
Zhou Shu, vice chairman of the Zhuzhou Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and director of the Municipal Health Commission, investigated health law enforcement

author:Red Net
Zhou Shu, vice chairman of the Zhuzhou Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and director of the Municipal Health Commission, investigated health law enforcement

Meeting site.

On the morning of September 16, Zhou Shu, vice chairman of the Zhuzhou Municipal CPPCC Committee and director of the Municipal Health and Health Commission, and 5 people came to the Municipal Health and Family Planning Comprehensive Supervision and Law Enforcement Bureau to visit and investigate. This visit and investigation is the first time that Zhou Shu has investigated health law enforcement work since he became the director of the new Municipal Health Commission, and the heads of relevant departments of the Municipal Health Commission accompanied the investigation.

The visits and research were conducted in a combination of symposiums and on-site visits. The research team first inspected the office space and learned about the office space and the distribution of departments. Subsequently, the members of the research group exchanged views with the leading group of the bureau and the heads of the departments, and Tang Feng, general secretary of the party branch and director of the Municipal Health and Family Planning Comprehensive Supervision and Law Enforcement Bureau, made a detailed report to the research group from four aspects: the basic situation of the unit, the development of health supervision and law enforcement work, the difficulties and suggestions in the work, and the next step of work plan.

Zhou Shu fully affirmed the work of the Municipal Health and Family Planning Comprehensive Supervision and Law Enforcement Bureau in recent years, especially the innovative work such as "resident-style" comprehensive supervision and inspection and "medical waste e-management", which made an innovative demonstration for Zhuzhou's medical reform and woven a protective net for the people's health rights and interests.

Zhou Shu stressed that at the end of the 13th Five-Year Plan, as a public health unit performing the function of health supervision and law enforcement, it is necessary to conscientiously do a good job in the "14th Five-Year Plan", and in the next health law enforcement work, it is necessary to firmly establish the concept of "great health", build a good image of health supervision, increase the publicity of law popularization, and effectively use legal weapons to protect the health rights and interests of the people in the city.

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