
The super refreshing edamame chicken patty "Baby Supplement" is served in seconds

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
The super refreshing edamame chicken patty "Baby Supplement" is served in seconds

More than 12 months after frying the cake has a browned shape and is embellished with emerald green edamame grains, which makes you have an appetite when you look at it. The surface has a crunchy taste, the inside is very soft, and the locked juice enters the mouth together, and the baby must love it!

by Baby Food Supplement Original 【Douguo Food Official Certified Master】

Chicken breast 160 g

100 g edamame

Egg whites 35 g

Starch 10 g

Oil / soy sauce / vegetarian oyster sauce to taste

The super refreshing edamame chicken patty "Baby Supplement" is served in seconds

1、· Reference month age · Babies over 12 months old who are not allergic to ingredients · Ingredient preparation · Chicken breast 160 g / edamame 100 g Egg white 35 g / Starch 10 g Accessories: oil / soy sauce / vegetarian oyster sauce

The super refreshing edamame chicken patty "Baby Supplement" is served in seconds

2: Blanch the edamame in a pot of boiling water once and set aside. * Little babies, remember to peel and pound the mud in the chicken cake, big babies like me, directly add edamame particles.

The super refreshing edamame chicken patty "Baby Supplement" is served in seconds

3: Cut the chicken breast into small cubes and place in a blender. Chicken breast can also be replaced by chicken thigh meat, pork, shrimp and other ingredients, what you have at home can be tasted.

The super refreshing edamame chicken patty "Baby Supplement" is served in seconds

4: Continue to add egg whites, soy sauce and oyster oil to the blender

The super refreshing edamame chicken patty "Baby Supplement" is served in seconds

5: Start the blender and continue to whip until finely pureed.

The super refreshing edamame chicken patty "Baby Supplement" is served in seconds

6: Add corn starch to the edamame and stir well.

The super refreshing edamame chicken patty "Baby Supplement" is served in seconds

7: Continue to add the stirred chicken puree to the bowl and mix these ingredients thoroughly until there is no dry powder.

The super refreshing edamame chicken patty "Baby Supplement" is served in seconds

8: Brush a thin layer of oil in a non-stick pan.

The super refreshing edamame chicken patty "Baby Supplement" is served in seconds

9. Brush your hands with a layer of oil to prevent sticking.

The super refreshing edamame chicken patty "Baby Supplement" is served in seconds

10: Take an appropriate amount of chicken puree in the palm of your hand, knead it round, press it flat, and arrange it into a small cake shape suitable for children to chew.

The super refreshing edamame chicken patty "Baby Supplement" is served in seconds

11: Put the prepared pancakes into the pan, turn on the heat, fry until the bottom of the cake is slightly yellowish and turn over. *If your small meatloaf is relatively thick, you can add a small amount of hot water after turning the dough, cover the pot and simmer until the water is dry.

The super refreshing edamame chicken patty "Baby Supplement" is served in seconds

12: Continue to fry until both sides are fixed and discolored, and after cooking, you can put it in a small bowl.

Celery, plums, rabbit meat, etc

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