
164 types of groupers, we have caught 30 species in Sabah (1)

Eight-banded grouper: It is a rare grouper, which mainly inhabits rocky areas with a depth of 100 meters, and feeds on bottom animals and fish. The body length can reach 130 cm, the weight is up to 80 kg, and it is a good steamed braised product.

164 types of groupers, we have caught 30 species in Sabah (1)

White melon seed spot: scientific name "fine spot grouper", also known as "bluefin grouper" or "high body grouper", inhabiting depth of less than 150 meters, body length up to 122 cm, living in coral reef seas, benthic fish, carnivorous, crustaceans, fish for food.

164 types of groupers, we have caught 30 species in Sabah (1)

Gill spiny bass: It mainly inhabits coral-growing lagoons and reef areas facing the sea, and is often found on the slopes of outer reefs. Ferocious and extremely gluttonous, it feeds on fish and occasionally preys on crustaceans. It can reach a length of 125 cm and weighs 25 kg.

164 types of groupers, we have caught 30 species in Sabah (1)

Corrugated groupers: the head, body, and scales are grayish-purple to brownish-gray, the head has brown or golden brown spots, and the dorsal side has wavy longitudinal lines of the same color (lines are blurred or disappeared in large fish bodies); the edges of the hard spines of the dorsal fin are narrow bands of black. It prefers to inhabit sandy and muddy sedimentary waters, and is a benthic fish, feeding on fish, crustaceans, etc., and can be used as an edible fish.

164 types of groupers, we have caught 30 species in Sabah (1)

Brinell's grouper: also known as "orange spot grouper", commonly known as "sesame spot", inhabits shoal piles, habitat depth is generally between 30 and 100 meters, body length of up to 76 cm, feeding on fish and crustaceans.

164 types of groupers, we have caught 30 species in Sabah (1)

Red-spotted grouper: up to 50 cm long, prefers to inhabit rocky reefs and gravel sedimentary sea areas, generally do not form large groups. Carnivorous, feeding on fish and shrimp, etc. The meat is delicious, whether it is made into a seafood hot pot, sashimi or steamed or boiled ginger broth!

164 types of groupers, we have caught 30 species in Sabah (1)