
Is eating seafood an increased risk of kidney disease? Attention middle-aged and elderly people! There are two foods that are best avoided in the summer!

author:Smell sir and talk about health

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"There is something abnormal about your kidney function, which may be related to your recent eating habits." The doctor said solemnly.

Uncle Liu, 58 years old, usually likes to eat some seafood, especially in summer, drinking beer with seafood, which is simply delicious in the world.

One day, he was at home cleaning up his closet and watching TV.

A health program is being broadcast on the TV, and the host is talking about the dietary precautions of middle-aged and elderly people.

Uncle Liu inadvertently glanced at it, but was attracted by the words on the screen: "Eating seafood is easy to increase the risk of kidney disease?" Attention middle-aged and elderly people! ”

Is eating seafood an increased risk of kidney disease? Attention middle-aged and elderly people! There are two foods that are best avoided in the summer!

The experts in the program began to explain in detail:

"Although seafood is delicious, it needs to be paid special attention to middle-aged and elderly people, especially those whose kidney function is not very good."

The expert's words made Uncle Liu sit up straight and listen carefully.

The expert continues: "First of all, seafood contains high levels of purines, a substance that is metabolized in the body and converted into uric acid.

If you consume too much, it is easy to cause uric acid to rise, which can lead to problems such as gout and kidney stones. ”

Risks of seafood

Uncle Liu was a little panicked thinking about the big meal he had a few days ago. The expert's words seemed to hit him on the spot.

Is eating seafood an increased risk of kidney disease? Attention middle-aged and elderly people! There are two foods that are best avoided in the summer!

The expert also added:

"Not only purines, but seafood may also contain high levels of heavy metals, especially shellfish and crustaceans. These heavy metals accumulate in the body and cause a burden on the kidneys. ”

After hearing this, Uncle Liu couldn't help but start thinking about his eating habits. He recalls a recent check-up in which the doctor had alerted him to something unusual in his kidney function. At the time, he didn't pay much attention to it, but now it seems that it may have something to do with his frequent seafood eating.

The expert also recounted a case:

"A 65-year-old gentleman, because he likes to eat seafood, caused long-term high uric acid, which eventually caused severe gout and kidney stones. It was only after adjusting the diet that the symptoms were relieved. "Experts recommend that middle-aged and elderly people, especially those with poor kidney function, should avoid two foods in summer: seafood and high-salt foods.

Is eating seafood an increased risk of kidney disease? Attention middle-aged and elderly people! There are two foods that are best avoided in the summer!

Dangers of high-salt foods

Uncle Liu heard a new word again - high-salt food. The expert explains:

"A high-salt diet can lead to an increase in blood pressure, which is a significant factor in kidney disease. Long-term high-salt diet can cause irreversible damage to the kidneys. ”

Adjustments in life

Uncle Liu decided to adjust his eating habits from now on.

He cleaned up his home, cleaned the fridge of seafood and high-salt food, and prepared to start eating healthily.

Is eating seafood an increased risk of kidney disease? Attention middle-aged and elderly people! There are two foods that are best avoided in the summer!

Doctors give a few tips for eating a healthy diet:

Is eating seafood an increased risk of kidney disease? Attention middle-aged and elderly people! There are two foods that are best avoided in the summer!

Experts cite a study:

"A study of 10,000 middle-aged and older adults showed that reducing salt intake and moderate protein intake significantly reduced the incidence of kidney disease. The study, which lasted 10 years, found that dietary modification had a significant effect on the prevention of kidney disease. ”

Is eating seafood an increased risk of kidney disease? Attention middle-aged and elderly people! There are two foods that are best avoided in the summer!

Uncle Liu followed the advice of doctors and experts and began to pay attention to his eating habits.

He eats more fresh vegetables and fruits every day, reduces the intake of seafood and high-salt foods, and gradually feels a lot more relaxed.

He went to the hospital regularly every week for check-ups, and the doctor told him that his kidney function had improved, which made him even more determined to eat healthily.

The expert also called on the program to:

"Middle-aged and elderly people must pay attention to their eating habits, and the prevention of kidney disease should start from daily life. Eating a reasonable diet and maintaining good lifestyle habits are the most effective ways to protect the kidneys. ”

Since seafood and high-salt foods are harmful to the kidneys, are other foods high in purines and salt also need to be taken care of? Especially for middle-aged and elderly people, how should the daily diet be balanced?

Is eating seafood an increased risk of kidney disease? Attention middle-aged and elderly people! There are two foods that are best avoided in the summer!

High-purine foods: In addition to seafood, organ meats, thick broths, certain legumes and yeast are also high in purines. Middle-aged and elderly people with poor kidney function should minimize the intake of these foods.

High-salt foods: Salt-rich foods are found in pickled foods, processed foods, fast foods, and some condiments. Middle-aged and elderly people should try to avoid these high-salt foods and choose low-salt, natural ingredients.

Eat a balanced diet: In addition to avoiding foods high in purines and salt, you should also consume enough fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, and choose good protein sources such as fish, eggs, and legumes.

Daily living habits: In addition to diet, it is also important to maintain good lifestyle habits.

Middle-aged and elderly people should maintain an appropriate amount of exercise, avoid sitting for a long time, ensure adequate sleep, conduct regular health checks, and detect and solve health problems in a timely manner.

Is eating seafood an increased risk of kidney disease? Attention middle-aged and elderly people! There are two foods that are best avoided in the summer!

Through scientific diet and healthy living habits, middle-aged and elderly people can effectively prevent kidney disease and other chronic diseases, and maintain their health and vitality.

The road to recovery

Within six months of changing his diet and lifestyle habits, Uncle Liu's kidney function improved significantly.

Every time he went to the hospital for a follow-up, the doctor affirmed his progress. Uncle Liu's mental state is also getting better and better, and he has regained the vitality of his youth.

Aunt Wang also benefited, not only learned more healthy dishes, but also her physical condition was much better than before.

The two go for daily walks together and enjoy a healthy lifestyle.

Is eating seafood an increased risk of kidney disease? Attention middle-aged and elderly people! There are two foods that are best avoided in the summer!

Uncle Liu's suggestion

Uncle Liu shared his experience at the Community Health Talk:

"Changes in diet and lifestyle habits are really important, especially for us middle-aged and older people. Be sure to eat less seafood and high-salt foods, eat more vegetables and fruits, and maintain good lifestyle habits in order to have a healthy body. ”

His speech resonated with the community, who expressed their desire to follow his footsteps and pay attention to healthy diet.

So here's the question:

In addition to seafood and high-salt foods, what other foods or dietary habits can negatively affect kidney health in middle-aged and older adults?

Is eating seafood an increased risk of kidney disease? Attention middle-aged and elderly people! There are two foods that are best avoided in the summer!

High-fat diet:

A high-fat diet can lead to obesity and high blood lipids, which are risk factors for kidney disease.

Middle-aged and elderly people should avoid eating too much fried food and high-fat meat, and choose a low-fat, high-fiber diet.

Excessive nutrient supplementation: Some middle-aged and elderly people think that supplementing with large amounts of vitamins and minerals is beneficial to the body, but excessive nutrients can also cause a burden on the kidneys.

For example, excessive calcium supplementation can lead to kidney stones, and excess vitamin D can affect kidney function.

Through the above analysis, it can be seen that not only seafood and high-salt foods, but also some other high-sugar, high-protein, high-fat foods and irregular eating habits will also have a negative impact on the kidney health of middle-aged and elderly people.

Is eating seafood an increased risk of kidney disease? Attention middle-aged and elderly people! There are two foods that are best avoided in the summer!

Middle-aged and elderly people should pay attention to the diversity and balance of diet, avoid excessive intake of a single type of food, and maintain a healthy lifestyle in order to effectively protect kidney health.

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Ancient Oasis

Is eating seafood an increased risk of kidney disease? Attention middle-aged and elderly people! There are two foods that are best avoided in the summer!



Is eating seafood an increased risk of kidney disease? Attention middle-aged and elderly people! There are two foods that are best avoided in the summer!

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