
The calligrapher Xing Tong's "Lai Fowl Pavilion Post" was discovered

author:Lush vegetation
The calligrapher Xing Tong's "Lai Fowl Pavilion Post" was discovered

In the early 1980s, the carved stone of the "Lai Fowl Pavilion Post" traveled through more than three hundred years of dust and miraculously appeared. It caused a sensation in the land of Shenzhou and shocked the Chinese and foreign literary circles. It has attracted a large number of cultural and calligraphy scholars and historians to visit, investigate, study, discuss and exchange.

This seems to be accidental, it seems to have a definite number, and it seems to be related to an old cultural worker. He was his father, Fu Xuting (1922-1993), the former Linyi County Cultural Librarian, who joined the work in 1942, retired in 1975, and then retired, enjoying the treatment of deputy department level, and still helping work in the original unit after retirement.

For the inscription of "Lai Fowl House", he had long heard of it, but he had never found the actual object, and it was always a knot that could not be opened. Until the spring of 1980, I heard that there was a stone stele of "Lai Fowl House" in Su'an Street, and with the consent of the leaders of the museum, Qi Mingwen, who led Qi Mingwen, who helped the work in the cultural center, in late June, the two braved the sweltering heat to ride bicycles to Su'an, thirty miles away, and with the cooperation of Wang Chuanhe and comrades of the Su'an Township Cultural Station, they immediately held a mass meeting in Su'an Street and mobilized the masses to provide clues, but there was no result for several days.

They returned to the supply and marketing cooperatives hotel to discuss the next step. The decision to change the strategy is to delineate key areas around the Xing's Citang; the second is to select key households, mainly the descendants of Xing Dong. Hold symposiums, interviews with households, publicize policies, conduct overt and covert visits, collect clues, and look for traces of silk and horses.

Early one morning, they came to a courtyard where the door of the courtyard was broken and uninhabited, and found that around the water tank, it was surrounded by stone strips, and there were inscriptions on the stone strips, which were carefully identified as Xing Dong's "Tang Double Hook Seventeen Posts" and other stele stones. Seeing this, like seeing the sun in the clouds, the joy is overflowing with words. After visiting the owner of the household, xing for several years, the family went to Xinjiang a few years ago. In order to ensure the safety of cultural relics, cui Yongli, the village director, was found and transported these inscriptions to the township government for preservation.

The calligrapher Xing Tong's "Lai Fowl Pavilion Post" was discovered

A nearly sixty-year-old man, completely forgetting the heat of the weather and the fatigue of work, continued to visit the relevant households, urged knee talks, explained the importance of protecting cultural relics, and mobilized them to take the initiative to hand over the cultural relics they collected. In the next few days, several more stele stones that would be laid on the doorway, built in the pigsty or collected, were actively dedicated, and a total of twenty-six passes were collected.

After visiting, I also learned that there is still a statue of Xing Taigong in Su'an Street, and I don't know whose home it is. After learning this clue, he continued to visit, and when he came to the old site of the Xing Ancestral Hall, he saw the soap corner village that Xing Dong had planted by hand. According to the old people in the village, this tree has a history of more than four hundred years, once withered in the sixties and seventies, only two trunks remained, dry and dead leaves, somehow, this year the old tree is still childlike, dead branches and new shoots, branches are luxuriant. Is it to cater to the reappearance of old Tibet? unknown.

In this courtyard lived an old lady in her 70s, a five-guarantee household in the village, who had lived here for many years, and asked her to relocate, saying that she did not agree with anything. Could she have learned more? With this idea in mind, my father sat down to talk with the old man and explained his intentions. Knowing that her family was also a descendant of Xing Dong, she began to do the ideological work of the old man. First of all, it is affirmed that the descendants of the Xing family have made meritorious contributions to the protection of cultural relics; secondly, the cultural relics are difficult to make a name for themselves; third, they are difficult to preserve for a long time, and they will be properly protected by the government, and they will always be stationed in the annals of history, so that generations will remember their ancestors, and finally do the ideological work of the elderly.

When asked about the statue of Taigong, the old man did not speak, but pointed upward with his hand to the western wall, following the direction of the old man's guidance, and gently tapping the thin layer of wall skin with a hammer, which was a square niche, which contained a woodcut statue, which was the statue of Xing Taigong.

After more than a month of collection work, the task was successfully completed. After the decision of the county, these cultural relics are preserved by the county cultural center, and a special prize of 500 yuan is approved, and according to the amount of cultural relics contributed, the rewards range from 120 yuan, 90 yuan, 20 yuan, 10 yuan and 5 yuan respectively. Later, from The descendants of Xing Dong, she successively collected the Xing Cijing Codex, poems, and hand-lin "Orchid Pavilion Preface", as well as the woodcut seven links of the "Shiba Room Collection" that she mainly carved.

The present appearance of these cultural relics has immediately aroused the great attention of leaders at all levels and experts and scholars. In 1985, it was decided to rebuild the "Lai Poultry Hall", with an investment of 400,000 yuan, and in 1986, it broke ground and took three years to complete. Since the new building was not on the original site, it was renamed "Xing Tong Memorial Hall". In the future, the stones of the poultry hall will be displayed inside for people from all walks of life to watch, study and discuss. The opening ceremony was held on May 20, 1992, which was also the first Xing Dong Calligraphy Art Festival held in Linyi.

On the day of the opening of the museum, the county leader shook my father's hands and said, "It is your excavation and collection that has given a new life to Xing Dong's calligraphy and the Bird House. Thank you for your descendants! Thank you, people of the county! The father smiled slightly and said, "Yes, I have wished." ”

A sentence of "wish is fulfilled" speaks to the voice of an old cultural worker.

The calligrapher Xing Tong's "Lai Fowl Pavilion Post" was discovered

About author:Fu Zongguo, a historian and culture scholar, is a full-time consultant of the Famous Chinese Town Chronicle "Deping Town Chronicle".

Born in 1956, a native of Fujia Village, Deping Town, Linyi County, joined the work in 1975, a member of the Communist Party of China, a college culture, successively served as a photographer of the Linyi County Cultural Center, a pre-trial officer of the county public security bureau, a deputy director of the pre-trial unit, an officer of the political and legal committee of the county party committee, a deputy director and director of the Linyi County Office for Combating Economic Crimes, the first political commissar of the county public security bureau, the deputy secretary of the political and legal committee of the county party committee, and the director of the 610 office of the county party committee, enjoying the treatment of the deputy county level. After taking a back seat, he devoted himself to the study of local cultural history, and his works were mostly published in newspapers and magazines.

He once named "Mingde Square" for Linyi South Square and "Pyeongchang Park" for Deping Central Park, and gave it rich cultural connotations. In 2012, he photocopied and published the "Deping Literature Summary", and in 2019, the "Deping Literature Summary" was proofread and awaited publication. Over the years, he has been committed to being a practitioner of inheriting the blood of history and culture, a torch deliverer of achievements, a forerunner of carrying forward the spirit of the Guangda nation, and a practitioner of lifelong learning.

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