
The chicken patty is made this way, the skin is crispy, the filling is delicious and juicy, and it is too fragrant

author:Delicious kitchen with dog heads

Chicken is an ingredient we all know and is often eaten in our daily diets. Chicken is rich in protein, and the fat content is very low, in this season that needs to supplement energy, eating more chicken is a good choice, not afraid of fat, but also supplement nutrition. There are many recipes for chicken, and each place has its own specialties. Today we do not share the food of the meal, only share a snack. This is a pie made with chicken and has a particularly fragrant taste.

The chicken patty is made this way, the skin is crispy, the filling is delicious and juicy, and it is too fragrant

Authentic chicken cakes are cumbersome, and when they are made, every process has its own reason. However, in the home practice, we can relax the conditions slightly, the home practice is to use the ingredients at home, how to do it conveniently. The chicken cake shared today is a homemade chicken cake, the method is simple, there are not too many cumbersome steps, and it is enough to make chicken cakes with the method shared today. Eat the outer skin fragrant, crisp and crisp, inverted delicious and juicy, a bite down fragrant but not greasy, the more you eat the more fragrant.

The chicken patty is made this way, the skin is crispy, the filling is delicious and juicy, and it is too fragrant

It's relatively easy to make, and in order to save time, I always grab the cake by hand to make the dough. The food with a crisp and soft taste is the hand-grabbed crust, which can also be replaced by the dumpling skin, and the chicken patty made of the dumpling skin is crispy, but it lacks a crispy feeling, because there is no puff pastry in it. Hand-grabbed cakes are different, they have puff pastry, which can make the dough layer by layer crisp, and it is also crispy when eaten. Friends who have time can also make their own noodles. The most important thing is the filling, and the chicken meat is very good with chicken breast or chicken thigh meat. Let's share the detailed production steps.

The chicken patty is made this way, the skin is crispy, the filling is delicious and juicy, and it is too fragrant

【Required Materials】

1 piece of chicken breast, a quarter of an onion, 3 hand-grabbed cakes, an appropriate amount of soy sauce, an appropriate amount of oyster sauce, a moderate amount of cooking wine, a little soy sauce, an appropriate amount of Orleans marinade, a moderate amount of starch, a moderate amount of cumin powder, a suitable amount of sesame seeds, a suitable amount of sesame oil.

【Preparation steps】

1. Prepare a piece of chicken breast, wash it, cut it into strips first, then cut into cubes, not too big or too small. Put it in a bowl, add an appropriate amount of cooking wine, and marinate for five minutes to remove the fish. A piece of chicken breast is the amount of three cakes, and if you want to eat more, prepare more.

The chicken patty is made this way, the skin is crispy, the filling is delicious and juicy, and it is too fragrant

2. Chop a quarter of the small onion and place in a chicken bowl.

The chicken patty is made this way, the skin is crispy, the filling is delicious and juicy, and it is too fragrant

3. Add a spoonful of light soy sauce, a spoonful of oyster sauce, a little soy sauce, and an appropriate amount of sesame oil. Stir well until viscous.

The chicken patty is made this way, the skin is crispy, the filling is delicious and juicy, and it is too fragrant

4. Then add the appropriate amount of Orleans marinade, the right amount of starch, the right amount of cumin powder, the right amount of sesame seeds, stir well, put aside and marinate for about 10 minutes.

The chicken patty is made this way, the skin is crispy, the filling is delicious and juicy, and it is too fragrant

5. Thaw the crust by hand and add the chicken pieces. The hand-grabbed cake does not need to be rolled, just use it.

The chicken patty is made this way, the skin is crispy, the filling is delicious and juicy, and it is too fragrant

6. Put your mouth shut like a bun. Pinch tightly, pinch tightly.

The chicken patty is made this way, the skin is crispy, the filling is delicious and juicy, and it is too fragrant

7. Pour a little oil from the pot and heat the oil into the raw blank. Fry slowly over low heat. After one side is set, turn it over and continue to fry over low heat.

The chicken patty is made this way, the skin is crispy, the filling is delicious and juicy, and it is too fragrant

8. Turn the noodles over many times until the golden yellow cake noodles on both sides bulge.

The chicken patty is made this way, the skin is crispy, the filling is delicious and juicy, and it is too fragrant


1. Onions can add flavor and dissolve, adding a little will be better, and friends who don't like it can also not add.

2. Chicken is marinated in advance with cooking wine to remove fishy, and the taste is not easy to remove along with other spices.

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