
He is a national first-class actor, and he has been in love with his first wife for 37 years without scandals, and regrets that he did not end up for his parents

author:A small space in Aoyama

In his study, the trophies of the Golden Rooster Award for Best Actor and the Feitian Award for Outstanding Actor are quietly displayed, as if telling his brilliant acting career. But behind these accolades, an irreparable regret lurks in: he was not able to be by his side when his parents died.

He is a national first-class actor, and he has been in love with his first wife for 37 years without scandals, and regrets that he did not end up for his parents

Tao Zeru, who was standing in the twilight of his life, began to reflect: although he received countless applause and praise, but missed the most important farewell in his life, is his life still complete? This question became an eternal problem in his mind.

1984 was an important turning point in Tao Zeru's life. This year, he met his beloved Yang Lili. At that time, Yang Lili was the school flower of Nanjing University of the Arts, and Tao Zeru was just an unknown drama actor.

The gears of fate quietly turned, and these two seemingly unrelated souls were intimately connected.

He is a national first-class actor, and he has been in love with his first wife for 37 years without scandals, and regrets that he did not end up for his parents

When they first met, Tao Zeru was attracted by Yang Lili's beauty, and Yang Lili was moved by Tao Zeru's talent. The two soon fell in love, and soon entered the palace of marriage hand in hand.

However, the joy of the newlywed did not make them lose their minds.

After getting married, Tao Zeru and Yang Lili lived in a small house of only 12 square meters. Despite the small space, their love was not suppressed because of this, but made the two hearts more closely linked.

He is a national first-class actor, and he has been in love with his first wife for 37 years without scandals, and regrets that he did not end up for his parents

Yang Lili never complains about the hardships of life, she supports this small family with gentleness and tenacity, whenever Tao Zeru is depressed by the embarrassment of life, Yang Lili always smiles and comforts him: "As long as we are together, no matter how small the house is, it is also a warm home."

With the vigorous development of Tao Zeru's acting career, Yang Lili has always been his most solid backing. She not only takes care of all aspects of the family, but also becomes Tao Zeru's intimate partner.

Whenever Tao Zeru is distressed about the role, Yang Lili can always give pertinent advice; When he couldn't take care of the family due to filming, she silently took on all the housework and never complained.

He is a national first-class actor, and he has been in love with his first wife for 37 years without scandals, and regrets that he did not end up for his parents

In the past 37 years, the entertainment industry has been turbulent and scandals have continued, and the relationship between Tao Zeru and Yang Lili is like a clear spring, pure and flawless. Their love story has witnessed a good story in the circle and attracted the envy of everyone.

Tao Zeru has sighed many times: "In this industry full of temptations, it is his greatest luck to be able to meet Yang Lili." "Every time he mentions his wife, his eyes are always full of happiness and gratitude.

However, this deep affection made Yang Lili make a difficult decision when Tao Zeru's parents died. She resolutely chose to hide the truth and was unwilling to disturb her husband while he was filming.

He is a national first-class actor, and he has been in love with his first wife for 37 years without scandals, and regrets that he did not end up for his parents

She knows Tao Zeru's love and sense of responsibility for her acting career, and she can't bear to let him choose between work and family affection.

Tao Zeru's kindness made him decide to let his children go to school, but this decision became an eternal regret in his heart. He always felt guilty when he thought about it, but he never blamed his wife.

He understands his wife's good intentions, and this understanding deepens the relationship between them.

He is a national first-class actor, and he has been in love with his first wife for 37 years without scandals, and regrets that he did not end up for his parents

After 37 years of marriage, Tao Zeru and Yang Lili proved the existence of true love with practical actions. Their story is not only an interpretation of the scenery of the entertainment industry, but also the best interpretation of sincere feelings.

In 1953, Tao Zeru was born in Nanjing, Jiangsu. His father was a translator and his mother was a housewife. As the youngest child in the family, Tao Zeru has enjoyed a strong cultural atmosphere and received the love of his family since he was a child.

However, the magic of the film allowed Tao Zeru's artistic dream to be truly ignited. When he was a child, Tao Zeru often quietly saved up the pocket money given by his parents, just to buy a movie ticket.

He is a national first-class actor, and he has been in love with his first wife for 37 years without scandals, and regrets that he did not end up for his parents

Every time he watched a movie, he would immerse himself in the world of the screen, fantasizing that he would one day become the protagonist on the screen, and this love for movies became the driving force behind his future pursuit of acting career.

Although Tao Zeru's father was a translator, he had a strong interest in art, and often took the young Tao Zeru to appreciate various art forms. These experiences laid a solid cultural foundation for Tao Zeru's future acting career.

Under the influence of his father, Tao Zeru has a deeper understanding and perception of art.

He is a national first-class actor, and he has been in love with his first wife for 37 years without scandals, and regrets that he did not end up for his parents

In 1973, with his enthusiasm for performance, Tao Zeru was admitted to the drama performance major of the Drama Department of Nanjing University of the Arts with excellent results. After entering the campus, he eagerly absorbed the knowledge and skills of acting.

In his spare time, he often practiced his expressions and movements in front of the mirror alone in the dormitory, striving to achieve the ultimate in every detail.

Tao Zeru's hard work quickly paid off, and he not only became a "top student" in the school, but also graduated with the best grades in his class. After graduating, he finally got his wish and entered the repertory troupe and officially embarked on the acting road he longed for.

He is a national first-class actor, and he has been in love with his first wife for 37 years without scandals, and regrets that he did not end up for his parents

Recalling the school days, Tao Zeru always flashes with nostalgia. He often said, "At that time, even if you were not rich, as long as you could do what you loved, you would feel extremely happy." It is this pure love for acting that supported him to continue to break through himself in the years that followed, and eventually grew into a powerful actor loved by the audience.

Tao Zeru's growth process from the alleys of Nanjing to the big stage in China fully embodies the possibility of "dreams into reality", and his story tells us that as long as we have dreams and always maintain love, even ordinary teenagers can become bright stars.

Tao Zeru used his own experience to interpret the power of perseverance and the courage to pursue dreams.

He is a national first-class actor, and he has been in love with his first wife for 37 years without scandals, and regrets that he did not end up for his parents

1984 was a turning point in Tao Zeru's fate. This year, the door of opportunity opened to him, and he ushered in the first important movie role in his life - the male number one Wang Jin in the war film "One and Eight".

This is not only an important step for Tao Zeru to move from the drama stage to the big screen, but also a precious opportunity for him to play on the same stage with powerful actors such as Chen Daoming.

During the filming, Tao Zeru showed a high level of professionalism and dedication to the role. In order to better interpret the wartime characters, he not only carefully and repeatedly studied the script, but also interviewed many war veterans on the spot, striving to restore the real historical scenes.

He is a national first-class actor, and he has been in love with his first wife for 37 years without scandals, and regrets that he did not end up for his parents

His serious attitude and outstanding performance won unanimous praise from the director and the same group of actors, and this experience not only improved Tao Zeru's acting skills, but also gave him a deeper understanding of film performance.

However, it was 1989 that really made Tao Zeru gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry. This year, he starred in three films, "Evening Bell", "Yin and Yang World" and "Happy Hero", which not only made him famous overnight, but also won him the Golden Rooster Award for Best Actor.

When standing on the podium, Tao Zeru had mixed feelings in his heart, he thought of himself who was distressed about the role in the 12-square-meter cottage, remembered his wife who silently supported him, and also remembered his parents who were far away from his hometown, this award is not only a personal affirmation for him, but also a reward for all those who support him.

He is a national first-class actor, and he has been in love with his first wife for 37 years without scandals, and regrets that he did not end up for his parents

After winning the award, Tao Zeru was not complacent. On the contrary, he worked harder to study his acting skills, striving to break through with each character he created, trying to bring new surprises to the audience.

In 1996, he played the role of Zhao Tianxiang in the TV series "Skynet", and won the Feitian Award for Outstanding Actor again with his superb acting skills, marking Tao Zeru's successful transformation from a drama actor to a film and television star.

Tao Zeru's journey from the drama stage to the big screen often makes him feel a lot of emotion. He often says, "Every role I play is a part of my life, and I put my heart and soul into acting." It is this love and dedication to performance that has enabled Tao Zeru to always maintain strong creativity in the entertainment industry, and has also won the respect of the audience and peers.

He is a national first-class actor, and he has been in love with his first wife for 37 years without scandals, and regrets that he did not end up for his parents

Tao Zeru's success is not only a reflection of his personal talent, but also the result of his unwavering efforts and continuous struggle. He used his personal experience to verify the true meaning of "one minute on stage, ten years off stage", and also set an excellent example for future actors.

From the drama stage to the big screen, Tao Zeru has taken every step steadily and firmly, and finally successfully transformed into an admirable and powerful actor.

As Tao's acting career flourished, he also had to face the same dilemma that most successful people face: balancing career and family. Because he is a popular actor, he has to work and film outside for a long time, so he can't be with his family all the time.

He is a national first-class actor, and he has been in love with his first wife for 37 years without scandals, and regrets that he did not end up for his parents

However, in this case, the support and understanding of the family is particularly important.

Fortunately, Tao Zeru has an empathetic wife, Yang Lili. Yang Lili is not only a conscientious housewife, but also a filial daughter-in-law. She treats Tao Zeru's parents like her own parents and takes care of them carefully.

Tao Zeru's parents often sighed: "Zeru marrying Lili is a blessing he has cultivated in his life" This understanding and support from the family has become a strong backing for Tao Zeru's career development.

He is a national first-class actor, and he has been in love with his first wife for 37 years without scandals, and regrets that he did not end up for his parents

With the full support of Yang Lili, Tao Zeru was able to devote herself to her acting career, and their daughter grew up healthily in this loving environment. This young girl not only inherited her mother's beauty, but also possessed her father's talents.

Now, she has successfully graduated from Zhong Chinese yan University, has a successful career, and has formed her own happy family, watching her daughter's growth, Tao Zeru feels extremely gratified, which is also the best reward for his hard work over the years.

However, career success comes at a cost. Tao Zeru's biggest regret is that he couldn't be by his side when his parents died. Every time he recalls it, there is pain in his eyes.

He is a national first-class actor, and he has been in love with his first wife for 37 years without scandals, and regrets that he did not end up for his parents

He once sighed: "I know that my wife is for my good and doesn't want to affect my work, but I can't send my parents to the end, which will be the regret of my life" This regret has become an eternal pain in Tao Zeru's heart.

This regret made Tao Zeru cherish every moment with his family even more. Despite his busy schedule, he still makes as much time as possible to spend with his wife and daughter.

He often said: "The smile of my family is the motivation for me to move forward", and his attitude also affected the way he acted, and he began to look for family elements more in the role, integrating his feelings for his family into the performance.

He is a national first-class actor, and he has been in love with his first wife for 37 years without scandals, and regrets that he did not end up for his parents

Tao Zeru's story tells us that successful men often have families behind them that are silently supported. At the same time, it also reminds us that while pursuing career success, we must not ignore the existence and importance of family members, because family affection is the most precious wealth in life.

For Tao Zeru, balancing family and career is a course that needs to be learned forever. Even though he may not be perfect, he's always trying. His experience shows us that success is not just an individual achievement, but also a family effort.

Therefore, in this sense, Tao Zeru's success is the success of a family.

He is a national first-class actor, and he has been in love with his first wife for 37 years without scandals, and regrets that he did not end up for his parents

Tao Zeru is an actor who has made a name for himself in the entertainment industry and could have lived a luxurious life. However, he chose a different path, insisting on living a simple and simple life, devoting most of his energy to artistic creation.

Even at the peak of his career, Tao Zeru was not fooled by fame and fortune, and he and his wife Yang Lili chose an ordinary small apartment when they could afford to buy a big house. Yang Lili once said a thought-provoking sentence: "Are people who live in mansions necessarily happier than us?" This phrase not only expresses their true attitude towards life, but also reflects their unique understanding of happiness.

Tao Zeru focuses on artistic creation and deeply loves acting, as he often says: "Acting is my life, and I am willing to give everything for it." It is this kind of dedication and love that has made him perform well in many works such as "Black Hole", "Wrong Love for a Life", "Conquest 2", "Da Song Ti Criminal Officer 2", "Chicken Feathers Fly to the Sky", "A Generation of Famous Prime Minister Chen Tingjing", "In the Distance", "Stirring", "The King's Feast" and many other works, which have won the love of the audience and the recognition of the industry.

He is a national first-class actor, and he has been in love with his first wife for 37 years without scandals, and regrets that he did not end up for his parents

Today, Tao Zeru, who is 71 years old, has faded out of the spotlight of the entertainment industry. He began to have more time to think about life and look back on his acting career. He said: "The profession of being an actor has given me so much, and now it's time to give back to society. This kind of indifferent fame and fortune, tranquil and self-contained attitude is the embodiment of Tao Zeru's personality charm.

Tao Zeru's story tells us that true success lies not in the external aura, but in the inner satisfaction and passion for the cause. He used his life to interpret what it means to be "indifferent to fame and fortune, quiet and far-reaching".

In this impetuous era, Tao Zeru's choice undoubtedly provides us with a rare example and allows us to see the possibility of another life.

He is a national first-class actor, and he has been in love with his first wife for 37 years without scandals, and regrets that he did not end up for his parents

Tao Zeru's experience reminds us that no matter what situation we are in, we must also maintain our love for art and sincerity in life, which may be the secret of his continued popularity in the entertainment industry, and it is also a valuable inspiration he gave us in life.

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