
From the case of Meizhou Wuhua Peach Blossom Chicken, we can see the risk management of small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises

author:Can be called Lao Zhang

Ms. Zhang Huifang is a household name among Wuhua Agricultural Enterprises because of her peach blossom chicken. Ms. Zhang's family has a peach orchard, in order to increase income, so in the peach orchard began to do a variety of breeding, this breeding is ten years as a day, and now her peach blossom chicken is very popular in the local area, and began to do e-commerce. It is a great honor for our team to be her service provider.

From the case of Meizhou Wuhua Peach Blossom Chicken, we can see the risk management of small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises

When preparing to do overall operation planning for her, we found that the brand she played for a long time has been registered in advance, which means that the brand of peach blossom chicken cannot be used, which is incredible and difficult for her to accept, after all, it has been done for more than ten years, everyone has recognized, and now wants to continue to develop, suddenly can not be used, what to do? Therefore, in fact, many such diligent doers do not know how to protect their own interests when they bow their heads and do things. So, what risks should agricultural practitioners pay attention to in the process of development? There are two large blocks of simple summary:

1. Internal risks. There are many internal risks in the traditional sense, but most of them are not suitable for small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises, because they are not yet up to the same scale and requirements. Therefore, the internal risks of small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises only need to consider the ratio of working capital and labor, and many times temporary workers, or relatives and friends can help to deal with some emergency problems.

2. External risks. Most of the small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises are doers, and this category of people often does not pay attention to the impact of issues such as brand protection, trademarks, patents and so on. They think that if I do my thing well, I will have a good harvest, but this is not entirely the case. Therefore, small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises should pay attention to trademarks, brands and corresponding legal risks at the beginning of their development. Especially external policy risks. Insisting on making a good agricultural product in one's heart is worthy of admiration, but it is sad to be robbed of the fruits of one's own labor by external factors. At the same time, if you want to go far, you must go solid and orderly, and to control external risks well is to do a good job, although we are small, we have the ability to resist risks and will always thrive.

From the case of Meizhou Wuhua Peach Blossom Chicken, we can see the risk management of small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises