
Turning around is autumn, one of the eight immortals, Zhang Guolao, walked through Bengbu and said that the autumn colors here made him intoxicated

author:Cultural tourism slashing
Turning around is autumn, one of the eight immortals, Zhang Guolao, walked through Bengbu and said that the autumn colors here made him intoxicated

Some people say that the political history of many countries in the world is compiled by posterity, and to put it bluntly, history is in the service of every emperor, and the person who compiles it stands in that dynasty, and his propagation ideas are inclined to whom.

And the legend is not, the legend is the word of mouth, one is more magical than the other, this is the essence of the legend.

Turning around is autumn, one of the eight immortals, Zhang Guolao, walked through Bengbu and said that the autumn colors here made him intoxicated

Bengbu has no sea, but the eight immortals who like to walk far and fly around also want to go to Bengbu to see, where the immortals have walked, there will be some footprints and veins thousands of years ago, and posterity will begin to pass, a pass ten, ten passes a hundred, a sand spread into a desert, a mound into a mountain, Bengbu's ZhangGong Mountain is passed down in this way, the original is a stone plus a mound, later, with the vein of the sun, moon and stars, the altitude of this mountain is now 71 meters high, you say magic is not magical.

Turning around is autumn, one of the eight immortals, Zhang Guolao, walked through Bengbu and said that the autumn colors here made him intoxicated

At that time, the eight immortals in Penglai went to the Queen Mother's mother's peach banquet, after drinking and eating, he looked down and saw that There was a shining stone crystal clear in Bengbu, so he flew down to the celestial realm, made an exception to come to a drunken Bengbu tour, Zhang Guolao flew to this crystal clear stone, found that it was a gem, when people were not surprised, don't steal it around the waist, such a big immortal actually did such a "three indiscriminate things" Zhang Guolao also felt embarrassed, so he used a treasure gourd to sprinkle a little water from the vicinity of the stone, It is now Zhanggong Lake, the beauty of this drop of water is amazing. And the place where Zhang Guolao took the gem, after the sun turned to the stars, a mound was formed, which was called "Zhang Gong Mountain" by posterity!

Turning around is autumn, one of the eight immortals, Zhang Guolao, walked through Bengbu and said that the autumn colors here made him intoxicated

Such a beautiful legend expresses people's yearning for a better life.

The real Zhanggong Mountain is purely the Tushan Mountain Range, and the Tushan area was once the place where the Tushan clan lived in the late primitive society. Yuhui Village at the foot of Tushan Mountain, legend has it that it was the land of the princes of the Great Yuhui Who Ruled The Water Hero, as the only administrative village in the country, there is still a moving story of Dayu Zhishui passing through the door of the house three times.

Turning around is autumn, one of the eight immortals, Zhang Guolao, walked through Bengbu and said that the autumn colors here made him intoxicated

Autumn colors of Zhanggong Lake

Zhanggong Mountain is a part of the famous historical and cultural mountain Tushan Mountain Range, has a long history, according to the "Huaiyuan County Chronicle" record: during the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, this mountain was called Zhanggong Mountain, a lake under the mountain, named Huapi Lake, now renamed Zhanggong Lake. According to legend, there was a warrior surnamed Zhang in the Ming Dynasty, who was disarmed and returned to the field, living in seclusion under the mountain, because of his high moral standing, the local people respected Zhang Gong, so Zhang Gongshan got his name.

Turning around is autumn, one of the eight immortals, Zhang Guolao, walked through Bengbu and said that the autumn colors here made him intoxicated

This is also another legend. It is impossible to study, because the oral tradition of the people has been passed down from generation to generation.

According to recent history, during the Qing Dynasty, there was a temple built on the top of Zhanggong Mountain, and there was also an early spring temple fair every year. The temple was originally named "Sishan Temple", later renamed "Zhongyue Temple" and then changed to "Guanyin Temple". Because the foundation of the temple is high in the south and north, and the temple gate faces north, the local people also call it the "Inverted Guanyin Temple". After the Japanese army invaded Bengbu in the 27th year of the Republic of China (1938), the Temple of Terayama was completely destroyed.

Turning around is autumn, one of the eight immortals, Zhang Guolao, walked through Bengbu and said that the autumn colors here made him intoxicated

In 1973, the Bengbu Municipal Government decided to take advantage of the natural scenery and beautiful environment of Zhanggong Mountain and Huapi Lake to turn this mountain into a park, and in 1975, the construction of the park was fully started. On July 1, 1983, Zhanggongshan Park was officially opened to the public.

Turning around is autumn, one of the eight immortals, Zhang Guolao, walked through Bengbu and said that the autumn colors here made him intoxicated

Since 1986, the construction of various infrastructure and scenic spots in Zhanggongshan Park has been improving day by day. It has built a lakeside restaurant, a water pavilion promenade, a garden in the park, a Wanghuai Pagoda, a children's paradise, a moon garden, a zoo, etc.

These accounts are true and valid.

No matter what legend, the most beautiful is the autumn color of Zhang Gongshan, which is so beautiful that people are suffocating and intoxicated.

Turning around is autumn, one of the eight immortals, Zhang Guolao, walked through Bengbu and said that the autumn colors here made him intoxicated

The sparrow is small and has all its internal organs. Although Zhanggong Mountain is not high, not big, it can be said that be the eyes and heart of Bengbu, this mountain has a 4A quality tourist attraction, it is expected that Huai Pagoda, Wanghuai Pagoda as the name suggests, standing on the tower can look at a Huai River. This is also a well-known landmark building belonging to Bengbu City. The tower is 35.33 meters high, seven-story octagonal, construction area of 820 square meters, the name of the tower is inscribed by the late Mr. Zhao Puchu, vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and chairman of the Buddhist Association of China, climbing the tower can have a bird's eye view of the whole city of Zhu and the scenery on both sides of the Huai River.

Turning around is autumn, one of the eight immortals, Zhang Guolao, walked through Bengbu and said that the autumn colors here made him intoxicated

The mountains are not high, and there are immortals and spirits. The tree-lined winding mountain path is suitable for citizens to exercise in the morning and run late, and there are book bars and tea houses in the middle of the mountain, which add to the functional needs of this mountain leisure walk.

Turning around is autumn, one of the eight immortals, Zhang Guolao, walked through Bengbu and said that the autumn colors here made him intoxicated

Ancient Huai River

As a foreign tourist, I have to come to Zhanggong Mountain every autumn to take a walk and appreciate the long Huai River Ancient Road.

A peak rises in the clouds, and the branches of the trees are not far from the sky.

Zhi Man is poor, and the majestic Jiangnan is thousands of miles.

Turning around is autumn, one of the eight immortals, Zhang Guolao, walked through Bengbu and said that the autumn colors here made him intoxicated

Bengbu tour also has local cuisine, Anhui cuisine is also a table of food that people like, friends who went to Bengbu locally took me to experience the taste of old Bengbu cuisine, the most impressive is these dishes:

Turning around is autumn, one of the eight immortals, Zhang Guolao, walked through Bengbu and said that the autumn colors here made him intoxicated
Turning around is autumn, one of the eight immortals, Zhang Guolao, walked through Bengbu and said that the autumn colors here made him intoxicated

Characteristic meatballs, fat but not greasy, melt in the mouth

Turning around is autumn, one of the eight immortals, Zhang Guolao, walked through Bengbu and said that the autumn colors here made him intoxicated

I didn't know the name of this dish after eating it, so I was very embarrassed, but I missed this seasonal vegetable very much.

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