
Behind the popularity: Ye Xiaoyue in "New Song" last week also worried about rent

author:Upstream News
Behind the popularity: Ye Xiaoyue in "New Song" last week also worried about rent

From a nurse to a hip-hop "rapper", Ye Xiaoyue, a Shantou student in "China's New Songs" last week, almost proved with practical actions how much a person who loves music can make for music. But in addition to becoming popular, doubts and controversies also followed. Today (24th) Ye Xiaoyue was interviewed by upstream news - Chongqing Morning Post and other media groups, and responded to these questions and controversies: "The road is stepped out, just stick to yourself." ”

In last week's show, Ye Xiaoyue won the evaluation of his mentor Eason Chan as "lazy and a little arrogant" with an adapted version of "Stuffy", when Ye Xiaoyue smiled and said: "I am quite arrogant." In this original song is Faye Wong's adapted version of "Stuffy", Ye Xiaoyue added a lot of Chaoshan dialect rap, after the program was broadcast, once some netizens questioned her Chaoshan accent, and she did not hesitate to reply on Weibo: "Whether you like it or not, I will be proud of my hometown dialect." ”

Behind the popularity: Ye Xiaoyue in "New Song" last week also worried about rent

However, recalling his performance on the stage, Ye Xiaoyue told reporters that he could only use "a blank brain" to describe himself, and excessive tension also led to the original elaborate gestures, positions, etc. were forgotten. Ye Xiaoyue explained that on the one hand, it was because of the presence of his family, and on the other hand, he was worried about whether his rap could be accepted by the public.

Behind the popularity: Ye Xiaoyue in "New Song" last week also worried about rent

According to Ye Xiaoyue, he deliberately pushed away another rap program invitation for "New Song". She said bluntly that she also knows that coming to "New Song" means that she will face a more diverse group, and how to be accepted by the public is a bigger challenge for herself. However, she also said that she did not regret it, "because I still want to be known to more people about rap." ”

After the program was broadcast, perhaps it was the effect of Na Ying's teacher casually mentioning, the popular students of the last season of "New Song" Wan Nida and Ye Xiaoyue were pushed on the hot search together, and the two female rappers were inevitably compared by the public, and for various controversies on the Internet, Ye Xiaoyue said that there was no comparison between himself and Wanida: "Every rapper is a different individual, Wannida's feeling is cold, but my feelings are different." ”

In addition to the comparison with others, Ye Xiaoyue's bold adaptation of "Stuffy" in the first round also caused a lot of controversy, and some netizens thought that it was "unrecognizable". In this regard, Ye Xiaoyue said: "I still want to do my own things. Ye Xiaoyue also explained why she chose Faye Wong's classic song "Stuffy", because the chorus part is very in line with her own independent attitude as a girl, and each adaptation is a challenge for herself. She said: "Sometimes it is more difficult to adapt, not only to continue the meaning that the original singer wants to express, but also to add something new on this basis." However, when asked if he would choose to be conservative next time, Ye Xiaoyue said firmly: "No, I prefer something challenging." Ye Xiaoyue said that the first song only shows his attitude, and then there will be more of his own style, including the adaptation of popular songs, and the classic songs of Jay Chou and Zhang Huimei are under consideration.

Recalling the process of becoming a "rapper", Ye Xiaoyue bluntly said that the family is indeed a relatively large obstacle. Three years ago, she worked in the best hospital in Shantou, with a decent salary, and her parents were both civil servants. So when she decided to be a rapper, her parents really had a hard time accepting it. After that, she insisted on resigning and going to Guangzhou, and she was once very nervous because of the rent problem, and at first she could only go to the restaurant to sing, and slowly accumulated her own rap works.

For Ye Xiaoyue, who relies entirely on self-study, her boyfriend, who is also a rapper, has had a great influence on her. She said, "It was he who let me know that hiphop can also be very positive. In the face of the controversy of rap in the public impression, Ye Xiaoyue also has a clear understanding: "There will be controversies, and every new genre will face these controversies, just like when Jaylen's mentor first came out, but in the end it became its own school." Time will tell. ”

(Upstream News - Chongqing Morning News reporter Qiu Jinyi)