
Moonshots, man is a miracle created by God, and the miracle of the world will be created by man himself

author:The secrets of space

The vicissitudes of the world, the vicissitudes of life. If astronauts are the elite of the world, then the 12 moonshots should be the real "people on the top". Their fearless spirit on the moon, their tenacity, infinite wisdom, and hard work have left a very deep impression on people. When they returned triumphantly from the Moon Palace, they were all received as grand guests of state, but in front of flowers and honors, 12 people took different paths.

Moonshots, man is a miracle created by God, and the miracle of the world will be created by man himself

Neil Armstrong, who left the first human footprint on the surface of the moon, was bright and studious from an early age, substituted for teachers who missed school due to illness in middle school, and later became a brilliant pilot. But he has always been indifferent to fame and fortune, and although he has been fearless in several space trips and has the talent to overcome dangers, he has always been very humble, always saying that he is "a person who is too ordinary to be ordinary" and "I hope that everyone will forget me early." After the moon landing, he resigned and lived in seclusion in a small town in Ohio, where he usually lived a pastoral life in the style of Tao Yuanming, and only occasionally appeared when invited by the president. After the Challenger disaster in 1986, he was invited by Reagan to investigate. He still lives a quiet life on his farm.

Edwin Aldrin, who landed on the moon with him, although his early experience was similar to his, the honor of "second man on the moon" became a spiritual burden on him, and his Air Force Colonel father had been worried about 19 minutes late. Aldrin was so distressed by this that he was once admitted to the psychiatric ward of the Air Force Hospital, where his wife left him, and his second marriage was broken up by his alcoholism. It wasn't until 1980, at the age of 50, that he quit drinking under the persuasion of his doctor and friends, and married for the third time, and now that the couple is living in California, he has also begun to cheer up, publish two books and a science fiction novel, and is on the run for future "space tourism". Looking back on the past, he sighed infinitely: "The excessive rendering of the media in those years made us great figures overnight, which made me dizzy and unable to adapt, and now I understand that I am just an ordinary person." ”

Moonshots, man is a miracle created by God, and the miracle of the world will be created by man himself

John Young, who has been in space six times, is the only full-time scientist among the moons who is still working for the space agency, and has assumed the key position of technical director. He was only 35 years old when he first went to heaven, the moon landing was his fourth space trip, although the "Apollo 16" was called "the most successful space flight to date", in fact, it was also full of accidents and dangers: first a cable was torn off, making some scientific experimental instruments unable to operate, and then the photographic equipment on the mother ship running around the moon failed, and after returning to the mother ship, there was a problem with an electric lock, making the original lunar earthquake test unsustainable... His 5th space voyage was the world's first space shuttle, and as commander he "ushered in a new era of spaceflight." So far only one person has flattened his record 6 times.

Geologist Harrison Schmidt, who once became a Senator in the Republican Party of New Mexico, is now long gone but still working on tech and politics. Alan Bean, on the other hand, has become an artist, and he is now the only painter in the world to return from the moon to paint on the moon, and is determined to create 200 works in 10 to 15 years, which is said to be more than $50,000 because his paintings are painted with "primordial moon dust".

Moonshots, man is a miracle created by God, and the miracle of the world will be created by man himself

Eugene Cernan, who finally left the moon, returned from the moon and first worked for an oil company, but the boss needed to use his legendary experience of landing on the moon to attract business, and ignored his talents, and even a wealthy businessman asked Cernan to write "Aerospace brand car" for his light truck... Unable to bear the arrogance of the city, Sernan finally brushed off his sleeves and left. He is now chairman of the Houston Aerospace Consulting Company and is a frequent commentator on space events on television and has become one of the most popular people on ABC. He repeatedly stressed that "as the honor of being the last lunar lander, I hope to be replaced as soon as possible" In October 1994, he was invited to Shanghai to participate in the "Our Space Age Exhibition". He was extremely touched by the sincerity and enthusiasm of the Chinese people, saying: "Man is the miracle created by God, and the miracle of the world will be created by man himself." ”

Two of the moons landers inexplicably became loyal religious believers, and one was removed from the space agency for missteps.

Moonshots, man is a miracle created by God, and the miracle of the world will be created by man himself

Incredibly, the moonshots' spends were pitifully small, at just $27 a day, and $22.50 a day had to be deducted from their meals (because they had their original salaries), in stark contrast to their reputations. David Scott couldn't grasp himself before this test. His aerospace credentials were comparable to Armstrong's, and the two of them flew the Gemini 8 together for their first space flight, and in 1969, as one of the three people of the Apollo 9, he conducted performance tests on the lunar module around the Earth, and the moon landing in 1971 was his third space activity. He printed 398 first-day covers in advance, depicting the Apollo lunar spacecraft, lunar module, and commemorative stamps related to the event. He took them to the moon during the moon landing, returned to the salvage ship on August 7 and stamped them one by one with special postmarks, so that these special first day covers were immediately worth a hundred times more than the price and became rare "space first day covers". Scott is also curious to live, raising its price to $2,000 a piece! However, soon after the East Window Incident, he "stole chickens and did not reverse the erosion of rice", and was discredited... It took several twists and turns to get a position at a small space transport consulting firm.

There are many more stories, but we can learn a lot from it, learn how to treat work, how to treat honor.

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