
Beef chicken cake for more than 9 months

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Beef chicken cake for more than 9 months

Many children do not love to eat meat, in fact, a big reason is because the taste of meat is not good, the second is the fiber of the meat rough to eat the slag, today this meat into a very small minced, add egg whites and starch, so that the taste is better The fishy taste of chicken is lighter, the fiber is also relatively soft can neutralize the roughness of the beef, but the beef will have some fat to neutralize the taste of the dried and chai of the chicken, so the two together are golden partners! Beef iron supplement zinc nutrition is high, chicken high protein is easy to digest is also very suitable for babies to eat Oh This method is really super simple, very suitable for handbags, even children can easily get oh, if your child is older or has a big treasure can let the child participate in the production together, the family's big treasure two treasures to eat together! How nice!

By Little Food Supplement Diary 【Douguo Food Official Certified Master】

Beef + chicken 70g quail eggs 6g

Seafood flour to taste Oil 5g

Cornstarch 5g tomato sauce to taste

Beef chicken cake for more than 9 months

1, all the ingredients are prepared, seafood powder can be seasoned or add mushroom powder and so on

Beef chicken cake for more than 9 months

2, put the beef chicken in a total of 70g in the lala artifact and beat it into pieces, be sure to pull a few more times

Beef chicken cake for more than 9 months

3, then add quail eggs 6g seafood powder appropriate amount oil 5g corn starch 5g all mix well

Beef chicken cake for more than 9 months

4: Add a little oil to the pan and press the meat paste into a cake and fry until golden brown on both sides

Beef chicken cake for more than 9 months

5, if the meatloaf is thicker, you can add a little water to cook a few more times, otherwise it will be dry and fried

Beef chicken cake for more than 9 months

6, finally squeeze a little ketchup seasoning, there is a pure tomato sauce within one year old can eat, there is salt sugar ketchup can not be given to the baby under one year old to eat Oh

Beef chicken cake for more than 9 months

7, beef to choose a little fat a little fat of the kind, do not that kind of pure lean meat taste will not be so good

Beef chicken cake for more than 9 months

8, according to the proportion to do 100% success

Beef chicken cake for more than 9 months

9, quail eggs can also use eggs, must not add too many quail eggs are very small only 6g

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