
Easy to learn rice cooker hand torn chicken, a pot full of fragrant, delicious enough to lick fingers

author:Xuan Ge's private kitchen
Easy to learn rice cooker hand torn chicken, a pot full of fragrant, delicious enough to lick fingers

Take your son to the grandparents' house for dinner, in the face of a table of delicious food, the son only loves to eat one of the plates of roast chicken, which the child's grandmother brought when she traveled abroad, and has been kept for the grandson! No, pack the remaining half and let my son take it home. I tasted a few bites, the taste is indeed not true, but after all, it is vacuum packaged food, the taste is salty, back home at night, my son has been saying that he is thirsty, constantly drinking water, it is estimated that the roast chicken eats too much. Since my son is so interested in roast chicken, he might as well try to make it himself. I thought of the universal rice cooker, which is now indispensable to every family, and is generally used to steam rice and cook porridge. Now the function of the rice cooker is also very powerful, and it can also be used to make soup, stew, cake, steamed steamed buns, and yogurt. In fact, the rice cooker does not need to add water, does not need to add oil, you can make low-fat healthy hand-torn chicken. When choosing chicken, pay attention to a few points: First, it is best to choose three yellow chickens, the size is two or three pounds, and it is appropriate to put it into the rice cooker. Second, use more chives, and it is advisable to take small chives to increase the aroma of chicken.

【Rice cooker hand torn chicken】

Ingredients: 1 three yellow chicken, 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of dark soy sauce, 1 spoon of cooking wine, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, 1/2 spoon of sugar, 1 half spoon of salt, 1 handful of chives, 1 ginger, sesame oil to taste.


1. Prepare the three yellow chickens from the inside out to clean up and drain the water.

Easy to learn rice cooker hand torn chicken, a pot full of fragrant, delicious enough to lick fingers

2, A handful of chives and a piece of ginger washed clean, ginger sliced. Mix all the spices except salt and sesame oil together and mix well. The amount of one scoop I used is the porcelain soup spoon in the picture below.

Easy to learn rice cooker hand torn chicken, a pot full of fragrant, delicious enough to lick fingers

3, apply the whole body of the chicken from the inside to the outside of the table salt, repeatedly rub and massage, the chicken stomach should also be applied. I used a toothpick to pierce the chicken's body with small eyes to make it taste good, but I didn't find the toothpick, so I used a knife to cut a few small knives on the chicken. Use a spoon to pour the seasoning over the chicken and continue the massage. Almost half of the seasoning is used. Then marinate for 2 hours, half an hour to an hour, and the marinating time is longer and more flavorful. Put the shallots and ginger in the rice cooker, spread the shallots on the bottom, put the slices of ginger on the top, and the shallots must be spread over the bottom of the pot to prevent the paste.

Easy to learn rice cooker hand torn chicken, a pot full of fragrant, delicious enough to lick fingers

4, put the marinated chicken on top, pour the remaining seasoning juice evenly on the chicken, press the cook button on it.

Easy to learn rice cooker hand torn chicken, a pot full of fragrant, delicious enough to lick fingers

5, about an hour or so, the cooking button jumps to the insulation key, and then 5 minutes to open the lid, if the chicken is lighter, you can turn the chicken over, and then smoulder for 10 minutes. Quickly brush the chicken with sesame oil when it comes out of the pan.

Easy to learn rice cooker hand torn chicken, a pot full of fragrant, delicious enough to lick fingers

6, the chicken is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, the aroma is fragrant, there is no need to use chopsticks, and it is most enjoyable to eat directly with your hands. As soon as my son arrived home from school and saw a plate of chicken on the table, he couldn't wait to eat it, and he called it delicious, more delicious than what was sold outside. Hurry up and take the time to make a rumored hand-torn chicken for your family in an hour of effort.

Easy to learn rice cooker hand torn chicken, a pot full of fragrant, delicious enough to lick fingers

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