
Zhao Guizhong's calligraphy is clumsy, simple and uncarved, the characters are thick, and the pen is solid, which makes people impressed

author:Little white calligraphy

In today's book world, the most adept at Wei Bei, is the Lanting Award Lifetime Achievement Award winner Sun Boxiang, his Wei Stele, the combination of ancient and modern, the division of ancient and ancient, in this regard, the most exquisite, and he is also very selfless in teaching calligraphy skills, under his cultivation, a large number of outstanding calligraphy talents poured into the society, and he is the most representative one, but also his most proud disciple, his calligraphy as a whole presents a kind of clever, simple and uncarved scene, let people fall in love at first sight, he is Zhao Guizhong teacher, Now he is a member of the Rights Protection Appraisal Committee of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, the vice chairman of the Tianjin Calligraphers Association, and the vice chairman of the China National Calligraphers Association.

Zhao Guizhong's calligraphy is clumsy, simple and uncarved, the characters are thick, and the pen is solid, which makes people impressed

His calligraphy, has always presented a concept of "great calligraphy", it is this "heart has a great righteousness, the pen has a clean" view of the overall situation, so that his calligraphy is more traditional, has the ability, has the point of view, has the standard, under his pen, with the pen acura new era, enjoy the future, in his pen, we can not only feel a sharp charm, but also can feel a sense of pleasure, in the long-term practice of calligraphy, gradually formed a self-characteristics, exquisite ancient, comfortable, Moreover, his Wei stele also has a slight stroke of the book, which seems to be quiet and moving.

Zhao Guizhong's calligraphy is clumsy, simple and uncarved, the characters are thick, and the pen is solid, which makes people impressed

His Wei stele, in the use of pen is very exquisite, and in and out of the law, the law is rigorous, it can be said that the pen and pen to see the square, every stroke, every stroke, every word is forced through the back of the paper, is very exquisite, dot painting polished very delicately in place, the connection with each other is also very close, especially in the glyph, to fang bian as the mainstay, it seems more square and down-to-earth, let people have a calm atmosphere, I believe who sees such calligraphy works, will be amazed, in his calligraphy works, but also a touch of stability and delicacy, There is a special temperament between the lines, and it is precisely with such characteristics that it has conquered the public, conquered the judges of the National Exhibition, and won many national exhibition awards, such as the Fourth National Book Fair, the "Wang Duo Cup" National Calligraphy Competition and so on.

Zhao Guizhong's calligraphy is clumsy, simple and uncarved, the characters are thick, and the pen is solid, which makes people impressed
Zhao Guizhong's calligraphy is clumsy, simple and uncarved, the characters are thick, and the pen is solid, which makes people impressed

From his Wei Bei calligraphy, we can feel a strong fanggang atmosphere, which is also a temperament and spiritual outlook that many calligraphers lack in calligraphy, but he is perfectly expressed and shares your views.

Zhao Guizhong's calligraphy is clumsy, simple and uncarved, the characters are thick, and the pen is solid, which makes people impressed

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