
XCX-Test Test (35)丨 Xiaopeng P5 Pure Electric Endurance, Charging Test I, XCX-Test Endurance Test Standard Introduction II, Test Model Introduction III, Full Power 570km Departure IV, Total Charging Time 101 Minutes V, Summary

author:New trips

After two months, we have once again ushered in the XCX-Test test, this time the third model of Xiaopeng, the P5. There are six models of the new car, including two models with a 460km endurance, three models with a 550km endurance, and one model with a 600km endurance.

XCX-Test Test (35)丨 Xiaopeng P5 Pure Electric Endurance, Charging Test I, XCX-Test Endurance Test Standard Introduction II, Test Model Introduction III, Full Power 570km Departure IV, Total Charging Time 101 Minutes V, Summary

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >, XCX-Test Endurance Test Standard Introduction</h1>

Before testing, let's briefly introduce the new travel XCX-Test endurance test standards. This is a set of test standards launched by New Mobility based on hundreds of pure electric vehicle models and user perspectives that have been tested cumulatively in recent years. It is closer to the user's daily car use scene, and at the same time, it is more valuable for the user to be familiar with.

XCX-Test endurance test is a small one belonging to the "one big three small" evaluation system of new travel, and the "one big and three small" evaluation system of new travel is based on the exclusive evaluation project of intelligent electric vehicles. In the future, all the heavyweight new energy vehicles that everyone pays attention to, we will bring "one big" + "three small" evaluation content for the first time. The big and three small refer to:

"Big One" represents the comprehensive evaluation of new travel, that is, the in-depth experience report that we have been insisting on focusing on new energy vehicles;

XCX-Test Test (35)丨 Xiaopeng P5 Pure Electric Endurance, Charging Test I, XCX-Test Endurance Test Standard Introduction II, Test Model Introduction III, Full Power 570km Departure IV, Total Charging Time 101 Minutes V, Summary

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > second, test model introduction</h1>

The endurance test model is the top 600P model of the Xiaopeng P5, and the NEDC cruising range is 600km. However, it should be noted that because the measured model is equipped with 18-inch wheels, it is 30km less in terms of NEDC endurance, and the NEDC table of the measured car shows a cruising range of 570km.

XCX-Test Test (35)丨 Xiaopeng P5 Pure Electric Endurance, Charging Test I, XCX-Test Endurance Test Standard Introduction II, Test Model Introduction III, Full Power 570km Departure IV, Total Charging Time 101 Minutes V, Summary

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > three, full power 570km departure</h1>

First of all, we need to explain that since we picked up the car in Guangzhou for testing on the same day, the departure was in Guangzhou. Xiaopeng P5 can choose three kinds of working mileage in the central control screen, namely NEDC, WLTP and CLTC three, the mileage is shown in the following figure, and the remaining mileage recorded by our test is neDC working conditions.

XCX-Test Test (35)丨 Xiaopeng P5 Pure Electric Endurance, Charging Test I, XCX-Test Endurance Test Standard Introduction II, Test Model Introduction III, Full Power 570km Departure IV, Total Charging Time 101 Minutes V, Summary

Both the power side and energy recovery are old rules, with the economic model after and the highest capacity for recovery. The temperature of the air conditioner is 22°C, and the air volume is adjusted to automatic mode.

XCX-Test Test (35)丨 Xiaopeng P5 Pure Electric Endurance, Charging Test I, XCX-Test Endurance Test Standard Introduction II, Test Model Introduction III, Full Power 570km Departure IV, Total Charging Time 101 Minutes V, Summary

The driving mode is economical and the energy recovery is high

XCX-Test Test (35)丨 Xiaopeng P5 Pure Electric Endurance, Charging Test I, XCX-Test Endurance Test Standard Introduction II, Test Model Introduction III, Full Power 570km Departure IV, Total Charging Time 101 Minutes V, Summary

The air conditioning temperature is 22 °C, and the air volume is automatic

The test route is as shown below, the departure place was said earlier, because it was tested in Guangzhou, so the starting place is Guangzhou, after the power is full, the high-speed is still along the river high-speed (speed limit 120km), but because of the test of the cornering ability of auxiliary driving, we went to the outer ring highway (speed limit 100km) from the ramp along the river, and in the last section on the Nanguang Expressway (speed limit 100km).

The city's roads are still covered by Shennan Avenue (speed limit 60km, traffic lights) and North Ring Avenue (speed limit 80km). Although the time point of the test is not the peak period, because both roads are main roads, the traffic flow is not small.

XCX-Test Test (35)丨 Xiaopeng P5 Pure Electric Endurance, Charging Test I, XCX-Test Endurance Test Standard Introduction II, Test Model Introduction III, Full Power 570km Departure IV, Total Charging Time 101 Minutes V, Summary

There were only two passengers on the car throughout the test, and the total weight was 175kg; The temperature in Shenzhen on the day of the test was around 27-34 degrees Celsius.

In Shenzhen, as long as it is not midnight, there are many cars on the road, but the traffic flow at noon is relatively small. In addition to the large traffic flow in the section of Dongguan, the traffic flow in Shenzhen and Guangzhou can maintain a speed of 110km/h.

XCX-Test Test (35)丨 Xiaopeng P5 Pure Electric Endurance, Charging Test I, XCX-Test Endurance Test Standard Introduction II, Test Model Introduction III, Full Power 570km Departure IV, Total Charging Time 101 Minutes V, Summary

Since the first day of the return trip from Guangzhou did not complete 30% of the high-speed test, the high-speed mileage on the first day was only 100km, so on the second day another 70km of high-speed driving, so a total of 170km of high-speed running.

As can be seen from the curve chart, the mileage of the Xiaopeng P5 is still relatively average, but in this section of 200-300km, due to some congestion on the road, it can be seen that the power loss speed is relatively slow.

XCX-Test Test (35)丨 Xiaopeng P5 Pure Electric Endurance, Charging Test I, XCX-Test Endurance Test Standard Introduction II, Test Model Introduction III, Full Power 570km Departure IV, Total Charging Time 101 Minutes V, Summary
XCX-Test Test (35)丨 Xiaopeng P5 Pure Electric Endurance, Charging Test I, XCX-Test Endurance Test Standard Introduction II, Test Model Introduction III, Full Power 570km Departure IV, Total Charging Time 101 Minutes V, Summary

When the remaining driving mileage is 20km, the meter does not show the remaining mileage that can be driven, after the meter is not displayed, we continue to drive for about 19km after the table does not show, after driving 500.5km, we are worried about the endurance so we drive directly to the charging station, after plugging in the gun to the charging station, the instrument shows the remaining mileage of 9km, and the charging pile shows the remaining 1% of the power.

XCX-Test Test (35)丨 Xiaopeng P5 Pure Electric Endurance, Charging Test I, XCX-Test Endurance Test Standard Introduction II, Test Model Introduction III, Full Power 570km Departure IV, Total Charging Time 101 Minutes V, Summary

Full power 570km car, after 70% of the city plus 30% of the high-speed test, Xiaopeng P5 drove a total of 500.5km, if it is driven to the nest, it can probably drive 510km, from our actual measurement results, 8.7% off is a very good result.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >4, the total charging time is 101 minutes</h1>

In terms of charging, Xiaopeng P5 took a total of 101 minutes, and the power of the charging pile we went to was 120kW, so in terms of charging, the power of Xiaopeng P5 was not particularly high, and the highest power was up to 93.4kW.

The time from 30% to 80% is 37 minutes, and the time from 80% to 90% is 19 minutes, and the total charge is 75.33kWh.

XCX-Test Test (35)丨 Xiaopeng P5 Pure Electric Endurance, Charging Test I, XCX-Test Endurance Test Standard Introduction II, Test Model Introduction III, Full Power 570km Departure IV, Total Charging Time 101 Minutes V, Summary

From the graph, it can be clearly seen that the charging power in each stage, after charging 20%, the first stage of power reduction, the second stage of power reduction after charging to 40%, after charging 75%, the charging power drops to about 30kW.

XCX-Test Test (35)丨 Xiaopeng P5 Pure Electric Endurance, Charging Test I, XCX-Test Endurance Test Standard Introduction II, Test Model Introduction III, Full Power 570km Departure IV, Total Charging Time 101 Minutes V, Summary

Compared with the solid endurance, in terms of charging, Xiaopeng P5 is still relatively conservative, and does not adjust the charging power to a particularly high level, and there is no charging power that is maintained for a particularly long time.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >5</h1>

Finally, from our endurance test list, the 87% measured /NEDC ratio of the Xiaopeng P5 is still quite good, and it can be basically the same as the same level of models.

XCX-Test Test (35)丨 Xiaopeng P5 Pure Electric Endurance, Charging Test I, XCX-Test Endurance Test Standard Introduction II, Test Model Introduction III, Full Power 570km Departure IV, Total Charging Time 101 Minutes V, Summary

In general, xiaopeng P5 performance in terms of endurance is still very solid, if there is no choice of 18-inch wheels, 600km of pure electric endurance according to 87% can also run 522km, in general, it is still very good, look forward to P5 can achieve good results in sales.

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