
Breakfast recipe simple quick method 7 milk sweet potato nest head spinach pancake purple potato cake

author:Rabbit i who loves milk tea
Breakfast recipe simple quick method 7 milk sweet potato nest head spinach pancake purple potato cake

Ingredients: 1 fresh sweet potato, 100 g corn flour, 20 g Nestlé milk powder


1: Peel and slice sweet potatoes.

2. Pack it in a microwave special plastic bag.

3: Put in the microwave oven and cook on high heat for 3 minutes.

4: Press the sweet potatoes into a puree while they are hot.

5: Mix well in a bowl filled with corn flour and milk powder.

6: Add a little boiling water and mix well. Let stand for 15 minutes to allow the flour to blend well with the sweet potatoes.

7: Take a small piece of dough in your hand and roll it into a round shape.

8: Use your index finger to poke a nest at the bottom of the dough, so that the cornmeal is easy to steam.

9: Make all the dough into 8 nests.

10: Put it in a pot and steam for 20 minutes.

Breakfast recipe simple quick method 7 milk sweet potato nest head spinach pancake purple potato cake


50 g flour, 1 handful of spinach, 1 egg


❶ Wash the spinach, blanch it in boiling water and cool it.

❷ Squeeze out the water and chop.

❸ Pour flour, eggs and spinach into a large bowl.

❹ Add an appropriate amount of water, add a little salt and sesame oil, and mix into a uniform thin batter.

❺ Heat a pan, pour in a thin layer of oil, pour the batter into the pan and spread out in a circle.

❻ When the batter is solidified and can be moved, turn the dough over and fry the pancakes.

Breakfast recipe simple quick method 7 milk sweet potato nest head spinach pancake purple potato cake

Ingredients: purple potatoes, milk, cheese, dumpling skin

Procedure steps:

1. Purple potato steamed and pressed into puree plus a little condensed milk a little pure milk stirred evenly, take a piece of purple potato bun cheese!

2. Wrap the cheese purple potato balls with dumpling skin, brush the electric cake bell with a layer of oil, and fry the purple potato cake until the skin is golden! A mouthful of burst pulp, super tasty