
#烤究美味 Soul on Sauce # Want to thin do not miss the sauce fragrant chicken cake

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
#烤究美味 Soul on Sauce # Want to thin do not miss the sauce fragrant chicken cake

I've eaten chicken breast in a variety of ways, and today I used a big barbecue sauce to make a sauce-flavored chicken cake.

By Wei Wei Xi 【DouGuo Food Official Certified Master】

1 piece of chicken breast

1 scoop of chicken essence

Salt according to personal taste

Pepper noodles 1 tablespoon of cooking wine

1 scoop of starch

Green onion to taste

Daxi big barbecue sauce to taste

Oil tablespoon

#烤究美味 Soul on Sauce # Want to thin do not miss the sauce fragrant chicken cake

1. Set aside the big barbecue sauce

#烤究美味 Soul on Sauce # Want to thin do not miss the sauce fragrant chicken cake

2: Chop the chicken and add the green onion

#烤究美味 Soul on Sauce # Want to thin do not miss the sauce fragrant chicken cake

3: Add a little oil to the big roast meat ➕

#烤究美味 Soul on Sauce # Want to thin do not miss the sauce fragrant chicken cake

4: Add starch to the seasonings in the ingredients

#烤究美味 Soul on Sauce # Want to thin do not miss the sauce fragrant chicken cake

5. Stir well

#烤究美味 Soul on Sauce # Want to thin do not miss the sauce fragrant chicken cake

6. Brush oil

#烤究美味 Soul on Sauce # Want to thin do not miss the sauce fragrant chicken cake

7. Flip the surface

#烤究美味 Soul on Sauce # Want to thin do not miss the sauce fragrant chicken cake

8. Done

1. Turn high heat to low heat and fry.

Celery, plums, rabbit meat, etc

There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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