

author:Night talk by the pillow


<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > introduction</h1>

Birth, old age, illness and death are ordinary and trivial things, and the laws of the operation of all things are just that. But when this matter was put on the emperor, it would always be regarded as an earth-shattering event. But in spite of this, there are always some emperors, although they are the holders of the highest power, although they are born violently, but they die a strange death.


Wow stills

There was a way to lift the Ding to crush himself to death: the King of Qin Wu was in a hurry, pretending to be able to lift the Ding, although he lifted it up at once, but his eyes were immediately congested, his whole body was fractured in many places, and finally his internal organs were damaged and died.

There were emperors who drowned in the pit: the Duke Ji of Jinjing during the Spring and Autumn Warring States period was terminally ill and could not be saved by the doctor, and he went to the toilet with a stomachache and fell into the pit and drowned.


Sima Yao Stills

There was a favored concubine who was killed: Sima Yao, the emperor of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, said to his own Zhang Guiren after drinking: Women will be old and decaying, at that time, Lao Tzu did not like it, and you are no exception. Zhang Guiren was usually quite favored, and when she heard that she would fall out of favor, she took advantage of Sima Yao's sleep and covered him alive.

It can be said that the emperor's method of death is also strange, but there has never been a dynasty like the Qing Dynasty, and eighty percent of the emperors did not have a good death: three sudden deaths, five sick deaths, one Hualiu disease death, Yongzheng died of the most strange cause, only Qianlong died of good death, and the king of Puyi's fallen country actually lived to the age of sixty-four.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">‬清帝死因微探</h1>

1. Nurhaci: Born on horseback, died on horseback


Nurhaci Stills

Nurhaci was a true son on horseback, and with the thirteen pairs of armor inherited from his grandfather, he successively established the khanate and laid the foundation for the establishment of the Qing Empire. However, in the great battle with the Ming Dynasty, he was wounded by a red-clad cannon and died of gangrene a few months later. He died at the age of 68.

2. Emperor Taiji, who died of grief


Huang Tai Chi Stills

Emperor Taiji was definitely an intelligent emperor, successfully standing out in the Battle of the Four Baylors, and later became emperor in Liaoning, changing the name of the country and the name of the clan. A lifetime of great achievements. However, after the death of Aifei Hailanzhu, Emperor Taiji cried day and night, and eventually fell seriously ill and died at the age of 52.

3. Shunzhi who died of smallpox

The Shunzhi Emperor was depressed all his life, ascended the throne at an early age, was controlled by his mother and the regent Dolgun, and when he grew older, he was trapped by love, because Dong Efei died of illness, and he even made a farce about renunciation. But he eventually fell ill and died of smallpox. He died at the age of 24.

4. Kangxi who died suddenly


Kangxi Stills

The Kangxi Emperor took the throne at the age of 8, pro-government at the age of 14, reigned for 61 years, and the longest-reigning emperor recorded, and the crown prince was killed. However, in 1722, Kangxi died without warning. He died at the age of 69.

5. Yongzheng, whose cause of death is a mystery


Yongzheng stills

Yongzheng can be said to be the most conscientious emperor, and also the most important emperor of the Qing Dynasty. However, the cause of his death is the most legendary, the most outrageous of which is that he was assassinated by a woman. One was killed by Lü Siniang, and the other was strangled to death by the palace maid.

It is recognized by historians as a sudden death due to stroke and other reasons. I will talk about this part in detail later. He died at the age of 58.

6. Qianlong who died without illness

Qianlong ascended the throne at the age of 20 and reigned for 60 years, if he had not retired to the second line in advance, he would have reigned longer than his grandfather Kangxi. He died at the age of 89, the longest living emperor of the Qing Dynasty.

7. The Legendary Jiaqing Emperor died of lightning


Jiaqing stills

Although it is said that he defeated He Yan and killed Jiaqing, in fact, what Jiaqing took from Qianlong was a mess. At that time, the politics were decaying, the landlord class monopolized the land, and the toiling masses suffered. The Jiaqing Emperor can be said to have died suddenly in the Chengde Summer Resort, because he did not die in the palace, the legend became more and more bizarre, and it was also rumored that the Jiaqing Emperor was killed by lightning. He died at the age of 61.

8. The Daoguang Emperor who died well

The Daoguang Emperor did nothing, and was also the first emperor to sign an unequal treaty, the Treaty of Nanjing, but in the end he actually died at the age of 69.

9, the drug addicted Xianfeng Emperor


Xianfeng stills

The Xianfeng Emperor had three major crimes in his life, one was to marry Cixi as his wife, the second was to sign a series of unequal treaties, and the third was to be lustful, drinking, and opium. He finally drank deer blood and died at the age of 31.

10. Smallpox plus syphilis Tongzhi Emperor died early

The Tongzhi Emperor died soon after the marriage, the Qing Emperor was actually very miserable, there was no pleasure of intercourse (the specific reason will be said later), the Tongzhi Emperor was not satisfied with this system, often went out of the palace to find flowers and ask for willows, and finally fell ill with flowers and willows. He died at the age of 19.

11. The Guangxu Emperor who was murdered and died


Cixi stills

Guangxu can be described as a lifelong nest, with a strong mother Cixi inside and a strong minister Yuan Shikai on the outside. Although he thought about actively changing the law, he was still stopped by the conservative faction, and finally died on the front foot of Cixi. There is a theory that Cixi was afraid that Guangxu would continue to change the law and protect his own people after death, so he killed Guangxu before dying. Guangxu died at the age of 38.

12. The emperor of the fallen country declares his unification


Puyi photo

Emperor Puyi of Xuantong was also a teenager who took the throne, and was forced to sign an edict of abdication in the midst of the revolutionary wave, and later became a puppet emperor of puppet Manchukuo, and was imprisoned as a war criminal in Lushun Prison after the surrender of Japan. After liberation, he became an ordinary person, and when he returned to the Forbidden City, he also needed to pay the ticket, and then wrote "The First Half of My Life" according to his own experience. He died of illness at the age of 61.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">‬大清皇帝为何死因如此蹊跷</h1>

1. The feelings are not smooth, and the life of the husband and wife is not pleasant

In view of the dangerous events in history in which Sima Yao, the Emperor Xiaowu of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, was strangled to death by the favored Zhang Guiren, and the Ming Dynasty Jiajing Emperor was almost hanged by the palace maid, the Qing Dynasty harem formulated a system in which the emperor did not sleep with concubines or even empresses- the green head card system.


Green head card stills

Flipping to the sign of whose, the concubine was naked after bathing, wrapped in a blanket, carried by a eunuch to the emperor's bedchamber. The concubine needed to drill from the end of the bed into the emperor's bed, and then drill out of the bed at the end of the bed, wrap in a blanket, and be carried back by the eunuch.

Therefore, the emperor's conjugal life was very unhappy, resulting in the death of the emperor Taiji and the Shunzhi Emperor due to love, and the death of the Tongzhi Emperor with venereal disease.

2, the far north gene is not adapted to the southern life and the narrowness of the marriage system


Qing Eight Banners Stills

The Manchus were born in the northern Liaoning region, and further back to the blood of the Tunguska region, and in order to ensure the purity of the bloodline, they would only intermarry with the Yehenara and other clans, which further caused the use of genes for life in the south.

Under such circumstances, the Qing Emperor could not live long, and the cause of death was strange.

Summary: As the integrators of power, although the emperor is high, they are still surrounded by storms. Although many rumors of poisoning and assassination are not credible, in the final analysis, the cause of death of the Qing emperor has created a reverie of different opinions.