
Hand in hand to teach you to make hand grab cake, the method is detailed, novices can also learn [crispy hand grab cake]

author:Pretty food

Introduction: The authentic method of grabbing cakes by hand, eating once for half a month, breakfast in 10 minutes to get it, more delicious than buying

Hand-grabbed cake was invented by the Taiwanese, and later spread to the mainland after it was very popular, everyone fell crazy in love with the snack of hand-grabbed cake. Many friends take grab cakes as breakfast, because it is very convenient to make, but also very full, the price is also very affordable, so it is very popular with office workers. I remember when I went to work in the mornings of the past few years, I often went to the street stalls to buy food. Although it was delicious, I was also a little worried about whether the ingredients would not be fresh, and I always felt that I did not make clean and hygienic, and then I learned to make hand-grabbed cakes, and I never went outside to buy them again. In fact, the whole process of hand grabbing cake is quite simple, not as difficult as everyone imagines, and you can do a little more at a time, put it in the refrigerator to freeze, when eating, you only need to bake it in a pan or electric cake bell, and then with a box of pure milk or soy milk, breakfast is easy to get it in 8 minutes.

Hand in hand to teach you to make hand grab cake, the method is detailed, novices can also learn [crispy hand grab cake]

Many friends have always felt that making hand grab cake is too troublesome, in fact, the process of making hand grab cake is not complicated at all, but there are several skills, everyone must master it well, after learning these few small tricks, it is very easy to make hand grab cake by yourself, and the success rate is very high, you don't have to get up early to buy breakfast later, you can enjoy the hand grab cake made by yourself at home. Today I will share with you the simple way to make hand grab cakes, the whole process of making is also very interesting, let's take a look at it!

Hand in hand to teach you to make hand grab cake, the method is detailed, novices can also learn [crispy hand grab cake]

Step 1: First prepare 600 grams of ordinary flour, add 3 grams of salt, the role of salt is very large, why we feel very tough when eating hand cake, that is the role of salt, and it can also make the skin of the noodles become fragrant and crispy. Then add 400 ml of warm hot water of about 55 degrees, why use this water temperature to make noodles? Because too high a temperature will destroy the original taste, the dough made of cold water is very hard, and the water temperature is the best choice to make a soft hand-grabbed cake. After using chopsticks to form a flocculent shape, knead into a softer dough, knead the dough and then wake up for 10 to 15 minutes. To make this kind of hand grab cake dough must be softer, and the hand grab cake made of hard dough is not good and will not be very hard.

Hand in hand to teach you to make hand grab cake, the method is detailed, novices can also learn [crispy hand grab cake]

Step 2: After the dough is woken up, take it out, knead the dough on the board, first knead the long strip, and then use a knife to cut it into the same size of the agent, take a dough agent to roll it into an oval shape, after all the dough is rubbed, brush a layer of oil on the surface of the dough to lock the water, after the dough is sealed by the oil, the ductility of the dough will be very good, and then wake up the dough again for 35 minutes. If you have enough time, you can wake up a little more, and the taste will be better if you wake up for 1 to 2 hours.

Hand in hand to teach you to make hand grab cake, the method is detailed, novices can also learn [crispy hand grab cake]

Step 3: It is the most critical, to make a hand cake, you must have a puff pastry. Next we make puff pastry, add 15 grams of flour to the bowl, add 1 teaspoon of salt, and add some of my favorite shallots, friends who don't like green onions can also not put it, and then add the right amount of cooked oil to stir well. The oil used here must be selected from previously heated, raw oil will have a greasy smell, which will affect the taste of the hand-grabbed cake.

Hand in hand to teach you to make hand grab cake, the method is detailed, novices can also learn [crispy hand grab cake]

Step 4: The next step is to roll out the waking dough cake with a rolling pin, remember not to make it too thin in the process of rolling the dough, too thin is easy to break the skin, too thick will also affect the taste. Rolling out and spreading the pastry evenly over the pastry is the key to making the cake layered. Then the dough cake is stacked layer by layer, this step is very critical, do it well, the hand cake will be made more layered and soft. After folding, grasp the two ends of the dough, make a long strip on the board, then roll it up from one end, and finally put the tail underneath, press it slightly with your fingers, and wake up again for 5 minutes.

Hand in hand to teach you to make hand grab cake, the method is detailed, novices can also learn [crispy hand grab cake]

Step 5: Then use a rolling pin to roll out the dough into a circle, grab the cake by hand and roll it out. Prepare some oil paper, hand grab the cake roll out a good one and put it on the oil paper, and then put a piece of oil paper, you can do more at a time, all done and put it in the refrigerator to freeze up, I can eat it for about 20 days, when I want to eat in the morning, I can directly take it out and burn it, 8 minutes breakfast can be done.

Hand in hand to teach you to make hand grab cake, the method is detailed, novices can also learn [crispy hand grab cake]
Hand in hand to teach you to make hand grab cake, the method is detailed, novices can also learn [crispy hand grab cake]

Step 6: Place the rolled crusts in the preheated pan, select the shallot oil cake pattern to burn for 1 and a half minutes, then turn the cake over and continue to burn. Because my children don't like to eat green onions, I burned two flavors today.

Hand in hand to teach you to make hand grab cake, the method is detailed, novices can also learn [crispy hand grab cake]
Hand in hand to teach you to make hand grab cake, the method is detailed, novices can also learn [crispy hand grab cake]

We can also put in eggs, ham sausages, squeeze a little tomato sauce, put what sauce you like, put it according to your own taste, and the delicious hand-grabbed cake will be finished!

Hand in hand to teach you to make hand grab cake, the method is detailed, novices can also learn [crispy hand grab cake]

The hand-grabbed cake made in this way has many soft layers on the outside, and it is soft and tendons to eat, and it will not be hard when it is cold. Do you like this approach? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to put forward good suggestions, if you have a better hand grab cake method can also be shared with everyone, if you think this article is helpful to you thank you for forwarding to more friends, thank you for your continued support!