
Dapu adorns the family tricks! Soft decoration this way to choose the curtain is the most economical

author:Jinan Dapu decorative painting

In addition to decorative paintings, soft decoration also contains a lot of things, and recently several customers of Dapu decorative paintings have talked about the same problem, that is, the budget of soft decoration. After the end of the hard decoration and the soft decoration, it was found that the soft decoration was the place where the real money was spent, and many things would exceed the budget, and the decorative paintings were far beyond the budget, and it was not known that the good decorative paintings could not be solved by two or three hundred yuan.

In addition to decorative paintings, there are fabric curtains, which are also beyond their budget, and can only say that good things are really not cheap.

But fabric curtains want to save money, there are still clever tricks.

Many friends know that they will measure the size of their own windows before buying curtains, but in fact, the size of the windows is not the size of the curtains at all, because the curtains need to be pleated, and the actual width is twice or even triple the width of the windows. If you choose a curtain with a pattern, you also need to pair the flowers, then the loss of the curtain will be more.

So how can you save money in soft-fitted curtains?

Dapu adorns the family tricks! Soft decoration this way to choose the curtain is the most economical

Choose a fixed height or fixed width curtain:

As the name suggests, it is a fixed height or fixed width curtain, generally speaking, the length of the fixed height cloth is 280 cm, 300 cm, etc. This kind of cloth is more cost-effective to do floor-to-ceiling curtains. Because the length is fixed, the owner only needs to consider the width of the cloth. Fixed width cloth is generally 145 cm, 270 cm and 280 cm and other kinds, such cloth is suitable for making half-waist window curtains, with how much to buy as much as you want.

Now there are many curtain brand franchise stores, in order to terminal good operation, the sales are cost curtains, this kind of curtain can choose the width and height of the degree of freedom is low, but the convenience is high.

Dapu adorns the family tricks! Soft decoration this way to choose the curtain is the most economical

Hooked curtains save money

Hook curtains in the past few years more popular, the current popular is the hole curtain, this curtain is more concise and atmospheric, good hanging feeling, but the hole curtain needs more folds, relatively speaking, the amount of cloth is more; Hook-up curtains, on the other hand, can reduce the amount of folds and therefore save money.

Dapu adorns the family tricks! Soft decoration this way to choose the curtain is the most economical

Use as few curtain accessories as possible

The combination of curtains is not only the curtain itself, often in addition to the amount of cloth used in the curtain itself, some merchants will also lobby the owner to increase the cloth belt (for pleats) and lead wire (to increase the drape of the curtain) and other auxiliary materials, these supplies also need to be calculated according to the actual length of the curtain cloth. If the style of the home is more concise, you can completely omit the accessories.

Soft decoration is actually a home taste of the tone, enjoy a good life or need to have high-quality soft assembly decoration, in the view of the big Park decoration home decoration painting, in fact, every point can save money, decorative painting can also save money, but save money at the same time also save quality and taste.

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