
The pastry chef teaches you to make hand-torn cakes, and the method is detailed step by step, and the richer the side dishes, the better

author:Popsicles in winter

#American Food Inspector # There are many kinds of pasta, there are dozens of kinds of pasta alone, such as: home-cooked flapjacks, hair cakes, scallion oil cakes, burnt cakes, etc., of which hand-torn cakes will often appear on everyone's table, eating alone has already felt extremely sweet, crispy, if paired with a variety of flavors of fillings (egg minced, minced meat, green onions, sauce, etc.), then it is more tempting!

For northerners, the standard configuration of home-cooked hand-torn cakes is a fresh green onion, if you want to be of higher grade, in addition to the sauce, you also have to prepare a few freshly fried hot dishes, such as: bean sprouts, leeks, braised meat, etc., you can mix meat and vegetarian, but where there are conditions at home will not choose to eat alone.

The pastry chef teaches you to make hand-torn cakes, and the method is detailed step by step, and the richer the side dishes, the better

If you are interested in home-cooked hand-torn cakes, you may wish to follow our pastry chef and practice it yourself, not only the method and the recipe provided are very detailed, but also the whole process is dismantled step by step, the guarantee will make everyone feel that it is worth the money, after learning, it can be used in many occasions in daily life, whether it is eaten by yourself, or used to entertain guests is very suitable.

【Ingredients】: Flour, fine salt, cooking oil (salad oil), warm water.

【Production Process】:

The pastry chef teaches you to make hand-torn cakes, and the method is detailed step by step, and the richer the side dishes, the better

1, first, pour 500 grams of flour in the basin, then add 5 grams of refined salt, and 325 grams of warm water (add them in batches, a small amount), and then knead them into a smooth and transparent dough, knead well, and then put on a plastic film, put aside to wake up for half an hour.

The pastry chef teaches you to make hand-torn cakes, and the method is detailed step by step, and the richer the side dishes, the better

2, in addition, prepare a clean small bowl or small basin, first pour 1 or 2 flour in it, 1 or 2 cooking oil (salad oil, lard, rapeseed oil, etc.), after they are fully stirred, the link of puff pastry is completed, this recipe is suitable for all kinds of flapjacks or other pasta.

The pastry chef teaches you to make hand-torn cakes, and the method is detailed step by step, and the richer the side dishes, the better

3, after the dough is awake, then roll it into a rectangular dough sheet, at the same time, brush a thin layer of puff pastry, and then, first stack its two ends, and then find a sharp knife, on it evenly scratch a few knives, do not cut the joint, the state as shown in the above figure can be.

The pastry chef teaches you to make hand-torn cakes, and the method is detailed step by step, and the richer the side dishes, the better

4, then, then change the dough blade into a long strip, and then open 1 of them, at the same time, after lengthening it, then start from one end to plate it, and coil it into a round tower shape (the purpose of this will make the layering of the hand-torn cake made more abundant), "seat" into a cake blank, and then put it aside for 5 minutes.

The pastry chef teaches you to make hand-torn cakes, and the method is detailed step by step, and the richer the side dishes, the better

5, after the cake blank wakes up again in place, first roll it thinner, preheat the temperature of the electric cake bell to 200 degrees in advance (the inside needs to be kept oil-free), and then put them in one by one, burn it until it changes color, and then brush into a layer of salad oil, finally, repeatedly turn the noodles 2-3 times, you can put it on the table, home-style hand-torn cake is made, the taste is sweet and crispy, when eating, then roll up a green onion, there is nothing to say.


1, when burning to tear the cake by hand, do not brush the oil in the electric cake bell (or pan) in advance, otherwise, the skin will become very hard, which will seriously affect the taste, and is only suitable for people with good teeth.

2, in addition, to make the dough of the torn cake, be sure to use warm water to make noodles, do not put cold water, because there is no leavening agent (yeast, baking powder, etc.), so it will affect the fermentation of the shadow.