
The Zhuzhou Municipal Committee of the Peasants' and Workers' Party was re-elected zhou Shu as the new chairman of the committee

author:Live broadcast Zhuzhou

On May 12th, the Seventh Congress of Zhuzhou City of the Chinese Peasants' and Workers' Democratic Party was held, deliberating the work report of the Sixth Committee of Zhuzhou City of the Peasants' and Workers' Party, electing the Seventh Committee of the Peasants' and Workers' Party of Zhuzhou City, and Zhou Shu was elected as the chairman of the new Zhuzhou Municipal Committee of the Peasants' and Workers' Party. It has been learned that the Peasants' and Workers' Party is a political party with the characteristics of a political alliance, mainly high- and middle-ranking intellectuals in the fields of medicine and health, population resources, and ecological environment, and is committed to the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. In the past five years, the Zhuzhou Municipal Committee of the Peasants' and Workers' Party has united and led the members of the city's peasants and workers to actively perform the functions of participating in political parties. In terms of participating in the administration and discussion of politics, the research results of the municipal party committee " To build three systems, so that the classification of domestic garbage in urban areas can really land", which broke the difficulties of garbage classification and contributed to the introduction of the "Zhuzhou Municipal Domestic Waste Work Implementation Plan" in 2020, and the city's party, government and administrative department offices took the lead in rolling out garbage classification work. With the help of the provincial people's congress and the provincial CPPCC platform, a large number of insightful, valuable and weighty suggestions have been submitted, which has further improved the level of medical services in our city. Jiang Qiutao, full-time deputy chairman of the Hunan Provincial Committee of the Peasants' and Workers' Party, and municipal leaders Qin Wancheng, Liu Chunsheng, Tan Kemin, and Liu Huaide attended the meeting.

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Reporter | Cao Yan Feng Yuan

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