
Zhang Guolao was forced to marry by the emperor!? The story of the Eight Immortals of Taoism

author:Money lost

The Eight Immortals of Taoism were not originally approved by Taoism, but were expanded by the folk novel "Journey to the East", and after the far-reaching influence of folk circulation, it was only recognized by Taoism a mythical system of eight immortals, if strictly speaking, although the eight immortals are All Taoist characters, their origin stories are derived from the folk, which can be said to be "folk Taoist myths".

Zhang Guolao was forced to marry by the emperor!? The story of the Eight Immortals of Taoism

Therefore, in the story of the Eight Immortals, there are also many less Taoist high divinities and more human feelings. The so-called cold and warm human feelings are only obtained from the eight words of men, women, young and old, rich and poor,

Therefore, among the eight immortals, each immortal corresponds to a word.

Iron abduction Li by Li Xuan's coincidence borrowed the corpse to return the soul, so in his meaning, refers to the word "untouchable", representing the world's mutilated and contemptible image, Han Zhongli is representative of the meaning of "rich", Han Zhongli legend is the reincarnation of the immortals in the Han Dynasty, his real name is Zhong Liquan, Zhong Li is his surname, Quan is his name.

This Han Zhong was born in a rich family, and later became a general of the imperial court, and as a result, he was defeated on the battlefield, and he was the only one in the whole army who survived, and later after the guidance of many immortals, he was incarnated as an immortal.

Zhang Guolao was forced to marry by the emperor!? The story of the Eight Immortals of Taoism

Cao Guo uncle represents the word "gui", Cao Guo uncle's story is very few, the source is also very late, only that he was enlightened by Han Zhongli and Lü Dongbin into immortals.

Lan Caihe represents the word "poor", and the general image of Lan Caihe is a tattered beggar who wears a flower basket in one hand and a castanet in the other, wears a cotton jacket in summer, and sleeps in the snow in a torn shirt in winter. The only thing worth mentioning is that Lan Caihe's gender is undecided, and the Taoist classics say that he has the image of a combination of yin and yang, with a strange temperament and mysterious whereabouts, so there are very few stories left by this immortal. The male and female of the Eight Immortals refer to Lü Dongbin and He Xiangu, who have a great influence on folk culture, and the next two issues will tell their stories in detail.

Han Xiangzi in the Eight Immortals represents the word "less", and it is said that Han Xiangzi and the Tang Dynasty poet Han Yu are blood relatives, but if you look closely at the legend of Han Xiangzi, it is all written around Han Yue, of which the story is absurd and bizarre and boring, and it will not be detailed here. In fact, the ancients also felt that there were many eight immortals, so when writing stories, they only focused on writing about those immortals who had a special identity and had a topical nature.

And Zhang Guolao, who represents the word "old" in the Eight Immortals, is a god with a topic. It is said that during the Three Emperors and Five Emperors period, he once served as a servant of Emperor Yao, and in the Tang Dynasty, Zhang Guo was old enough to teach the Immortal Law to Li, so that he could live forever and become immortal.

It is said that Zhang Guolao's most widely spread magic power is "riding a donkey upside down", usually he rides a white donkey, and each time he rides backwards, he can travel tens of thousands of miles a day, faster than modern Boeing planes.

Zhang Guolao was forced to marry by the emperor!? The story of the Eight Immortals of Taoism

Whenever he reached the place, he was able to lift the white donkey up, and the donkey instantly shrunk to the size of a palm, a donkey cut out of white paper, and then put it away, and when it was used again, it was splashed with some water, and it immediately returned to the form of a donkey.

In the legend, this donkey can also carry, the weight of the sun and the moon, once Zhang Guolao in order to test the solidity of the Zhaozhou Bridge, the moon and the sun were plucked off and put in the pocket, driving the donkey on the Zhaozhou Bridge, the bridge only left the donkey hoof prints and did not collapse, so it was talked about.

The emperor of the Tang Dynasty heard that there was Zhang Guolao, an immortal, so he often sent people to invite this Zhang Guolao. Emperor Taizong of Tang summoned Zhang Guolao, who could not get away with it, and after Wu Zetian became emperor, he also issued an edict to see Zhang Guolao, and Zhang Guolao could not shirk it, so he went with the palace emissaries, but pretended to be suspended on the way, leaving only a paper Daoist corpse as a messenger.

Later, Tang Xuanzong sent someone to find this Zhang Guolao, and the emissary found him with the holy will, only to see that Zhang Guolao was an old man with white teeth, so he began to despise arrogance.

Zhang Guolao was forced to marry by the emperor!? The story of the Eight Immortals of Taoism

When Elder Zhang Guo saw this, he used the old method to die violently on the spot in front of this messenger, leaving a corpse, frightening this messenger to quickly buckle his head and pull out the holy will, and this zhang Guo Lao walked out of the back room quietly, turned the dead body into a paper man and hid it in his sleeve, saying that he would not accept the holy will in the hands of this messenger.

After the emissary returned to the palace, he informed Tang Xuanzong, and Tang Xuanzong then sent Xu Zhao, a Zhongshu she, to go with the edict, and Zhang Guolao calculated that he could not escape the fate of this time, so he went out of the mountain to meet Tang Xuanzong in the palace. Tang Xuanzong saw Zhang Guo's old and old dragon bell, a picture of decay and death, so he questioned,

"Sir is a man of enlightenment, who has cultivated the Immortal Patriarch's Magic Method, so why are his teeth and hair almost gone, a look of decay?"

When Elder Zhang Guo saw this, he solemnly replied,

"The old decay became enlightened in his twilight years, and this is the case by coincidence, and since Your Majesty is asking questions now, I will knock out these teeth and remove my hair." After saying that, he raised his hand and knocked off his few remaining teeth, and then pulled the remaining thinning hair off the scalp, making his head full of blood.

Zhang Guolao was forced to marry by the emperor!? The story of the Eight Immortals of Taoism

Xuanzong was stunned and hurriedly said:

"Why should sir, go down and heal and rest?"

After two or three days of effort, when Xuanzong summoned Elder Zhang Guo again, he found that although his appearance had not changed much, he had grown an inch of green silk on his scalp, and his teeth had grown out, and his body had become straight and strong, no longer looking like the old man withered.

So this realized that Zhang Guolao was a true immortal, and immediately set up a wine banquet in the palace to entertain Zhang Guolao, and on top of the banquet, Zhang Guolao shirked that he was not good at drinking, but one of his disciples could drink a jar of wine, and when he said that he would chant the mantra, a small Daoist boy walked outside the temple.

So Xuanzong gave the wine, and the little Dao Boy didn't say a word and gulped down, drinking a large vat of wine, Zhang Guolao said to Xuanzong with deep meaning at this time,

"If you don't pass too late, you will lose something, and when you stop, you will stop, and it will be the natural Tao."

Xuanzong did not hear Zhang Guolao's meaning, or gave Xiao Daotong wine to drink, and as a result, after Xiao Daotong drank it, the wine actually gushed out from Daotong's head, washing daotong's Daotong's Daoguan down, and after the Daoguan landed, Daotong actually turned into a large water tank, causing Xuanzong and Yang Guifei, as well as Yang Guozhong and others to laugh for a while.

In the era when Tang Xuanzong was in charge, the fortunes of the country were extremely prosperous, and there was also the Tang Dynasty Li family who followed the Taoist LaoZi Li Er as their ancestors, so there were many able people who turned to Xuanzong at that time, among which there was a person named Xing Hepu, who was good at judging the life and death of people, and a person named Shi Luguang who was good at observing the ghost body.

Zhang Guolao was forced to marry by the emperor!? The story of the Eight Immortals of Taoism

Tang Xuanzong ordered these two people to measure the life span of Elder Zhang Guo, and to observe whether Elder Zhang Guo was that ghost, Xing and Pu shook their heads and counted for half a day, so they could not calculate it, and when the master quietly watched Elder Zhang Guo sitting in the room, he found that he could not see through Elder Zhang Guo's body at all.

The two of them saw that the spells they specialized in had lost their souls, and they quickly called Zhang Guolao a person who had attained enlightenment, so Xuanzong put his mind at ease, continued to entertain Zhang Guolao, and gave him the title of "Silver Qing Guanglu Doctor", and gave him the title of "Mr. Tongyuan", this Xuanzong had a daughter named Princess Yuzhen, and xuanzong saw that Zhang Guolao had already attained the Tao, so he wanted to marry Princess Yuzhen to Zhang Guolao, and let his daughter follow Zhang Guolao to become a fairy.

Zhang Guolao was forced to marry by the emperor!? The story of the Eight Immortals of Taoism

Elder Zhang Guo knew about this matter in advance, so he said to the guests who did not know about this matter next to him, playing a fish drum and saying,

"Marry a woman and get a princess, and give birth to a princely mansion on a flat land." People think it's gratifying, I think it's awesome. ”

Ignoring the confused people next to them, they took out a paper donkey in their arms, blew it into shape, and rode the donkey upside down and flew away without a trace. As soon as Elder Zhang Guo's front foot left, the Holy Will on the back foot arrived, saying that the emperor had given him the marriage of Zhang Guolao and asked him to be the donkey of Princess Yuzhen, but the person who passed on the will could not find Zhang Guolao's figure at this time.

This matter was passed back to Tang Xuanzong, and it was difficult for Tang Xuanzong to understand this matter, his daughter was of noble blood and devoted to the Tao, and the beauty and dignity of the fall, even the immortals should not go away like fleeing for their lives.

So Tang Xuanzong summoned Ye Jingneng Ye Daoist and asked Zhang Guo who he really was and why he wanted to reject the kindness of his Ninth Five-Year Dignity, and when Ye Daoshi saw that Xuanzong was angry, he was relieved.

"Your Majesty did not know that Zhang Guolao was a man of enlightenment, and when Emperor Taizong had ordered him before, he refused, but it was because at that time the Fortune of the Great Tang had just risen, and later summoned him again after the Wu Dynasty, and he escaped with suspended death, but because the Fortune of the Great Tang was rising, he could not refuse. And this time His Majesty summoned him, it was at the height of the fortunes of the Tang Dynasty, and even those who had attained enlightenment could not disobey His Majesty's will, so they came to see His Majesty and stayed by His Majesty's side for several years. Now That His Majesty has summoned him to the throne of the horse, it is to send down a great cause and effect, and to bind Elder Zhang Guo and the Fortune of the Great Tang Dynasty to the cultivators, this is a big taboo, so this Old Man Guo ascended to heaven in advance to avoid cause and effect. ”

Zhang Guolao was forced to marry by the emperor!? The story of the Eight Immortals of Taoism

After hearing these words, Xuanzong was even more curious about Zhang Guolao's identity and heels, so he continued to ask Ye Daoshi about the origin of Zhang Guolao.

Ye Daoshi saw that the Holy Order was difficult, so he got up and knelt down and said:

"Your Majesty, the subject knows his origins, but if he says it, the subject will die immediately, and if His Majesty promises to spare the subject from the crown and set up an altar to pray that Elder Zhang Guo will spare the wei chen, the minister will speak out."

When Emperor Xuanzong saw this, he agreed to Ye Daoshi's request, and Ye Daoshi then said:

"That guo lao is a white bat spirit at the beginning of chaos"

After saying this, this Ye Daoist priest bled to death, so Xuanzong hurriedly set up an altar, took off his crown hat and shoes, and burned incense in front of the altar to intercede for Ye Daoist again and again.

Ye Daoshi immediately woke up, and it took seven days and nights before he recovered as before.

Although Zhang Guolao's story is somewhat absurd and bizarre, among the eight immortals, it can also be regarded as an immortal with a rich story, and the other immortals, only the story of Lu Dongbin and He Xiangu, are more interesting and worth telling alone.

Well, when you get here, the story of Zhang Guolao is even if it is finished, the next issue of the lost will tell the eight immortals, the story of the most storied immortals, the story of the pure Yang ancestor Lu Dongbin, the loss of the video production is not easy, feel that this article is interesting,

Don't forget to like the collection to support it, then I am the money lost, let's see you in the next issue of Chinese mythology, bye-bye.

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