
Zhou Shu, vice chairman of the Zhuzhou Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, went deep into the village to investigate the precise poverty alleviation work

author:Red Net
Zhou Shu, vice chairman of the Zhuzhou Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, went deep into the village to investigate the precise poverty alleviation work

Zhou Shu, vice chairman of the Zhuzhou Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and president of the Second Municipal Hospital, listened to the report on the poverty alleviation work in Tanqiao Street, Youxian County.

On September 8, Zhou Shu, vice chairman of the Zhuzhou Municipal COMMITTEE and president of Zhuzhou Second Hospital, and other hospital leadership teams, together with the leaders of Hunan Railway Vocational and Technical College, drove more than 100 kilometers deep into the hospital's poverty alleviation contact point - Wanmei Village, Tanqiao Street, Youxian County, to carry out accurate poverty alleviation research and visit the people in need.

Wanmei Village in Youxian County is a provincial-level poor village, located in a hilly area, the natural conditions are relatively difficult, the village has 168 poor people, and the masses have a very strong desire to increase income and get rich. As the municipal leader of the poverty alleviation work in Wanmei Village, the production and life of the masses here have always touched Zhou Shu's heart.

Along the way, Zhou Shu led the leaders of the backing units (Zhuzhou Second Hospital and Hunan Railway Vocational and Technical College) to visit the people in the hot sun, look at the industry, check the projects, and understand the development of poverty alleviation work on the ground. Zhou Shu and his party successively inspected the photovoltaic power generation projects, ecological farms, tea seedling planting bases, and village-run primary schools in Wanmei Village, learned more about the work of poverty alleviation and poverty alleviation carried out by the team in the village, and went deep into the homes of the people in need to visit them.

Zhou Shu, vice chairman of the Zhuzhou Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, went deep into the village to investigate the precise poverty alleviation work

Zhou Shu inspected the photovoltaic power generation project.

After carefully inspecting photovoltaic power generation projects, farms and other projects, Zhou Shu pointed out that industrial poverty alleviation is the fundamental guarantee for long-term poverty alleviation and sustainable poverty alleviation. "The key to industrial poverty alleviation is to select projects well, familiarize the technology, and find the market accurately." Knowing that two industries such as ecological farms and tea seedling planting bases have led to the active participation of poor households, Zhou Shu fully affirmed this practice, saying that the Second Municipal Hospital will do its best to help Wanmei Village, and combine the hospital's own advantages to provide support for local people in terms of medical health, talent and technology, and further innovate poverty alleviation methods to ensure that poor households get more benefits.

In the homes of Chen Jiansheng and Chen Kaiying, poor households in Wanmei Village, Zhou Shu learned more about the current family, living and physical conditions of poor households in accordance with the "Five Ones" visiting requirements, publicized the party's poverty alleviation policy, helped poor people calculate their income fine accounts, and gave away some drugs for free. It fully reflects the warmth and care of the party and the government, "we must build confidence and strive to get rid of poverty and get rich at an early date." ”

Zhou Shu, vice chairman of the Zhuzhou Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, went deep into the village to investigate the precise poverty alleviation work

Zhou Shu (second from right) visits poor households.

Zhou Shu and his party listened to the report on the poverty alleviation work in Tanqiao Street and exchanged poverty alleviation with county, township and village cadres. After listening carefully to the speeches, Zhou Shu fully affirmed the precise poverty alleviation work in Tanqiao Street and Wanmei Village, and at the same time, he pointed out that the poverty alleviation work should be combined with the actual situation of the local area, do a good job in accurate poverty alleviation work planning, and solve the problems that the people urgently need to solve. Zhou Shu demanded that we should further intensify the work of industrial assistance, develop the village-level economy, and strengthen the village-level economic entities; we should seize the advantages of local characteristics, introduce large planters, and do a good job in planting flowers and trees; we should take the construction of beautiful villages as the starting point, strengthen the construction of village infrastructure, optimize the living environment, and create idyllic scenery.

Zhou Shu stressed: All units and departments in the poverty alleviation units and departments should unify their thinking, accurately understand the requirements of the central, provincial, and municipal governments on poverty alleviation work, find out the poverty background and situation with a high sense of responsibility, seek truth from facts, and earnestly do a good job in the dynamic management of poor households and the tracking of poverty alleviation; we must have a clear idea in mind and take effective measures, closely integrate the policy requirements of the higher levels with the actual conditions of the poverty alleviation villages, and fundamentally help poor households get rid of poverty.

In the past two years, Zhou Shu has visited Wanmei Village 16 times to visit the poor and ask questions, take the pulse of the poverty alleviation in Wanmei Village, and repeatedly work with relevant sector members of the CPPCC Municipal Committee and the main leaders of the county party committee and county government to inspect and guide the poverty alleviation work, and bring support in terms of policies, funds and projects. At the same time, in order to ensure the poverty alleviation of Wanmei Village, the Second Municipal Hospital has set up a poverty alleviation working group headed by the secretary of the party committee and the president of the hospital, and specially dispatched 2 backbones to form a village-based help and support team to help villagers get rid of poverty and get rich; arrange special assistance funds to implement industrial support, medical assistance, education and other projects.

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