
The world's seafood encyclopedia, all eaten count your cow

author:The dish is very busy with life gourmet food

There are tens of thousands of seafood varieties in the world, but there are only a few that can be called top-notch! No matter which country in the world, which cuisine, if you want to achieve a high-pressure banquet, it is inevitable to do without some high-end seafood ingredients. Superb cooking skills, coupled with top-notch ingredients, are the perfect match for classic cuisine! Today Xiaobian will make a summary in this article from fish, shrimp, crabs, shellfish, to see what seafood from all over the world is. If there are any mistakes or omissions, please correct them.

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Su Mei

Su Mei is a well-known representative of high-pressure fish ingredients. The most commonly used weight of Sumei is about 600 grams, the best, and the price is also the most expensive. The price of Sumei of about 500 grams in the Chinese market is 600-1800 yuan per catty. The larger the fish, the cheaper it is. Although there are public sales in the domestic aquatic market, they are basically illegal. This fish is listed as endangered in the 2004 IUCN Red Book and is a protected species in Appendix II of the CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora).

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Sumei belongs to the family Ofsaceridae, known as corrugated fish, mainly distributed in China's Hainan Wanning, Lingshui and other seas and Southeast Asian waters. Sumei is a valuable marine fish, living in the sea with rocks and coral reefs, because there are two stripes like eyebrows behind the eyes, so it has a very special nickname - "Sumei". Its body color will be bright with the habitat of the color, so it is also called coral fish.

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Sumei in the Chinese market is mainly from Southeast Asia, especially Indonesia. A Sumei that weighs about 750 grams costs about 1500 yuan from the seafood market, and on the restaurant menu, such a fish can be sold for more than 3000 yuan with only a steam. Not everyone can afford to consume. However, it is still unable to affect the just demand of its market, especially during the holidays, Su Mei's demand is very strong, and sometimes there will even be a phenomenon that it is difficult to find a fish. It is said that coral fish such as Sumei may contain ciguatera toxin in their bodies, and heating or freezing cannot destroy its toxicity. From a legal and health point of view, it is still recommended that everyone do not consume Su Mei.

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The most suitable method for Sumei is steaming, because the Sumei fish meat itself has a unique sweet taste, and only steaming can best show its original taste. When steaming, ham, mushrooms and fungi can also be added, which can play a role in freshening. In addition, sumei fish can also be used to cook soup, but can not be seasoned with complex seasoning, and the basic cooking rules are not covered by the fresh flavor of the fish itself.

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Tsing Yi

Tsing Yi, also known as concubine fish. Because of its gorgeous green body, it is often followed by two when swimming in the water, just like a maid in green clothes, so it is named. The flesh of the Tsing Yi fish is thick and plump, and the braised braised fish can best taste the mellow taste of this fish. Tsing Yi is mainly produced in the tropical warm waters of Southeast Asia, because it requires the living conditions of coral atolls of about 20 meters, and the water quality requirements are extremely high, coupled with the slow growth cycle, it cannot be artificially farmed, and has always become a more expensive banquet.

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This wild Tsing Yi comes from indonesian waters, weighs 650 grams, and the price is about 280 yuan per catty.

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Mouse spots

Mouse spots are named because of their long, pointed beaks and shaped like rats. Its body is flattened, with 10 dorsal fin spines, no large teeth, generally more than 45 cm, the body is white, covered with black spots, the adult body color is darker, the markings on the body are particularly obvious, and the color is gorgeous. This fish has a white and luxurious appearance, delicate flesh and delicious taste, so it has become the exclusive favorite of high-end banquets all year round.

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The finest rat spots have a pale complexion and are served to the table after careful cooking by a master cook. Rich and noble people pay attention to "brocade and jade food", eating rat spots, whether from the appearance or from the point of view of body value, has almost reached the realm of eating jade, how can it not be popular? Wild rat spots are creamy white and black spots are all over the body. Its meat is tender and delicious, and it is best eaten with steaming. The price in the market is quite high, and it has the reputation of "the emperor of the spots".

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The mouse spots are white in the water, but they turn black when they are fished up, and they turn white after being put in the water, which is said to be a natural discoloration reaction of the fish and a kind of self-protection. Wild rat spots are also produced in southeast Asian waters and are called the king of fish by gourmets! The delicate flesh is to the point of melting in the mouth. The market price of wild rat spots is about 300 yuan per catty.

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Wild yellow-skinned tiger spots

Wild yellow-skinned tiger spot is native to Indonesian waters, pure wild and fresh seafood, gourmets love the best marine fish, the meat is delicious and firm, can produce sashimi, steaming and other classic dishes. It is one of the top ingredients in the deep sea that can be found. Eat it once and it will never be for a lifetime!

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Flower spots

Flower spot, commonly known as the spotted grouper, is named after the brown spots on its body. The taste is more fresh and tender, the taste is delicious, suitable for steaming.

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Wild Eastern Star Spot

East Star Spot, also known as East Star. The meat of this fish is tender and smooth, and it is best steamed. The Eastern Star Spot is covered with small white flower spots, resembling stars in the sky, so it is called "Star Spot", and the word "East" is because it originates from the Dongsha Islands in eastern China or the waters of Southeast Asia.

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The Eastern Star Spot usually lives in the deep sea below 100 meters and has a long growth cycle. The color is blue, red, brown and yellow, and the body shape is thinner than that of the average spotted fish, and the head is small.

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Wild Eastern Star Spots in Chinese aquatic markets generally come from Indonesia and the Philippines. The market price is usually around 300 yuan per catty.

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There is a saying in seafood that "cherry blossoms in flowers, seabream in fish, if you talk about the East Star, both are thrown away". Dongxing Spot is a deep-sea noble fish with a super high taste experience, its surface is red, but the inside is crystal white, coupled with the sweet flesh, the fish skin is refreshing, and it has always given people a noble impression. Dongxing Spot has become a valuable edible fish, especially the big red, which is the first choice for many high-end banquets.

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Like Australian lobster, Dongxing spot has an unshakable position in the Chinese seafood market, and the demand for high-grade ingredients in the Chinese catering market is extremely great.

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West Star Spot

West star spot, also known as west star, also known as blue dot grouper, ying dot grouper, the body is covered with blue or black spots, 1 weighs 2-3 pounds, the market price is 300-400 yuan / kg.

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Red friends

Red friends, also known as purple snapper in Japan, are delicious and nutritious. In China, it is mainly produced in Xiamen and coastal Guangdong.

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Happy times

Also known as Kitchiji, Kijiji is mainly distributed along the Pacific coast and the Bering Sea north of Suruga Bay in Japan, with a bright scarlet body and bright eyes. The best season to taste Kichiji is from autumn to early spring, this fish is soft and fat, and is said to be one of Mr. Cai Lan's favorite fish, which he jokingly calls "flowing oil fish". In the domestic market, this fish is usually chilled and can be produced for sashimi and grilled, and is widely used in Japanese food stores.

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Fine scales

A fish native to Saigon, the price is not high, but it is very rare and cannot be found. The scales of this fish are very small, the scales are white and thin, and it is almost difficult to distinguish, so it is called "fine scales". The flesh of the fine scaled fish is also extremely white and tender, but the production is very small, it is difficult to catch, and it is usually caught by chance.

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Too star-spotted

Also known as Thai Star Spot, it is produced in Indonesia and Malaysia. It is a high-end fish ingredient second only to the East Star Spot. Restaurants generally use steaming.

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Wild three-knife king

The wild three-knife fish emperor, known as the "fish king" by Hong Kong people, has always been known as the best that can be encountered but not sought. Its fish body is thicker, before cooking, you must first use a knife and then chop a few knives on the fish to make the fish cooked thoroughly, so people call it "three knives" or "three knives".

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Wild three-knife fish are extremely rare, so hotels in Hong Kong never accept reservations, no matter who it is, if you want to eat this fish, you have to rely on luck. When the three-knife fish is cooked, it is directly steamed with scales, which firmly seals the essence of the fish in the body, and its meat is plump and tender, and the sweetness is full of flavor, no wonder its price is not cheap, but it is still popular.

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Imperial Salmon

The rich and handsome of the salmon is known in Japan as the Tsukisuke, referring to the famous Imperial Salmon. Monarch salmon are farmed in North America, Australia, Chile and Norway, while natural fish are found north of Northeast Japan and North America. Japan's domestic production is sparse, very high-end, mainly dependent on the United States, Canada imports, its taste, price are the king of salmon. The best season for Imperial Salmon produced in Japan is spring and summer, but it is also very expensive. It can mainly be used in sashimi, sushi and other dishes. Of all salmon, king salmon contains the highest amount of natural fish oil, making it tender, full-bodied and full-bodied. There is a legend in the jianghu: "Not all salmon are qualified to be called imperial salmon!" It can be seen that the emperor salmon can be regarded as the top representative of salmon.

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King salmon from New Zealand is also a favourite among gourmets around the world. The King Salmon is the most prominent species of salmon, rare in number, accounting for less than 1% of the world's salmon, and is very precious, and is one of the home ingredients in three Michelin-starred restaurants.

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Of course, there are many species of salmon produced in Japan, the most expensive of which is salmon, the Japanese call "phantom salmon", the market price is as high as a few thousand yuan a kilogram, which is dozens of times that of ordinary salmon, which is called a sky-high price!

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Salmon refers to salmon whose reproductive organs are not properly developed, and its production is very rare, only one or two out of 10,000, and only in October to December there is a chance to be caught. Take stock of the world's top ingredients and discover a feast of curiosities. For more exciting content, please pay attention to the WeChat public account: Kitchen Shadow Cuisine. Salmon is one of the most valuable of salmon, with 20-30% more fat than regular salmon, making its flesh extremely sweet and delicate.

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It is mainly produced in the Hokkaido area, where the local sashimi is a famous local dish made from fresh and frozen salmon. There is a reason for this, because salmon have a lot of fat, and after freezing, the thin cut fish pieces are used to make sashimi, and when put in the mouth, the fat slowly dissolves in the mouth, and the taste is very sweet.

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Southern clams

A kind of marine fish produced in Hainan, China, called the southern mussel in the market, the price of wild is very expensive, and the taste is delicious. The price of breeding is about 120 yuan per catty.

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Ice sees cold amberjacks

Amberjack is known as the king of amberjacks. As migratory fish, the amberjack accumulates a lot of fat in order to resist the cold during migration, and the flesh is very tight due to fighting the waves along the way. Therefore, the quality of the amberjack is very high, rich in fat, the meat is fresh and sweet, and in winter, the authentic Japanese restaurant will not lack the shadow of "amberjack". At this time, the amberjack is sweet in flesh, rich in fat, and can melt on the tip of the tongue in the mouth, making it the top ingredient of the season.

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Among the cold whales, the Izumi kanami (氷見寒ブリ) caught along the coast of Toyama Ihemi City is the most noble, because the bass fish that pass through here have the longest migration, and their fat and flesh are better than other cold amberjacks, but they only appear a few times a year from November to December in the open sea of Ikumi, so the production of the amberjack is very limited, it is a very precious ingredient, and it is the most famous amberjack in Japan. So much so that restaurants selling amberjack all over Japan use ice-like amberjack as a banner to attract customers. In ancient Japan, it was served as a high-grade product for shoguns and emperors.

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Since local fishermen still use traditional fixed nets, the daily catch is only a few hundred, which is sold several times that of ordinary amberjack. It is said that Ikumi has been using this method of fishing for solitaire, called the "fixed net fishing method", for more than 400 years. In order to spawn, the amberjack swims south to the fishing port of Izumi and is caught ashore, when the amberjack is just fat and delicious. The preservation method of the cold amberjack fish caught ashore will also be treated in accordance with the preservation method mentioned above, and the cold amberjack that is immediately put into the ice water is in a temporary state of death, which maintains the freshness of the fish to the greatest extent. The Izumi Fish Market is closed to unrelated people, and the average guest can only watch fishing operations or bidding from the second floor aisle of the market. Each amberjack certified "Ice Cold Amberjack" will be issued with a sales certificate, which can only be used once on the fish and transported to various places in a special blue box.

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Ice cream is now the top ingredient in Japan. Restaurants throughout Japan pride themselves on being able to serve "Ice Cold Amberjack".

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Red melon seed spots

Red melon seed spot is a kind of high-grade edible seawater fish, the body is orange-red to yellow-brown, there are brownish red or dark brown dots all over the body, the fish meat is snow white, the flesh is thick and smooth, the fish skin is flexible, the fish flavor is strong, and it is a fine product among groupers.

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Money spots

The money spot is a type of grouper that gets its name because it is covered with black markings the size of coins. Money spot is a high-end edible fish, the flesh is snow white, the meat is extremely tender and delicate, is regarded as a superior delicacy, loved. The money spots are not large, each one weighs about 300 grams, don't look at it small, but fierce.

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Stone fish

Stone fish are widely distributed and are also produced in the waters around Hong Kong. It is described as strange and has a somewhat terrifying appearance, much like a reef on the ocean floor, which is difficult to detect when not noticed. Someone has asked the editor before, stone fish contains high toxicity, can it be eaten? In fact, the toxicity of the stone fish is mainly in its backstab, and its meat is not only non-toxic, but also very tender and delicious. Stone fish bones are less fleshy, rich in gum, and tender and smooth after steaming. The soup stewed with stone fish is very rich and mellow, and the taste is excellent.

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Wild stone mussels

Stone mussels, also known as star-dotted snapper, because the fins are yellow, also known as "yellow-winged boys", represent the high-pressure lattice ingredients in fish. Widely distributed in the waters from southern Japan to Hong Kong, wild stone mussels are a relatively rare high-end edible fish.

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Oma bluefin tuna

If bluefin tuna is the highest ingredient in all tuna, Oma tuna from Aomori Prefecture is the crown of bluefin tuna. For some foodies, if you can eat the bluefin tuna produced in Aomori in the winter, it is a very happy thing in life. The Japanese believe that only in winter, only in Oma, only bluefin tuna obtained through a book of fishing is the best of the tuna.

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In the early morning of January 5, 2019, a bluefin tuna from Oma-cho, Aomori Prefecture, Japan, was auctioned at a sushi restaurant for 333.6 million yen (about 21.1076 million yuan), averaging 1.2 million yen (about 76,000 yuan) per kilogram. Previously, the highest price for tuna auctions was 155 million yen in 2013, but the price at this auction was almost twice the price in 2013, the highest price ever made.

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The "ten" of tuna depends on the water temperature, so in the winter when the water temperature is low, the tuna will continue to have a large amount of fat in the body, thus becoming fat and sweet, which is the most delicious season for tuna. It can be said that the Daima tuna is delicious at any time, but only the Oma tuna that is caught in winter is a gem.

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Tiger pufferfish

The Tiger Puffer Fish is considered the most delicious puffer fish king from all the puffer fish, and the sashimi made with it is considered to be Japan's "King of Winter White Sashimi". Adult wild tiger pufferfish, the largest weight can reach 4 kg -8 kg or more, body length of about 70cm, white meat and less fat, is the best puffer fish ingredients, but the most toxic. Winter is the most delicious season for tiger pufferfish, especially from December to March, because it is about to enter the spawning period, its flesh color is crystal clear, and the deliciousness of the meat quality has reached the extreme.

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Natural puffer fish dishes, how can you get the best "fish fin sake" dried by the fins, then grilled again, and then soaked in sake. Depending on the time of roasting, the part of the roast, or the wine that is soaked, the taste will vary. The fin wine of Ryugin is slightly sweet and is usually soaked in three fins in the sake, so the taste is very strong. Feel the change in the taste of the wine, which is the pleasure of tasting "Fish Fin Wine".

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In particular, natural tiger puffer fish, which is more than 5 kilograms, has an overwhelmingly thick delicious and sticky taste, and is easy to manipulate the size of the fillet, which is the dream of high-end foodies.

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The natural puffer fish is white, and the largest white fish can exceed 30 cm in length. A pair of natural puffer fish is more than 2 kilograms white, which is a blessing for fish white lovers.

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Puffer fish white has two ways: salt roast and soy sauce roast. Salt yakitori with a mellow texture and soy sauce yaki with a caramel flavor are very delicious and can be naturally selected according to your taste and the mood of the day. The characteristics of Baizi 焼き are very tender in taste, tender on the outside and tender on the inside, and gradually melt in the mouth like cream when eaten.

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The Japanese like to eat this highly toxic puffer fish dish. Japanese people love to eat puffer fish is already known to the world, and japan eats puffer fish is a historical tradition. Fugu has been popular in Japan as early as the Edo period, and it has become a high-grade edible fish that ordinary people cannot afford. The toxins of the pufferfish are mainly concentrated in the ovaries, liver and gallbladder, etc., even if it is heated, it is difficult to destroy, and there is no toxin in other parts of the body of the puffer fish, so as long as it is properly handled, the parts containing the toxin can be eaten with confidence, so there is also a desperate fight to eat the puffer fish, which shows how tempting the taste of this poison is. The love of eating puffer fish also reflects the Japanese people's pursuit of food, and at the same time reflects the Japanese spirit of adventure.

Blue melon seed spots

According to the owner of the seafood restaurant, this fish is native to Southeast Asia, its fish skin is thicker, oily and smooth, and the meat is more tender. Due to the large size of the blue melon seeds, one is about 7 pounds, generally choose one fish and three to eat: the head and fish brisket can be steamed, the fish meat is smoothly fried, and the fish bone is boiled in soup.

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Kasako fish

Kasako fish (Japanese アラカブ) Kasako fish is named in the Kumamoto Prefecture and Kagoshima regions of Japan because of its large head and the appearance of carrying a bucket. Sashimi, soup, shabu-shabu, very delicious! Kasako fish in the Chinese market is generally chilled, and Japanese restaurants generally produce dishes such as kasako sashimi and grilled kasako fish. It is said that eating this fish can prevent cerebral thrombosis and has a miraculous effect on high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis.

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Golden-eyed snapper

Known as the "National Fish of Japan", the golden seabream is fat but not greasy, and the taste is excellent. It inhabits the deep seas of the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean at depths of 200 to 800 m. This fish is red phosphorus dot-shaped, fat but not greasy, and the taste is more than one grade higher than salmon. The golden seabream has large eyes and a bright crimson red color!! The meat is delicate and delicious, and it is suitable for sashimi, sushi, braised pork, salt yaki and other dishes. Golden sea bream and red-eyed silver carp are the same type of deep-sea fish, also known as large-eyed silver carp, the biggest difference between the two is that the golden seabream's eyes are particularly large, the lower fin is also larger, the flesh is quite Q tender, is used as a good ingredient for sashimi.

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Yellow snapper

The yellow snapper lives in clean waters and feeds on seaweed. The meat is delicious, with a fishy taste common to all kinds of fish, refreshing and delicious, and the meat is tough. It is worth mentioning that the yellow snapper has a wonderful sexual transformation. Yellow snapper have sexual reproductive organs when they are young, they first develop into females and yellow eels are somewhat similar, when the first sexual maturity, after laying eggs, the ovaries gradually shrink or disappear, replaced by the sperm nest began to develop, becoming a male fish. It is generally used as sashimi and grilled in Japanese food shops.

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Brown banded grouper

Brown banded grouper is a large grouper living on the Pacific coast, adult fish generally have 1m, 30 to 50 kg, the largest can exceed 100 kg. Fresh brown banded groupers have a pale pink color, after which the color gradually becomes darker. Due to its small catch, the large brown bander is recognized in Japan as a high-grade fish ingredient, with Kochisan and Wakayama being the most famous. Brown banded grouper is the most delicious season in winter, and is usually used as an ingredient in high-end hot pot dishes. Unlike its tough exterior, the fat white meat has an elegant and delicious taste. In particular, the fish skin with rich gelatinous content is a taste that cannot be forgotten after eating it once.

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Super oil

Oil, also known as snake woman, is called "oil" because of the abundance of oil on the body. Oil fish is a specialty of the Sanmen Island sea and is not easy to see in other places. This fish skin is thick, rich in gum, the fish meat is sweet and tender, very suitable for steaming, braised, not only delicious taste, but also beauty and beauty, deeply loved by diners. The oil chase in the picture below belongs to the volume of the super large, it is said that there are about 20 pounds, look, it seems that the fish tank is almost unable to hold it.

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There are three members of the eel family that are widely known to the Japanese: star eels, river eels, and moray eels. Moray eels, whether in taste or cooking, are one of the most special. The Japanese believe that the taste of moray eels is light but rich and restrained, so they combine the fish characters and the toyo characters and name them eels. Moray eels are among the most advanced seasonal edible fish in Japan, comparable to puffer fish in spring and cherry seabream in winter. Moray eels are extremely fierce, with teeth as sharp as saws, and eat shrimp, crabs, squid and conchs at night, so they have another name - wolf tooth eels.

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The reason why Japanese people eat eels is because the Japanese believe that only eels are the most "aphrodisiac tonic kidneys", and not eating eels is "a big regret in life". Since the Edo period, the Japanese have had a tradition of eating eels every year for 18 days before spring, summer, autumn, and winter. It is believed that eating eels in the summer can replenish vitality and make the body stronger. However, the really fattening season for eels is in the autumn and winter before migration. In order to resist the cold winter, the eel's body begins to accumulate a lot of fat, so the fat is rich and the taste is more intense and mellow.

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Wild yellow croaker

Among the wild fish in the East China Sea, not everyone eats it. The picture below shows more than 3 kilograms of wild yellow fish, each priced at about 10,000 yuan! Whether someone asks you to eat it, or you invite someone else to eat it, wild yellow croaker is definitely worth a million yuan fish that you deserve to fight fiercely.

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Yellow-lipped fish

Yellow-lipped fish, known as the Money Fish, the Money Fish, also known as (Fish Height). It is a unique fish species in China and is regarded as a superior tonic, especially the fish fat (commonly known as "fish glue") is very precious, known as "expensive as gold". An American media outlet announced 9 of the world's most expensive foods, of which the money fish is among them.

According to old fishermen who have eaten yellow lip fish meat, the taste of yellow lip fish is similar to that of yellow croaker, but because it is too large, the meat is relatively rough and not delicate enough, so it cannot be said that it is a superb delicacy. So why are people still donating money and spending millions of dollars to buy it? In fact, the real value of the yellow-lipped fish is its fish maw, which can be made into the finest money turtle glue in flower glue.

In the top flower glue, the order of ranking by species is: money eel glue (yellow lip fish), white flower glue (large white flower fish), yellow flower glue (big yellow flower fish), eel glue (large eel), door eel glue (gate eel), yellow lip fish glue is known as "the first of flower glue". It is said that the special effect of fish glue to nourish the liver and kidneys, such as Koryo (ginseng), hemostasis is very good, especially for pregnant women after childbirth blood collapse and other medicine to get rid of the disease. Therefore, in the past, if the yellow-lipped fish were caught in the general fishing village, the village would celebrate and divide and eat it. The maws are dried and stored for urgent use in case of maternal bleeding. The fresh glue of yellow-lipped fish (Note: fish fat) is the same weight of gold price is also difficult to look back", yellow-lipped fish in Guangdong commonly known as gold fish, the saying is not false. In recent years, there have been repeated news of yellow lip fish selling at sky-high prices, and a fish is worth at least millions.

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King of the Shells: Bricks

It is mainly distributed in the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean. There are 6 species in China, distributed in Taiwan and the Islands and Reefs of the South China Sea.

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Main production area in Japan: Okinawa. How to eat in Japan: Sashimi. The natural wild pelagic in Japan has a 4-star rating and a maximum of 5-star ratings. 砗磲日语名:ヒレシャコガイ。 All species are listed on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species Ver 3.1 in 2013. All species are listed as protected animals in the Cites Appendix II of the Washington Convention. The list of aquatic wildlife under key protection in China also lists the Ku's shellfish as a first-class national protected marine organism.

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It is a marine animal of the bivalves of the mollusc phylum. There are 1 family, 2 genera and 9 species, all of which are tropical species, usually living on coral reefs with their feet attached to them. It is the largest bivalve shellfish in the ocean, known as the "King of Shells", and the largest shell can reach more than 1 meter long and weigh more than 200 kilograms.

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The shell is thick and thick, the shell edge is like a tooth, the two shells are of the same size, and the inner shell is white and smooth, white as jade. The external ligament usually has a large filament hole in the foot. The hinged part has one main tooth and 1 to 2 posterior lateral teeth. The coat marks are intact, the anterior occlusal muscle disappears, and the posterior occlusal muscle is near the center. There is a large number of zooxanthellae in the mantle membrane, and with the help of vitreous light in the membrane, the zooxanthellae multiply in large quantities and as their own nutrients, and the two form a special relationship of mutual benefit and symbiosis.

The world's seafood encyclopedia, all eaten count your cow

In legend, giant clams are often misunderstood as "killer mussels" or "man-eating mussels", and the U.S. Navy Diving Manual has even detailed how to cut off the adductor muscles if they are caught by the giant mussels. However, in fact, giant mussels are not particularly aggressive or particularly dangerous, and they are not carnivorous shellfish. Giant mussels do have the ability to close their shells, but this is a defensive act. There is no record of any human being ever being trapped in this way. The shell is huge, and the meat inside the shell is richer than the average dried scallop meat. Pork is better than the largest, the meat is delicious, it is already a good product, and its closed shell muscle (commonly known as "oyster tendon") is the best in natural food in the seafood, which is torn into thin strips of silk when eating, a trace of the entrance, and the taste is especially fresh after chewing for a long time. Now, the price of pork is nearly 1,000 yuan per kilogram.

The world's seafood encyclopedia, all eaten count your cow

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