
#One week fat loss is not heavy sample #Snow Mountain Red Face Cake

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
#One week fat loss is not heavy sample #Snow Mountain Red Face Cake

The cake is soft and rose-scented, and it is comfortable with a cup of milk coffee!

by shamojinlihua

Low gluten flour 50g

4 eggs

Salad oil 40 g

Caster sugar 35 g

Milk 40 g

Vanilla extract 2 drops

Strawberry jam a little

Yogurt to taste

Eat a few rose petals

#One week fat loss is not heavy sample #Snow Mountain Red Face Cake

1, fluffy and sweet cake, plus rose petals, more romantic, more beautiful!

#One week fat loss is not heavy sample #Snow Mountain Red Face Cake

2: Four eggs separate the egg white and yolk

#One week fat loss is not heavy sample #Snow Mountain Red Face Cake

3: Add milk, salad oil, 10g caster sugar to the egg yolk, stir well, add low gluten flour, z-shaped cut and mix well

#One week fat loss is not heavy sample #Snow Mountain Red Face Cake

4, drop two drops of vanilla essence into the egg white, add 25 grams of fine granulated sugar three times to beat to the soft foaming state, the appearance of a small curved hook

#One week fat loss is not heavy sample #Snow Mountain Red Face Cake

5: Add 1/3 of the egg yolk paste to mix well, then pour it back into the egg white paste and mix evenly

#One week fat loss is not heavy sample #Snow Mountain Red Face Cake

6, pour into the 28 * 28 square plate, the bottom of the oil paper, shake well,

#One week fat loss is not heavy sample #Snow Mountain Red Face Cake

7: Preheat the oven, then add the cake batter, 150 degrees for 38 minutes, lower layer

#One week fat loss is not heavy sample #Snow Mountain Red Face Cake

8, 6. Out of the oven, slightly cool, with the help of oil paper to turn over

#One week fat loss is not heavy sample #Snow Mountain Red Face Cake

9: Cut evenly into three strips, two of which are coated with strawberry jam, stacked, covered with the third cake,

#One week fat loss is not heavy sample #Snow Mountain Red Face Cake

10. Cut into pieces

#One week fat loss is not heavy sample #Snow Mountain Red Face Cake

11. Drizzle with yogurt and sprinkle with rose petals for the best of the flowers! Accompanied by a cup of milk coffee, very comfortable afternoon tea!

The baking time and temperature are observed and adjusted according to the temper of the oven!

Nourish the heart, benefit the kidneys, remove heat, quench thirst, and treat dirty, irritable, thirst-

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