
Are Bian Mu and De Mu, who rank first in intelligence, really the smartest dogs?

author:Huge cute

Many owners, want to understand what the IQ of their dogs is, want to know whether they have a smart dog. The current ranking of dog intelligence in the industry is to test the performance of a certain breed of dog in the akc obedience competition, and rank each breed according to the work and obedience intelligence.

Because it is mainly the ranking of dog breeds recognized by AKC, there are still some rare breeds that are not among them. But if not all dogs, there are more than 130 kinds of dog obedience test results, which have been sorted by intelligence, and basically our common dogs are also included.

Are Bian Mu and De Mu, who rank first in intelligence, really the smartest dogs?

Although the official use of this method, we ordinary people judge whether the dog is smart, basically from the dog's training skills to make a conclusion. According to this test method, dogs are divided into five categories.

1. The smartest dog: For new instructions, it is possible to understand what it means without having to issue them more than 5 times, and more than 95% of the time the owner's first order is obeyed. This group includes border collies and German shepherds.

2. Excellent working dog: After repeating 5 to 15 times can understand the new instructions, more than 85% of the time obey the owner's first order. This group of dogs includes Belgian Shepherds and Weimera.

3. Above-average working dogs: New orders can be understood after 15 to 25 repetitions, and the first order of the owner can be obeyed more than 70% of the time. This group of dogs includes Samoyeds and Irish Sheddars.

Are Bian Mu and De Mu, who rank first in intelligence, really the smartest dogs?

4. Average work obedience intelligence: After repeating 25 to 40 times to understand the new command, more than 50% of the time can obey the master's first command. Pointers and Salukies belong to this group.

5. Below average work obedience intelligence: After repeating 40 to 80 times to understand the new command, more than 30% of the time can obey the master's first command. The ancient English Shepherd and Bulldog fall into this category.

6. Minimum level of work/obedience wisdom: After repeating more than 80 times to understand the new command, less than 25% of the time will obey the master's first command. Pine lions and bejiss belong to this group.

Are Bian Mu and De Mu, who rank first in intelligence, really the smartest dogs?

According to this test standard, a breed's score is determined by the grade they get in this study (the smartest dog has a score of 1). Although these rankings are also widely accepted, what we owners need to know is that it is often unfair to judge whether a dog is a "good working dog" based on the dog's work obedience intelligence, because the owner's needs for dogs are all different.

If you also want to do this test with your dog, choose a simple behavior that your dog doesn't already know: for example, touching his nose with his hand. See how long it takes your dog to learn this movement.

Are Bian Mu and De Mu, who rank first in intelligence, really the smartest dogs?

If the dog gets it right, be sure to reward him with a big meal; otherwise he will definitely be prepared to "rebel" and not listen to you. Of course, don't scold or hit the dog during this process, otherwise it will be even more reluctant to train with you.

Hounds are relatively difficult to train and are often listed at the lowest level of this list, not because they are not smart, but because some of the test scenarios we do are not suitable for them. Just like greyhounds, you have a hard time teaching them to sit down, not because they're not smart, but because of their size, and it's uncomfortable to sit like this!

Are Bian Mu and De Mu, who rank first in intelligence, really the smartest dogs?

As more and more people pay attention to the pet field, many dog behavior researchers have also questioned the previous test methods. Some of these studies have shown that the shape and trainability of dogs' skulls are correlated. Dogs with a more moderate head shape (not a long nose or short nose) are always rated smarter — think of a moderately shaped Labrador or German Shepherd head, not a greyhound's long nose or a Bulldog's flat face.

Are Bian Mu and De Mu, who rank first in intelligence, really the smartest dogs?

In addition, the researchers also admit that this may be based on people's subjective perception or actual visual ability based on the shape of the skull, rather than the actual intelligence of the dog.

In fact, as a foreign scholar wrote in an article, "We may not be smart enough to know how smart animals are." While there are a few measurements you can use to test whether your dog is a smart dog, it's far from a perfect understanding of your dog's intelligence. "

Are Bian Mu and De Mu, who rank first in intelligence, really the smartest dogs?

Whether the dog is smart or not, it seems that it is not so important in modern life, even if it can not learn to dance in circles or shake hands in a lifetime, but it is the cutest little baby in the owner's mind.

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