
Why is the crispy hand-torn chicken on the street so delicious because of what special materials they put in?

author:Kitchen snacks

Hand-torn chicken is a national special dish, beautiful shape, yellow skin and white flesh, fat and tender and delicious, the taste is exceptionally delicious, very delicious. Hand-torn chicken is made simple, just cooked and not rotten, plus a variety of ingredients, such as hand-torn chicken powder, sesame oil, chili red oil, white sesame seeds and other ingredients. The taste is smooth and smooth, salty and fragrant, with a slightly sweet taste. Let people eat appetite greatly, eat and want to eat.

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Hand-torn chicken is especially suitable for school periphery, industrial areas, urban village trunk streets, pedestrian streets, food cities and other popular places to operate. When you start business, choose a low-cost category every day to do special sales, attract customer attention and popularity, special price logo should be eye-catching, pay attention to publicity strategy. Hand-torn chicken shop generally has a small store area, if the funds are limited, a small stall can also be done, and it is also a good choice to place a few leisure tables and chairs outside the door with other projects when conditions permit.

Why is the crispy hand-torn chicken on the street so delicious because of what special materials they put in?

Crispy hand-torn chicken

Why is the crispy hand-torn chicken on the street so delicious because of what special materials they put in?

Little Devil Chef tears chicken by hand

Contents of the Hand-Torn Chicken Training:

First, the production of hand-torn chicken brine 1, the production of spice water 2, the preparation method of brine (1) the preparation of materials (2) the production method of two, the secret preparation of chili pepper red oil 1, the preparation of materials 2, the production method of three, the production of hand-torn chicken crispy ice water 1, the preparation of materials 2, the production of crispy ice water 4, the production of hand-torn chicken water and boiling chicken 1, the preparation of material 2, the production of hand-torn chicken water 3, the cooking method of hand-torn chicken (important) five, the production of secret hand-torn chicken powder 1, the preparation of materials 2, the production method 6, the production of peanut crushed seven , the treatment of white sesame seeds eight, the treatment of green onions nine, the treatment of ten dishes, the production of chopped peppers eleven, the treatment of sour ginger 12, the production of sesame oil 1, the preparation of materials 2, the production method of sesame oil 13, the production process of hand-torn chicken finished products 1, the tearing method of chicken 2, the ingredients, the plate

Why is the crispy hand-torn chicken on the street so delicious because of what special materials they put in?

Hand-torn chicken

Raw chicken: refers to the child chicken, speaking of this, everyone is also in the heart, referring to the rooster who has not married a wife or has not had intercourse. Young and strong, but not yet fully grown up baby chickens. There is also a name in the field, it is a small rooster or a buzzard rooster, and the meat quality at this time is the best, and it is generally used for stir-frying. Big roosters are generally not eaten, and the meat is not so tasty. Remember a netizen to the little magic chef left a message, saying that they have a dish there that is called a good, much better than the fan chicken, called stir-fried chicken cock, have you eaten?

Hand-torn chicken is currently a very popular snack on the market, only need to invest a few thousand yuan to start, the main equipment is: 1, a trolley (can find someone to customize, only need a few hundred yuan) 2, a pot for cooking chicken, and a pot for boiling ice water (together with about 100-200 yuan of input) 3, a refrigerator (between 1500-2000 yuan) 4, a gas stove 5, 2 pots 6, ingredient cup 6, etc., specifically our video tutorial also has a recipe written in great detail, One look will!

Cooking chicken: The heat is just right, so that the chicken will be more tender and smooth, and the taste will not be woody.

When cooking chicken is a very critical step, whether the chicken is cooked well or not is related to the taste of the meat, and of course, the appearance of the chicken. If you don't cook well, the chicken skin will crack, which will affect the appearance of the chicken. The first feeling that the customer sees is that you are not professional in this way, and the taste is not good. Thus wasting a lot of customers. So don't underestimate the technique of cooking chicken.

The secret sauce powder of hand-torn chicken (hand-torn chicken powder) is to add thickness, saltiness, umami and flavor to the chicken, which is made of a variety of condiments. Salt and MSG alone are absolutely impossible to do, and it is not just Huai salt with spice powder. This is also one of the core magic weapons of hand-torn chicken, and many franchisees make money by selling this spice. Of course, our hand-torn chicken powder will be passed on to you without reservation. What materials are used and how many grams are used are described in detail.

Taste, taste, refers to the way of seasoning, the Tao is usually called the law, only to master the seasoning law of hand-torn chicken, there is no need to stick to a recipe, can be properly adjusted according to local tastes, make the local people's favorite hand-torn chicken explosives!

Therapeutic effect of hand-torn chicken: it has a good therapeutic effect on malnutrition, cold and cold, fatigue, menstrual irregularities, anemia, weakness, etc. The medicine of the motherland believes that chicken has the effect of warming up the qi, replenishing the deficiency and filling the essence, strengthening the spleen and stomach, activating the blood vein, and strengthening the muscles and bones. It has the effect of tonifying qi, replenishing weakness and strengthening the stomach, invigorating blood and relieving muscles, regulating menstruation and stopping collapse, and replenishing sperm and filling the pulp. It has excellent curative effect on post-illness or postpartum weakness, waist and knee pain, deficiency of qi and blood, etc., and also has a therapeutic effect on diarrhea, edema, yin deficiency cough and wheezing, kidney deficiency, deafness, frequent urination and other symptoms.

One of the ingredients for the hand-torn chicken: white sesame seeds. White sesame is an indispensable ingredient for hand-torn chicken, we can generally go to the market to sell dry goods where to buy, after the purchase back we have to put the pot in the frying incense, after the stir-frying incense can find a container sealed, so that it can be stored for a long time. Generally, it can be fried once a week. When we make hand-torn chickens, we can take as much as we want. Remember that the container must be dried, otherwise the white sesame seeds will soon become moldy and smelly.

Start tearing the chicken, after the chicken is divided into two halves, first tear off the chicken leg in the opposite direction, and then tear off the chicken wings in the opposite direction in the same way, and then tear the long chicken strips according to the texture of the chicken according to personal preferences.

Tongue in cheek

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