
I've been trying to get pregnant for a long time but can't get pregnant! Scientific preparation for pregnancy should grasp the golden 48 hours!

author:Xiangyang No. 5 Hospital

When it comes to pregnancy, many couples think

As long as no security measures are taken

It's easy to get pregnant

It was found that I tried it for a while

Still no response

There was even a bit of a faint worry

I fully understand everyone's eagerness to "hit with one hit".

But if you want to do things quickly, you can't do it

And preparing for pregnancy is for both men and women's bodies

In a relatively good state

It is the key to giving birth to a healthy baby

I've been trying to get pregnant for a long time but can't get pregnant! Scientific preparation for pregnancy should grasp the golden 48 hours!

Why should we get pregnant?

I've been trying to get pregnant for a long time but can't get pregnant! Scientific preparation for pregnancy should grasp the golden 48 hours!

Scientific preparation for pregnancy can not only improve the pregnancy rate, but also obtain high-quality sperm and eggs to form a high-quality fertilized egg, so as to achieve the purpose of eugenics. It is necessary to have at least three months of preparation time to get pregnant in order to achieve the original intention of eugenics. Of course, getting pregnant in this process does not mean that there is a problem, most babies are still healthy and can continue to be pregnant.

I've been trying to get pregnant for a long time but can't get pregnant! Scientific preparation for pregnancy should grasp the golden 48 hours!

I want to prepare for pregnancy efficiently

These 3 things should be understood in advance

I've been trying to get pregnant for a long time but can't get pregnant! Scientific preparation for pregnancy should grasp the golden 48 hours!

Preconception testing is an important part of scientific pregnancy preparation, which can rule out the possibility of chromosomal and other genetic diseases. Among them, blood routine, urine routine, blood type, liver and kidney function, fasting blood glucose, hepatitis B, HIV, syphilis screening, and thalassemia screening are required items; Cervical cytology, TORCH screening, vaginal discharge test, thyroid function monitoring, 75g glucose tolerance test, blood lipid profile, and electrocardiogram are available for reference.

I've been trying to get pregnant for a long time but can't get pregnant! Scientific preparation for pregnancy should grasp the golden 48 hours!

Folic acid, also known as vitamin B9, is one of the most important nutrients during pregnancy preparation to prevent a class of central nervous system birth defects caused by neural tube insufficiency in early embryonic development, the main clinical types of which include anencephaly, spina bifida and encephalocele. During the period of trying to conceive, women should take folic acid supplements, and the daily recommended amount is 400~800μg, which can reduce the incidence of fetal neural tube defects.

The diet during pregnancy preparation is not special, as long as the calories are reasonable and the nutrition is balanced, and there is no need to "avoid food". However, there are also some tips on men's diet that can make sperm healthier. For example, zinc deficiency will reduce semen volume and testosterone levels, and zinc deficiency also affects the body's absorption and metabolism of folic acid.

I've been trying to get pregnant for a long time but can't get pregnant! Scientific preparation for pregnancy should grasp the golden 48 hours!

What are the conditions for pregnancy?

I've been trying to get pregnant for a long time but can't get pregnant! Scientific preparation for pregnancy should grasp the golden 48 hours!

Let's take a look at what it takes to get pregnant:

First, the ovaries should have normal ovulation;

Second, there needs to be normal sperm quality and quantity in the semen;

Third, the fallopian tubes are open, which is a good place for the egg to meet the sperm and combine to form a fertilized egg;

Fourth, the fertilized egg can be transported smoothly into the uterus;

Fifth, there should be a fertile endometrium that is conducive to the implantation of the fertilized egg;

Sixth, have a good state of physical and mental health and a healthy lifestyle.

Therefore, the right timing is more conducive to a successful conception.

I've been trying to get pregnant for a long time but can't get pregnant! Scientific preparation for pregnancy should grasp the golden 48 hours!

How can I tell when I'm ovulating?

I've been trying to get pregnant for a long time but can't get pregnant! Scientific preparation for pregnancy should grasp the golden 48 hours!

A woman usually ovulates about 14 days before her next menstrual period. Usually the first 5 days and the last 4 days of ovulation, together with the day of ovulation, are a total of 10 days, which is called ovulation. During ovulation, a woman's ovaries release 1 to 2 mature eggs. So how can we tell when we are ovulating?

The mature egg is discharged from the surface of the ovary to pass through the membrane on the surface of the egg, and a little fluid in the follicle will flow into the pelvis, and the woman will feel a slight sinking sensation in the anus, and there will be a slight pain in the lower abdomen on one side.

I've been trying to get pregnant for a long time but can't get pregnant! Scientific preparation for pregnancy should grasp the golden 48 hours!

There may be a small amount of uterine bleeding before and after ovulation due to changes in estrogen secretion in the body, and the body temperature rises slightly after ovulation.

After the egg is discharged, the amount of secretion will increase significantly, and it will be watery and clear, with high stringiness, and the female will have a moist genital. This increased vaginal discharge usually lasts for 2~3 days.

I've been trying to get pregnant for a long time but can't get pregnant! Scientific preparation for pregnancy should grasp the golden 48 hours!

After a period of preparing for pregnancy, it still did not come true. If the woman has any of the following conditions, please go to the hospital as soon as possible.

1. Married women aged < 35 years old and have not become pregnant after having a normal, non-contraceptive sex life for more than one year;

2. Married women aged ≥ 35 years old and have not become pregnant after having normal sex without contraception for more than half a year;

3. Irregular menstruation or amenorrhea;

4. History of more than two embryo terminations;

5. Endometriosis or dysmenorrhea;

6. Severe acne or hirsutism;

7. History of pelvic inflammatory disease or ectopic pregnancy;

8. Other factors: such as endocrine problems.

When the man has any of the following conditions, please also go to the male reproductive health department in time to find the problem and deal with it in time.

1. History of mumps;

2. History of previous urological surgery;

3. Family history of cystic fibrosis or other genetic diseases;

4. History of genital tract infection or sexual disease;

5. Others: such as sexual dysfunction.

I've been trying to get pregnant for a long time but can't get pregnant! Scientific preparation for pregnancy should grasp the golden 48 hours!

From not using contraception to pregnancy

Both our bodies and minds need a process of preparation

So take good care of your body

Get ready for pregnancy as soon as possible

I believe that a healthy baby will come soon

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