
Why not eat rice and noodles, weight loss is very fast? It's time to talk about those things about losing weight

author:Health plus

Rice and pasta are indispensable staple foods Chinese dinner table, but for some weight loss people, losing weight means not eating rice noodles, or eating as little rice noodles as possible, so that the weight loss rate will be very fast.

Especially for some celebrities or people who need to lose weight quickly, you can lose weight quickly without eating rice noodles. But did you know why not eating rice noodles can lead to rapid weight loss? Today, let's talk about those things about weight loss.

Why not eat rice and noodles, weight loss is very fast? It's time to talk about those things about losing weight

The reason why you do not eat rice noodles and lose weight very quickly is that they are the main source of calorie intake for the human body, and the main ingredient in them is carbohydrates, which are essential components for human metabolism.

Therefore, if you do not eat rice noodles for a long time, the carbohydrates and calories ingested by the human body are reduced, and too much fat will not be formed, but will also consume excess fat in the human body, so that the purpose of weight loss is achieved, so that the weight drops rapidly in a short period of time. Relevant studies have shown that if a person insists on not eating rice noodles for 30 days, the weight will probably decrease by about ten pounds.

Why not eat rice and noodles, weight loss is very fast? It's time to talk about those things about losing weight

Note: Long-term non-eating rice noodles to lose weight is very unreliable!

Many weight loss whites or some fitness instructors will advocate quitting rice noodles, or reducing the intake of rice noodles, but it is not reliable to lose weight by not eating rice noodles for a long time.

Rice noodles are an important source of heat for the human body. Excessive consumption or withdrawal of rice noodles has a very large impact on the body. Eating too much rice noodles every day will not only make the body fat, but also cause a certain burden on the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems, and may cause diseases such as high blood lipids and diabetes.

However, the harm caused to the body by not eating rice for a long time is also enormous. Its harm can be mainly manifested in three aspects:

The first is to lead to a decline in immunity, the carbohydrates contained in rice noodles are important nutrients and sources of human metabolism, if you reduce the intake, not only will it look no spirit, no strength, but also in the long run, will lead to muscle weakness, and no color, further lead to a decline in immunity, very easy to catch a cold or be attacked by the virus.

Why not eat rice and noodles, weight loss is very fast? It's time to talk about those things about losing weight

Secondly, the gastrointestinal function will become incomparably fragile, the human body's gastrointestinal tract needs to be well nourished, but also need to be used moderately, if you do not eat rice noodles for a long time, then, the digestive function of the stomach and intestines will become weaker, and then, if you change the way you eat, after starting to eat rice noodles again, the stomach and intestines will become not and prone to flatulence, pain and other problems.

Finally, long-term non-consumption of rice noodles can lead to an acceleration of aging. Some people do not eat rice noodles in the early stage of weight loss, only eat meat and vegetables, after a period of time, the face will become sallow, no blood, the skin becomes loose and hair loss is serious, this is because the lack of carbohydrates in the body leads to an accelerated aging rate. Girls can even experience menstrual disorders or even amenorrhea.

How to effectively control weight?

Since you can't eat rice noodles in the process of weight loss, how can you effectively control your weight? Here are three main suggestions for everyone.

First, we must ensure a healthy diet, each meal is nutritionally balanced, especially in the morning and noon, dinner can be moderately reduced intake, if you do not know how to arrange the diet, you can consult a nutrition mixer, according to their own physical condition to develop a reasonable diet plan.

Why not eat rice and noodles, weight loss is very fast? It's time to talk about those things about losing weight

Second, in addition to three meals a day, try not to consume high-calorie foods, such as sweets, fried foods and so on.

Third, under the premise of ensuring healthy eating habits, proper exercise can be consulted with health coaches to develop their own training plans, and the amount of exercise is best within the acceptable range of their own body. With healthy living habits and exercise habits, you can not only ensure a good appearance, but also effectively control your weight.

Why not eat rice and noodles, weight loss is very fast? It's time to talk about those things about losing weight

Nowadays, health is far greater than beauty, do not destroy your physical health in order to lose weight, even if you do not quit rice noodles, you can lose weight in the right way and have a perfect body.