
Shandong Sheng Tongxi: Gao Shiyan quasi-triple double, Tao Hanlin is tired, Qiao Wenhan exploded

author:Enjoy watching the ball

In a CBA match on the evening of November 1, Shandong suddenly broke out in the fourth quarter, 33:23 in the single quarter, and Shandong finally 107:89 the god of war in Nanjing Tongxi, achieving a double kill this season.

Shandong Sheng Tongxi: Gao Shiyan quasi-triple double, Tao Hanlin is tired, Qiao Wenhan exploded

The win was expected, originally Tongxi was slightly weaker and ranked second from the bottom. However, I did not expect that the first three quarters of the two sides were inseparable, although Tongxi caught up closely, but the score gap was not opened, and the game still had suspense.

In the second half of the fourth quarter, under the leadership of Gao Shiyan, the Shandong men's basketball team won two consecutive victories with an 18-point advantage. It is also a double kill for Nanjing Tongxi this season.

Gao Shiyan performed well in this game, 24+8+10, quasi-triple-double data, and comprehensive play to drive the team forward.

Shandong Sheng Tongxi: Gao Shiyan quasi-triple double, Tao Hanlin is tired, Qiao Wenhan exploded

Tao Hanlin was a little tired, and the game was again 40+ playing time, but he took a break after locking in the victory at the last moment! The 31+9 data still shows the style of the inside giant shark.

It is worth mentioning that Qiao Wenhan played, 6 of 7 shots, got 13 points, and the shooting rate was super high!

The introduction of Qiao Wenhan this season should be a great value for money, not only to make up for the impact of Ding Yanyuhang's limited playing time, but also to play its own characteristics after coming off the bench: experienced, high shooting rate!

On the other hand, Nanjing Tongxi, the reason for losing is that there are no star players in the team, and the key moment is still relying on the veteran Xi Relijiang to support the team, and this game has scored 20 points and has tried its best.

But the other players did not stand up, only Wang Zirui's 19 points performance was OK!

Shandong Sheng Tongxi: Gao Shiyan quasi-triple double, Tao Hanlin is tired, Qiao Wenhan exploded

Congratulations to the Shandong team, but Xu Changsuo still has to pay attention to Tao Hanlin's playing time, once he is injured due to fatigue, it will not be worth the loss, after Jiao Hailong was injured, Shandong's inner line is still too weak!

The next game is Shandong vs Jilin, keep up the good work!

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