
Fu Wei led the National Comprehensive Medical Reform Expert Evaluation Group to Liling to fully affirm the effectiveness of the comprehensive medical reform work in Liling, chen Xiaochun, Yang Weiguo, Long Kaichao, Yang Shengyue, Zhou Shu, Hu Xiangzhi, and Wang Libo


Abstract: On May 18, Fu Wei, director and researcher of the Health Development Research Center of the National Health Commission, led the National Comprehensive Medical Reform Expert Evaluation Team to Li, accompanied by Chen Xiaochun, director of the Provincial Medical Reform Office, secretary of the Party Group and director of the Health Commission. Yang Weiguo, deputy secretary of the Zhuzhou Municipal Party Committee and mayor, Long Kaichao, executive deputy director of the Provincial Medical Reform Office and deputy director of the Health Commission, Yang Shengyue and Zhou Shu, leaders of Zhuzhou City, and Hu Xiangzhi and Wang Libo, leaders of zhuzhou City, attended the meeting.

【Source: Liling Rong Media Center】

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