
Appetizing and delicious rice "spicy shrimp ball fried vermicelli", one plate is not enough

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Appetizing and delicious rice "spicy shrimp ball fried vermicelli", one plate is not enough

This dish Chinese New Year's Eve the first time I made it, posted on the bean fruit, the number of likes is so high, it seems that everyone likes it. Good things to share, so made a recipe, hoping to be useful.

by Jiang Xiaojie

5 large shrimp

Fan 1 handful

1 egg

1 tablespoon of milk

Mapo tofu seasoning 1 tablespoon

Steamed fish soy sauce 2 scoops

Yaozhu sauce 1 scoop

3 cloves of garlic

1 shallot leaf

Ginger 4 tablets

1 scoop of cooking wine

1 tsp of cornstarch

1 scoop of ground white pepper

0.5 scoops of sugar

Appetizing and delicious rice "spicy shrimp ball fried vermicelli", one plate is not enough

1: 5 shrimp peeled and picked shrimp line, shrimp head and shrimp meat washed with water

Appetizing and delicious rice "spicy shrimp ball fried vermicelli", one plate is not enough

2, [marinated shrimp] shrimp cut into small pieces (each shrimp into 3 pieces), add 1 spoon of cooking wine, 4 slices of ginger, a little salt, a little white pepper, a little corn starch, grasp well, marinate for 15 minutes [Eggs] 1 egg add 1 tablespoon of milk, beat [shrimp head] control the moisture and set aside

Appetizing and delicious rice "spicy shrimp ball fried vermicelli", one plate is not enough

3, [vermicelli] 1 handful of vermicelli with hot water soaked soft (do not boil), with scissors cut short (each paragraph is about 1 finger long) [onion garlic] shallot leaves cut into sections, garlic chopped

Appetizing and delicious rice "spicy shrimp ball fried vermicelli", one plate is not enough

4, [scrambled eggs] - the whole process of small fire 1. Heat the pan and pour in the oil, feel the oil slightly hot with your hands, and pour in the egg mixture. (Hot pan of cold oil scrambled eggs tender) 2. As shown on the left, after the egg at the bottom of the pot solidifies, use chopsticks to slide the egg away. (Pull a few times less, otherwise the eggs are too broken) 3. As shown on the right, until the egg mixture has just solidified, put it out and set aside.

Appetizing and delicious rice "spicy shrimp ball fried vermicelli", one plate is not enough

5, [fried shrimp oil] - the whole process of low heat turn on the low heat, pour in the oil, when the oil is slightly hot, put in the shrimp head to control the dry water. Fry until the shrimp head on the right turns red, and the oil in the pan also turns red, emitting the aroma of shrimp oil, and the shrimp head is picked out.

Appetizing and delicious rice "spicy shrimp ball fried vermicelli", one plate is not enough

6, [stir-fried shrimp] shrimp oil down and down into the crushed garlic grains sautéed, add the marinated shrimp meat stir-fry (ginger slices pick out and throw away).

Appetizing and delicious rice "spicy shrimp ball fried vermicelli", one plate is not enough

7. 【Add vermicelli】 Stir-fry the shrimp balls until they turn white, cook the surface, add the soaked vermicelli and stir-fry. 【Vermicelli may stick to the pan during the frying process, pour a little water on it]

Appetizing and delicious rice "spicy shrimp ball fried vermicelli", one plate is not enough

8: When the vermicelli becomes soft, add 2 tablespoons of steamed fish soy sauce and mapo tofu seasoning (according to the degree of spicy you eat), continue to stir-fry.

Appetizing and delicious rice "spicy shrimp ball fried vermicelli", one plate is not enough

9: Add Yaozhu sauce to increase seafood flavor

Appetizing and delicious rice "spicy shrimp ball fried vermicelli", one plate is not enough

10: Stir-fry the seasonings, after the vermicelli is fully colored, add the scrambled eggs and shallots, add 1/2 tbsp sugar, 1/2 tbsp pepper and 1/2 tbsp salt. Stir-fry the seasoning evenly, and the shallots will be cut off and ready to come out of the pot.

Appetizing and delicious rice "spicy shrimp ball fried vermicelli", one plate is not enough

11. Plate and eat

1. Soak the vermicelli in hot water without boiling. The noodles fried directly in this way have a strong taste. The boiled vermicelli sticks together when stir-fried. 2. When the vermicelli is stir-fried, it may stick to the pan, just pour a spoonful of water. 3. 【Good People's Mapo Tofu Seasoning】Supermarkets sell it, and the spices I often have, stir-frying vegetables and making casseroles are very delicious. 4. Add some milk to the egg mixture, the scrambled eggs will be very tender and sweet, I often use this scrambled eggs to make sandwiches. (Emphasis: with a small fire) 5. This dish can also not be spicy, just change the spicy seasoning to oyster sauce.

There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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