is a collective name for the family of dragonfish, and the aquarium is called "five-legged tiger", which is the ???? of the rayfin fish class. There are nearly 50 species in 13 genera and nearly 50 species in the tropical and subtropical waters of the Indian, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and are shallow benthic fish. The body is short, thick, large, colorful, some species with spines, good at camouflage and ambush, can be integrated with coral reefs.

"躄" in the Chinese is the meaning of lame legs, this type of fish tail fin is not developed, can not swim quickly, can use the thick pectoral fin and abdominal fin to walk on the seabed, or climb on the reef, looking like a frog, "walking" the movement is slow and leisurely, so it is called a tuna. The bassfish usually inhabit the seabed and move slowly, covering their bodies with camouflage to wait for their prey to approach.

Are there really fish in the sea that don't swim? Does it count as a tuna?

There are also many friends who list two kinds of fish that do not seem to be able to swim, one is the sunfish, and the other is the suction cup fish.

The sunfish is known as the "dumbest" fish because it doesn't resist even if it's bitten by other fish, or even has the consciousness to flee, which is one of the reasons why many people think it can't swim.

Although the car fish are fish in the shallow waters of the ocean and occasionally lie flat on the surface of the water, this is by no means evidence that they cannot swim. In fact, the sunfish has a huge tail fin, and the swing of the tail fin not only allows it to swim in the water, but even supports its huge body to jump out of the water. And although the sunfish spends most of its time in the diving layer, it can still dive into the deep sea at a depth of 100 meters by the power of its tail fin.

Are there really fish in the sea that don't swim? Does it count as a tuna?

The sucker fish, also known as the sucker fish, its sucker fish scavenger's suction cup is different, the scavenger's suction cup is actually its mouth, and the lazy fish's suction cup is the alienation of its first dorsal fin.

Lazy fish usually use suction cups to adsorb on large marine organisms, such as sharks, turtles and so on. The reason why the lazy man fish is considered to be a fish that cannot swim is because of this habit, and it is this habit that the lazy man fish is also known as the "free traveler".

Are there really fish in the sea that don't swim? Does it count as a tuna?

Cy Although the dorsal fin of the sloth fish is alienated into a suction cup, its pectoral fin and tail fin are present, and there is a dorsal fin behind its first dorsal fin, which means that the sloth fish has all the basic "accessories" for fish swimming.

It is precisely because of this that people use the habit of lazy fish to absorb large marine organisms, catch the lazy fish alive and tie a long rope to it, so that it swims to find the big fish, so that people can "catch" the big fish.